Proverbs 20:1

1 Wine and beer make people loud and uncontrolled; it is not wise to get drunk on them.

Proverbs 20:1 Meaning and Commentary

Proverbs 20:1

Wine [is] a mocker, strong drink [is] raging
Wine deceives a man; it not only overcomes him before he is aware, but it promises him a pleasure which it does not give; but, on the contrary, excessive drinking gives him pain, and so mocks him; yea, it exposes him to reproach and disgrace, and to the mockery and derision of others; as well as it sets him to scoff at his companions, and even to mock at religion, and all that is good and serious; see ( Hosea 7:5 ) ; and strong drink not only disturbs the brain, and puts the spirits in a ferment, so that a man rages within, but it sets him a raving and quarrelling with his company, and everybody he meets with; such generally get into broils and contentions, and get woe, sorrow, and wounds, ( Proverbs 23:29 Proverbs 23:30 ) . Aben Ezra gives this as the sense of the words,

``a man of wine''
(that is, one that is given to wine, a wine bibber), so Ben Melech,
``is a mocker, and he cries out for strong drink, that it may be given him;''
which is not a bad sense of the words. and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise;
whosoever gives himself to it, is not on his guard against it, but is overcome by it, does not act a wise but an unwise part: wine besots as well as deceives men. This may be applied to the wine of fornication, or to the false doctrine and superstition of the church of Rome; with which the nations of the earth are deceived and made drunk, and which puts them upon blaspheming God, deriding his people, and using cruelty to them, ( Revelation 17:2 Revelation 17:3 Revelation 17:6 ) ( Revelation 18:3 Revelation 18:23 ) .

Proverbs 20:1 In-Context

1 Wine and beer make people loud and uncontrolled; it is not wise to get drunk on them.
2 An angry king is like a roaring lion. Making him angry may cost you your life.
3 Foolish people are always fighting, but avoiding quarrels will bring you honor.
4 Lazy farmers don't plow when they should; they expect a harvest, but there is none.
5 People's thoughts can be like a deep well, but someone with understanding can find the wisdom there.
Scripture taken from the New Century Version. Copyright © 1987, 1988, 1991 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
