
Artesana pulidora de relojes de lujo

en armonía con la luz

¡La luz! Si hay un artesano que trabaja en armonía con ella, esa es Rodeline, Artesana pulidora de relojes de lujo en el taller de relojería de nuestra manufactura desde 2007. Cada día, animada por la misma pasión, revela el lustre de los metales para que puedan reflejar mejor los rayos del sol. Como última etapa de todo el proceso de fabricación, los relojes suizos pasan por sus manos antes de presentarse ante el público con todo su brillo y toda su belleza.

[A sustained note in the background]

(On-screen text: Chopard presents)

(A close-up of a dial. Rodeline works at a machine in her workshop.)

When I first came to Chopard, I was 15 and I was looking for an apprenticeship.

(On-screen text: Decorating the caseback using a beading technique)

I knew it was a job you did with your hands, but I didn't know what it was all about.

(On-screen text: ART, from the Latin ARS, ARTIS. Talent, skill, dexterity.)

[Soft piano music plays]

(On-screen text: The word ART becomes ARTISAN.)

(On-screen text: From expertise to emotion. Chopard)

(A black and white graphite sketch of the palm of a hand, surrounded by the words EXPERTISE, CREATIVITY, EMOTION.)

Hands are really something for me. They're very important.

(A portrait of Rodeline.)

(On-screen text: Rodeline, Watch-Polishing Artisan)

During my apprenticeship, I really fell in love with the job. Something happened and I thought, this is what I'm meant to do.

(On-screen text: Eliminating machining marks by emerising)

(Rodeline polishes an engraved watch case back with the inscription "1000 Miglia". She tweaks the settings on the machine she is using and tilts the piece to shine the whole surface.)

What I love about Chopard is that there are so many new things. New models are launched every year, it's always a challenge, you wonder what's going to come along next. I really enjoy complicated things.

(On-screen text: Preparing for polishing by felt polishing)

It's really something...

(On-screen text: Creating radiance by buffing)

Nothing is more exciting than the first manufactured piece taken from the model, there isn't another, it's the only one, the first one, it's for the family.

(Rodeline shines a "Happy Sport" case, inspecting it and selecting tools to polish the entire surface.)

(On-screen text: Polishing)

When I first see a brand new piece, I look at the material, the angles, I think about how to approach it, to work it. Each material has its little quirk, it doesn't react in the same way. You have to get into it, work it, caress it. And just because a material is very hard, very resistant, doesn't mean you should force it. You have to really work with the material to make it shine. Each brushed line is made to measure, the graining catches the light in the material and for me, machines can't do things like this.

(Rodeline meticulously polishes a bracelet made up of different metal surfaces.)

(On-screen text: Creating a matt effect by satin-brushing)

You can have 50 pieces, but each one is unique. If you can give a piece even more wow factor, you do it. I do a lot of touching up. It's quite normal that we have to touch up. Pieces are used, handled, picked up, screwed down, handed over, taken over there, put into trays... Accidents happen. I find it really satisfying to save pieces.

(On-screen text: Satin-brushing using a wooden stick coated with emery paper)

(Rodeline carefully buffs a spinning metal piece.)

Not being able to save a piece would be a failure, to have to call it a write-off. I always find a solution in the end. I can't see myself doing another job. I feel so good where I am. It's like a family. We're always glad to see each other. And it's so important, I think, to feel comfortable with the people around you.

(On-screen text: Chopard - The artisan of emotions - Since 1860)

"Gracias a la destreza que he adquirido con la experiencia, trabajo sobre las cajas de los relojes que me llegan en estado bruto para revelar el resplandor final del material, conservando al mismo tiempo la geometría y la estética de cada creación. "

Rodeline, artesana pulidora de relojes de lujo

Rodeline, artesana pulidora de relojes de lujo

El pulido es el arte de iluminar, de revelar el brillo, de destacar el resplandor y atraer la mirada. En nuestros talleres, cuando las creaciones relojeras de lujo casi parecen estar terminadas, hacen una última parada en la mesa de Rodeline. Esta artesana apasionada se incorporó a nuestra Casa como aprendiz en 2002. Aquí los mejores formadores le han transmitido sus saber hacer y el placer del trabajo bien hecho. Al finalizar sus años de formación Rodeline se ha convertido en Artesana pulidora de relojes de lujo para nuestra manufactura.

Un brillo especial

Con la ayuda de tornos y pasta de pulir, se va a adentrar hasta el más mínimo de los rincones de cada una de las piezas que se le confían, para hacer desaparecer las asperezas, las rayas y las partículas de polvo. ¡Todo tiene que centellear con el brillo de lo nuevo! Es así como Rodeline va a aportar a todas estas creaciones un lustre muy especial: además de brillar sobre la bandeja en la que las coloca una vez han terminado sus maniobras, brillan también en sus ojos con un resplandor único. Durante su trabajo no habrá dejado de imaginarse a todas las mujeres y hombres que pronto van a poder ver la hora en los relojes que ella pule.

De la experiencia a la emoción


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