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Pedro O'Connor head shot - Condé Nast Traveler

Pedro O'Connor

Epic Private Journeys

"The basics have not changed – care, knowledge and service."

Regions of operation: Australia and the South Pacific

Countries of expertise: Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia

Special categories: Over the Top trips, Private Jet, Chartered yachts

What do you do that competing specialists can’t/won’t:

I genuinely care for my clients on a personal level by being their private local guide. I become their friend. I actively listen to their desires to determine what they want from their adventure. When planning each trip I put myself in my client's shoes and walk through the itinerary so every minute detail is considered before they even arrive in country. Nothing is left to chance. Most of our business is word of mouth referral.

What is one of your all-time favorite experiences you've been able to pull off for guests?

While private guiding a Baron and Baroness on a 28-day private G350 jet trip through SE Asia I was able to arrange front row seats with the King of Cambodia to the 40 year anniversary of the operatic production of Bangsokol in Phnom Penh. We were in the inner sanctum of all involved for the 3 days in Cambodia, privileged access brought about through my reconnoitre of the trip the year prior.

Do you think the events of recent years have permanently changed the role of the specialist/agent? Any forever pivots that you've made?

Not really, I keep providing the same level of caring service. The basics have not changed – care, knowledge and service.
