BYOD – Bring Your Own Device Management Solutions

Boost Productivity. Save Money.

White Paper

Deploy BYOD with Confidence

With a growing number of employees using their own desktops, laptops and tablets, BYOD is gaining momentum beyond smartphones. A comprehensive, secure program can maximize user productivity and satisfaction, while cutting costs and allowing for business continuity


Almost half of workers polled feel they’re more efficient and productive when using their own devices.1


By 2022, Gartner forecasts up to 70% of enterprise software interactions will occur on mobile devices.2

BlackBerry® products offer secure, flexible solutions for all your device, app and content management needs.

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Improve Morale with Device Choice

When employees can use their preferred device for work, the result can be increased satisfaction, loyalty and productivity. A cross-platform solution that supports all devices can provide employees with the flexibility they seek.

Learn about BlackBerry UEM

Set Policies Across Devices

As new device types proliferate and the lines between desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, wearables and even IoT blur, how do you stay in control? A solution to manage and secure all the endpoints in your organization, regardless of ownership model, is essential to a comprehensive BYOD program.

  • Set policies by user group, location or device type
  • Implement device and OS level policies from a unified administrative console
Learn about BlackBerry UEM

Protect Privacy and Keep Data Protected

75% of organizations either have or are planning a BYOPC program, whereby employees are permitted to access company data and applications on a personal PC. Of those that don’t currently plan to offer, 43% are due to fear of data loss.3

Using containerization to keep corporate and personal data separate can help protect your organization from vulnerabilities introduced with personal devices.

Prevent data leakage

Keep corporate and personal data separate and block unauthorized devices from accessing your network.

Maintain user privacy and IT security

Enable access to corporate email, calendar and more, without sacrificing security

Secure web apps and intranet access

Give your organization mobile access to your intranet and corporate network via a secure browser.

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Offer an Alternative to VPN and VDI

Simplify your Bring Your Own Computer (BYOC) program with BlackBerry® Digital Workplace, a modern alternative to traditional VPN and VDI solutions.

Combining BlackBerry Desktop, secure document editing, BlackBerry Protect and Awingu, BlackBerry Digital Workplace is a robust self-contained platform that enables complete business productivity and continuous threat protection using AI across endpoints to all users. 

Learn about BlackBerry Digital Workplace

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