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Hacks, apps, and switches to make your escapades more enriching, enlightening, and economical.

An illustration in yellow, green, and red of a bucolic setting with trees, flowers, a river, and homes.

Every decision we make is essentially us, positioned at a crossroads, choosing which way to turn. But when it comes to weighing up what’s best for the planet when we travel, it’s hard to analyze every single move—we’d never get anywhere.

Gallivanting greener is about escaping and celebrating in a way that sees our trips unlock positive results instead of casting negative shadows. We can't always do everything perfectly, but by spending a few more seconds weighing up the trade-offs and approaching travel a little differently, collectively, we can be the change.

Here, we've plotted out the perks of more responsible wanderings so you can get from A to B spewing fewer emissions, staying with big-hearted hosts, and leaving cash in the hands of those who deserve it most. If you love to travel and want to do it more sustainably, consider these tips as your signposts to lower-carbon shortcuts and eco-responsible diversions.

Illustrated letter A


We’d love a single, reliable, universal seal of sustainability to help guide our travel choices, but in the absence of that, there are some credible eco-friendly seals to consider like EarthCheck, B Corp, Green Globe, and Green Key that are all shorthand-of-sorts to indicate a company is consuming mindfully, reducing energy use and emissions, and cares about how its people are treated. We recommend speaking to the staff at businesses you engage with on what makes it qualify for these seals—you’ll soon sense whether the badges represent real impact.

Illustrated letter B against a cityscape and people riding bicycles


Bikes are a great way to explore new places—and several destinations are following the lead of cyclable cities like Amsterdam and Montreal. When Bogotà traded its traffic congestion for ciclovia, a cycling superhighway that spans over 350 miles, it set new benchmarks. Bogotanos also celebrate car-free Sunday mornings, during which bikers, runners, and roller-bladers hit its streets. Mexico City’s much-improved bike share is worth a salute, too, but it’s the Dutch city of Utrecht that ranked first in the recent Global Bicycle Cities Index. Whether you’re traveling to Bermuda or Botswana, the Bikemap app is a great resource for planning your route. Similarly, Bike Citizens serves up real-time, optimized maps and routes in hundreds of cities across the States, Europe, and Australia.

Illustrated letter C


Offsetting your carbon—paying to compensate for your emissions by supporting projects that reduce or remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere—is better than not offsetting, and companies like Ecologi and Sustainable Travel International will help you select projects with the greatest impact from reforestation and biodiversity-boosting interventions. Even better, prioritize reducing your carbon and setting a carbon budget for yourself with the help of apps like Giki Earth, Carbon Footprint, or Capture.

Illustrated letter D


It’s a tale as old as time that we should carry reusable coffee cups and refillable water bottles, but often we default to throwaway this, and single-use that when on the road. Not everyone wants to carry bamboo cutlery sets on an adventure-filled city break, but maybe avoid buying bottled water as one golden rule. Tap water is drinkable in more places than we realize—and when it isn’t, a Water-to-Go-type filtration bottle removes 99 percent of microbiological contaminants and makes practically all water potable.

Illustrated letter E


Bookmark the best eco-friendly and energy-efficient properties by seeking out experts who know how to sort the wheat from the chaff. You can trust the authority (and taste) of environmentally focused hospitality portfolios like Regenerative Travel, Small Luxury Hotels’ Considerate Collection, and Beyond Green to help you find the right lodges and camps—and remember to rate where you stay through Tripdoodler to help map out a more sustainable landscape for others.

Illustrated letter F


The taking off and landing parts on a flight can be when the most fuel is burned, so try to fly direct when you can. You can also use Skyscanner’s Greener Choices tool that annotates flights lower in emissions. Better still, go flight-free if the route allows: take a train or hop on a bus for short connections, especially when you’ve done the long-haul part and have almost reached your final destination. We love the Swedes for their term tågskryt meaning train bragging as a positive spin on flygskam, or flight shame. Omio is a helpful rail travel planner active in 37 countries; Rail Planner is best for Europe; and we’re loving Trainline’s Carbon Calculator.

