Need help - Ask Roger
The complex world of protecting your organisation from the internet-based cybercriminal can be daunting for most.As a C-level executive, manager, owner or board member of a not-for-profit organisation, a charity or a small or medium enterprise you are faced with a number of issues related to data.This podcast is here to help you, from simple solutions to complex strategies. It will address as many as possible.Business is all about risk, revenue, brand and productivity.A cyber event can impact all of them.
Podcasting since 2021 • 4 episodes
Need help - Ask Roger
Latest Episodes
Why we need to understand the vulnerability process
Introduction to the episodeThis episode we are going to focus on vulnerabilities and how they are managedThreat actors use vulnerabilities to target us.By exploiting vulnerabilities they can gain access to systems, n...

Why do we need to patch?
In the last 2 episodes, we have focused on passwords - unique, complex and more than 12 characters.We also know that account credentials can be stolen and we needed additional securityEnter 2FA or multi FAUsername = who you...
Season 1
Episode 3

Why we need to embrace 2FA/Multi Factor Authentication
Last episode we focused on the dreaded password Where did they come fromWhy do we use them,Why they are important for protecting your stuffWhat they are made up of and what not to use. ...
Season 1
Episode 2

Why the hell do we need exotic passwords
Passwords, our passport to the cyber and digital realmFor a business, password management is a major headache.As a business you have to get people to understand that passwords are essential and good passwords are critical to prote...
Season 1
Episode 1