So, you want to buy a bookstore?

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We’ve thought long and hard about selling our bookstores. Our goals include conducting a process that adheres to our values of integrity and professionalism; finding new owners who will carry on the best of the traditions we’ve created, while adding their own; and securing an outcome that is both financially and emotionally rewarding.

What Qualifies a Buyer?

  • Understanding and appreciation of Diesel’s history and stature in the community; 
  • Relevant experience: books and retail;
  • Willingness to sign a non-disclosure statement regarding confidential financial information;
  • Ability to complete the sale in 2023 or early 2024;
  • Negotiation skills that incorporate integrity, fairness, and professionalism.

Tell Us About Yourself 

  • What is your interest in buying Diesel, in Brentwood or in Del Mar, or both?
  • Why is it important to you? Why now? What is your vision for the store?
  • Based on what you know right now, what makes you a highly desirable buyer?
  • Can you arrange for financing and purchase of the store by the end of 2023?
  • Please send your name, contact info, background, experience, current occupation, etc. via email to
  • Subject line: Bookstore Sale


We will review all inquiries for further consideration. We will meet with those potential buyers to decide on whether to proceed further.  Where we think there might be a strong fit, we will share additional financial information including:

  1. Non-disclosure Agreement
  2. Price
  3. Detailed description of Diesel’s business and financial performance
  4. Next steps in the sale process


We will schedule meetings with qualified buyers and enter into negotiations for the purchase of the store until satisfactory terms are reached and a purchase agreement signed.

photo of the signs of diesel brentwood and del mar