Wisconsin will be in the market Wednesday with $253.9 million of general obligation bonds, with some proceeds funding the Blatnik Bridge replacement project.
March 3 -
S&P cited the government's improved fiscal position as a factor in the positive outlook.
February 27 -
A voter-approved charter amendment requiring a bigger police force spurred Moody's Ratings to revise its outlook on the city's A1 bond rating to negative.
February 27 -
The rating agency said the one-notch downgrade, which comes ahead of a bond sale, was due to weaker operating performance and liquidity.
February 26 -
The rating agency cited the state's ample reserves, robust natural resource base and critical role in U.S. strategic interests.
February 26 -
Moody's is the latest rating agency to warn about a budget squeeze for Texas schools, which have been prolific issuers of voter-approved bonds in recent years.
February 20 -
Chicago aldermen delayed a vote on $830 million of general obligation bonds that Mayor Brandon Johnson wants to issue.
February 20 -
The scandals surrounding New York City Mayor Eric Adams may lead to his removal from office, but the city's bonds are still insulated from the fallout, analysts say.
February 18 -
Sweetwater Union High's rocket-fast transformation from an accounting practices bad apple to ratings upgrades and positive outlooks is expected to boost its bond program.
February 14 -
The rating for Baylor Scott & White Health in Texas was upgraded, while Presbyterian Healthcare Services in New Mexico was downgraded by Moody's.
February 13