Psalms 145:5

5 I will speak of the glorious honor of Thy majesty, and of Thy wondrous works.

Psalms 145:5 Meaning and Commentary

Psalms 145:5

I will speak of the glorious honour of thy majesty
Of the majesty of the divine Person of Christ; of the honour due unto him; of the glory of him as of the only begotten of the Father, as he is the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person; of his glory as Mediator, and the honour that belongs to him as such, with which he is now crowned at the right hand of the Majesty on high, angels, authorities, and powers, being subject unto him as the Lord and King of glory; and of thy wondrous works;
in becoming incarnate, in dying for the sins of his people, in rising from the dead the third day, in ascending to heaven and receiving gifts for men; in pouring down the spirit on them, in governing his church throughout all ages of the world, and judging the world at last.

Psalms 145:5 In-Context

3 Great is the LORD and greatly to be praised, and His greatness is unsearchable.
4 One generation shall praise Thy works to another, and shall declare Thy mighty acts.
5 I will speak of the glorious honor of Thy majesty, and of Thy wondrous works.
6 And men shall speak of the might of Thy fearsome acts, and I will declare Thy greatness.
7 They shall abundantly utter the memory of Thy great goodness, and shall sing of Thy righteousness.
Third Millennium Bible (TMB), New Authorized Version, Copyright 1998 by Deuel Enterprises, Inc., Gary, SD 57237. All rights reserved.