Illustrated letter G against a glamping scene in the outdoors


Go off-grid and blend glamor with outdoor living. We’re talking a-cut-above camping, low-impact lodges with a light touch on the environment like chic canvas abodes, quirky treehouses, or Instagram-perfect pimped-up caravans, which let you sleep (almost) under the stars and closer to nature—the luxury of this is it lets you access the wildest, most remote locations. Ecobnb and Canopy & Stars in the U.K. are great places to start looking; for upscale adventures, check out World of Glamping.

Illustrated letter H


We’re talking towels and bed linens. Water conservation is a global priority, and one of the reasons why being a housekeeping hero matters. According to Professor Willy Legrand at IU International University of Applied Sciences, washing and drying can account for “20 percent of a hotel’s energy use and 15 percent of their water consumption,” so lowering the weight of laundry in hospitality directly reduces water and energy use. Also, sparing the waterways of all those chemicals enhances the halo of these seemingly small but seriously important actions.

Illustrated letter I


Add social enterprises and charity-supporting shops and cafés to your travel plans. If you’re using an agent, insist they prioritize these purpose-led stops for you. I love stopping by for a tea at Fair Shot in London’s Covent Garden that supports education and employment for young adults with learning disabilities, as well as the great food that’s cooked and served by prisoners in training at The Clink at London’s HMP Brixton. And when in Venice, I always treat myself to pastries from Pasticceria Giotto, an award-winning bakery that sits inside the prison of Padua.

Illustrated letter J against a beach clean-up scene


Take part in community-driven events that are eco-friendly, be it beach clean-ups, craft sessions, or citizen science projects. Participate rather than consume: seek authentic experiences that aren’t extractive or voyeuristic such as through Much Better Adventures. Or get on board with gamified crowdsourcing for academic research with apps like iNaturalist that involve you in critical data capturing for biodiversity, and eBird, which offers tools that ensure every (amateur) bird sighting matters.

Illustrated letter K


Navigating the greenwash and getting tips you can trust—from individuals and influencers with integrity—is a great use of social media. Folks that I love having on my Instagram feed include straight-talking Shivya Nath of the responsible-travel blog the Shooting Star, Uncornered Market’s Daniel Noll and Audrey Scott, JoAnna Haugen’s community-led travel solutions, Vivienne Dovi, who encourages ethical solo travel with Melanin Travel, intrepid solo female traveler Alex Reynolds, and lighter-living influencer Nina Karnikowski.

Illustrated letter L against a market scene with stalls and plants


Show love to locally run and locally owned businesses, especially in economies that rely on tourism revenue. Stop at family-owned stores and food stalls, and buy artisanal crafts straight from makers. Book community-driven half-day, full-day, or multi-day tours in 163 countries through ToursByLocals, from a deep dive for coffee lovers in Addis Ababa to taking part in reforestation at an orangutan sanctuary in Borneo.

Illustrated letter M


Pack less, carry less, use less—but here’s one you may be neglecting: digital decluttering. Electronic ephemera might trick you into thinking there’s no physical footprint, but data is saved on a cloud powered by energy- and water-dependent data centers. Zap anything redundant that’s taking up space on the cloud from that out-of-focus sunset to those dozens of videos of the same scene. Instead of printing travel passes, use e-tickets and then delete them. Save quality over quantity, and be more in the moment—take in more with your eyes than an iPhone for more meaningful, lower-impact memories.

Illustrated letter N in a natural setting with birds and trees and a hiker


Spending time outdoors is a great reminder that we are not only connected to nature, we are part of it. As fans of forest bathing can attest, it’s good for us, too. Neuroscience says being near greenery soothes the vagus nerve—vagus means wanderer in Latin—which sends good vibes to our vital organs, calming our breathing, digestion, and heart rate. Finally, show nature the ultimate respect by helping fund its preservation. Visit national parks safeguarding green spaces—more than half of the world’s countries have them.

Illustrated letter O


Perks abound with off-peak orbiting: cheaper rates and fewer people, yes, but you’re also not contributing to overtourism. Redistributed travel is the art of visiting under-the-radar or low-season places, and to visit somewhere in a way that is more of a help than a burden. Low Season Traveller, which highlights destinations during their low seasons, and shows you how much better the experience can often be, is a helpful resource for plotting your escapes.

