Annals of Family Medicine seeks manuscripts that advance research methods specific to family medicine and primary care. Manuscripts could consider the multilevel (patient, provider, team, organization, community, policy) influences on healthcare. Methods could include qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods research, pragmatic trials, or novel study designs to accommodate multi-level interventions and corresponding analytic approaches. There is no deadline to submit.
We are particularly interested in manuscripts investigating what is new and innovative in family medicine research, or cutting-edge applications of research methods in family medicine/primary care explained in an accessible way. We are not looking for introductory biostatistics papers.
Of great interest is the COVID pandemic, which created many research challenges. Researchers innovated ways to conduct their studies in a difficult and constantly changing environment.
- How did researchers adapt?
- How have researchers used remote strategies in a novel way to collect data during COVID?
More examples:
- How Bayesian methods can improve the ability of clinicians to recruit patients in a study.
- What went wrong in a given study, and how investigators fixed it.
- Innovative study infrastructure, for example how researchers use software or other research tools to keep track of patients.