Midas City

ancient city, Turkey
Also known as: Midaeion, Midaeum

Learn about this topic in these articles:


  • In Midas

    …upper Sangarius, “Midas city” (Midaeion, or Midaeum) being about 60 miles (97 km) west of the more famous Gordium.

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  • cave dwellings in Cappadocia
    In Anatolia: Phrygia from c. 1180 to 700 bce

    …its centres at Gordium and Midas City. Their three main areas of settlement were the hilly country between modern Eskişehir and Afyon; the central regions around their capital, Gordium; and the region around Ancyra (modern Ankara), where Phrygian tombs and architectural remains of the 8th–6th century have been found. To…

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