Illustrated letter P to denote public transportation such as trams


It’s often quicker and cheaper, and subways and buses can be a more memorable way to engage with a new place and its people instead of driving or taking a taxi (and you minimize the amount of fuel used just for you). Tap up the Citymapper app to traverse several destinations like a local.

Illustrated letter Q


There is no better way of advancing awareness than being constantly curious and engaging with businesses—and each other—on challenging questions. In fact, this is vital in tackling the spread of greenwashing. Ask agents if a hotel is locally owned! Ask hosts how they measure their carbon footprint! Ask restaurants if they compost food waste!

Illustrated letter R


There are so many Rs to embrace in the mission to be more sustainable. You know the deal: use less, buy less, waste less, invest in long-lasting products—but we especially like R for Refuse. Slow down the turnover and swerve all that’s offered to you that could end up in a landfill. We’re looking at you, single-use slippers and small plastic bottles in the bathroom.

Illustrated letter S on a jungle-themed background


Think quality over quantity when it comes to your roaming, and, if you can, spend more time in each place. If you have flexibility, extend trips to try to combine work commitments with vacation time. Instead of multiple city breaks, trade one for a staycation, and invest in a local guide who'll enhance your knowledge of what’s at your own doorstep. Scour Urban Adventures from Intrepid and Airbnb’s Experiences for fun ideas.

Illustrated letter T


Tweak the thermostat to use less electricity. Better still, shut it all down and open a window or throw on a sweater. If we all adjusted temperature settings instead of insisting on too-cold air con or tropically warm-in-winter indoor climates, we’d be doing our bit to tackle what currently contributes enormously to global warming. And, of course, flick all the lights and electronic goods to standby when you leave the room. Collectively, these tweaks make a measurable difference.

Illustrated letter U


We’ve already celebrated buying local. This is about following the money all the way. In the absence of a means-tested "these guys deserve your dollars" badge representing ownership, choose companies run by identifiable individuals who are vocal custodians for their communities. Favor roadside stalls or social cooperatives, where your cash goes straight to producers or workers.

Illustrated letter V


We’re not saying go vegan, but perhaps dabble in some climavorism and eschew meat for vegetarian-heavy meals, especially in destinations that are dynamos at making all they’ve grown delicious. It’s easier to digest, too, when you’re roaming far from home. Reducing meat, dairy, and animal products in our diets drastically slashes global-warming gasses and saves land from dramatic deforestation as emphasized by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Illustrated letter W set in a park with people walking through a path


Cities are upping their walkability with pedestrian-friendly routes, and sustainability-minded urban planners are introducing more green spaces in some of our favorite destinations. Walking is often quicker than public transport—once you've added going down into the subway, waiting for a train, making connections, and going back up into the street—and it’s a great way to both see the city and get your steps in for the day.

Illustrated letter X


We all benefit from being reminded of the power of connecting with people, cultures, and perspectives different to our own. Engaging with diverse world views and cultures is one of the most rewarding aspects of travel—we love when treating those we meet like a potential new friend has us learning more, enjoying better service, and appreciating wider perspectives. As Mark Twain once said: “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.”

Illustrated letter Y


Celebrate all the sustainability and social-impact heroes you meet along the way: tweet, Instagram, and TikTok your praise when you see businesses doing an amazing job when it comes to everything from green energy to ensuring excellent accessibility. The louder we are in supporting services and hosts that invite people of all ages, sexualities, and abilities to have the fullest experiences, the more we’ll inspire others to follow their lead.

Illustrated letter Z


Instead of visiting animals in captivity, favor official wildlife conservation and rehabilitation projects. Instead of experiencing animals in zoos, enjoy them in their natural habitat. On Hilton Head Island's beaches in South Carolina, for instance, guests can see loggerhead turtles hatch between May and October and spy wild Atlantic bottlenose dolphins frolicking in its coastal waters, which is much nicer than seeing them in captivity at a dolphinarium. And when you’re out in the field, do skip the selfies with wild animals—enjoy them from a distance, instead.


Lead Editor: Arati Menon Editors: Sarah Allard, Jessica Puckett Lead Visuals Editor: Pallavi Kumar Illustrations: Rosanna Tasker Design: Chiaki Murata Web Development: Alexander Ratner Social Media: Mercedes Bleth, Lauren Alberti

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