WAP members have initiated the launch of a new network on Welfare and Policy in Latin America and the the Caribbean : WAPLAC

WAPLAC is a platform aiming to bring together scholars, practitioners and policy makers to discuss wellbeing and policy issues for the region.

Precisely, the network aims to:

(I) Promote access to analytical tools for welfare and policy research in the region (data, microsimulation models, etc.),

 (II) Facilitate knowledge exchange between LAC and international scholars to encourage collaborative work, 

(III) Diffuse research and policy analyses while increasing the visibility of individual LAC researchers thanks to a broad and well-connected WAPLAC community, 

(IV) Encourage comparative work for many LAC countries (for instance to learn from neighbor countries and alternative systems when considering tax-benefit systems, sources of inequality, causes of social unrest or noncompliance, etc.).

