Westcott’s Space Cluster is unique.
Unlike other rocket propulsion test facilities, Westcott Venture Park is privately owned. As such, its 650 acres supports space-related companies to establish and scale their operations within the park. The secure, controlled environment is situated in the heart of the Oxford-Cambridge arc and is home to a plethora of businesses operating within the sector.
That’s why we’ve been continually expanding and attracting established and international businesses for years now. Our entrepreneurial, innovative, and multifaceted culture makes Westcott one of the most exciting commercial space clusters in the world.
Businesses here are developing the focus for the UK’s space propulsion R&D activities and will accelerate the translation of R&D into the industrial base, including new ‘green’ propellants.
In 2017, the UK Space Agency agreed to create a national rocket test centre at Westcott and alongside the European Space Agency, invest in new test facilities on site. This reflects the national importance of this work, creating an opportunity to build a world-leading space centre in a part of the country that is expanding its skill base and offering greater opportunities for the area.
The Space Cluster within the Westcott Venture Park will help to exploit the business opportunities inherent in the emerging fields of Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs), including Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), by capitalising on parallel investments in instrumentation and communications infrastructure.
Defense and Space Manufacturing
Company size
51-200 employees
Westcott, England