
Master's Degree in Photography and Design

ELISAVA Escuela Universitaria de Diseño e Ingeniería de Barcelona
2 opiniones
  • Lo que más me ha gustado es que te dan herramientas para desarrollar realmente trabajos y gestión de clientes. Sales verdaderamente preparado para la industria.
  • El máster me ha servido para dar un paso más y entrar definitivamente al mundo laboral. He podido conocer a grandes profesionales y empaparme de sus experiencias, algo que, sin duda, me será de gran utilidad de ahora en adelante.


En Barcelona

11.000 € IVA exento

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900 49 49 40

Llamada gratuita. Lunes a Viernes de 9h a 20h.

Adquire the ability to communicate complex and speculative concepts

  • Tipología


  • Lugar


  • Horas lectivas


  • Duración

    1 Año

  • Inicio


  • Prácticas en empresa

The current context of contemporary photography is marked by intense competition, constant and unpredictable development of both photographic technology and the use thereof, and the growing importance of photography in the society and culture of the 21st century, not only as a working tool, but as an effective means of communicating ideas and concepts.

Because of it, presents the MA Photography & Design course at ELISAVA School of Design and Engineering of Barcelona. A taught, practice-based programme, which attracts students from around the world and approaches photography as an open visual discipline in where you are encouraged to confidently produce complex and extended photographic projects as well as engage with contemporary, critical, experimental and speculative approaches to photography.

The course offers a dynamic and exciting environment for studying the practice of photography enabling students to acquire advanced photographic skills and apply them to complex, self-generated projects, and engaging with different technical and theoretical practices about the image. This characterises our committed study at postgraduate level, bringing photographic education up to date with contemporary photographic practice. It also pays attention to the dissemination of photographic work, exhibition & publication and focuses on the reasons by which the meaning of an image is shaped by its use and contextualization.

Drawing on the expertise of a diverse range of professional photographers, guest lecturers and technical advisers, you will enhance your knowledge and skills through a series of photographic projects using practice-led research and supportive written work.

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Instalaciones y fechas



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La Rambla 30-32, 08002


SeptiembreMatrícula abierta

A tener en cuenta

Provide a flexible but structured interdisciplinary context in which students can rigorously pursue a self-directed research project whose outcomes are embodied within the systematic production of a specific and original body of work within the field of photography.
To encourage the development of each student’s own critical reflection as the basis for developing as independent learners capable of advancing their own skills, knowledge and professional and research practice.
Provide students with the means for establishing and understanding the place of their own work within the context of relevant and contemporary academic and professional situations and debates.
Provide students with professional photography technical skills.
To encourage the development of research strategies that reflect the contemporary context in theoretical discourse and creative practice and form the basis for informed speculation about future directions.
To engage with real audiences, generating new challenging narratives about the nature of the work itself and its relation with changed modes of production, dissemination and consumption.
To provide professionals specialising in the area of photography with multidisciplinary training so that they can use photography as a tool for conveying concepts and ideas.

-Graduate in Design.
-Graduates in Fine Arts.
-Graduates in a speciality related to communication, culture and advertising.
-Professionals with proven experience in the field of design and photography.
-Professional or academic with proven experience.
-Holders of qualifications in other disciplines with an interest in the area of photography.
-Active professionals and designers requiring specialist and professional training.

Master's Degree in Photography and Design, degree awarded by Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) and ELISAVA Barcelona School of Design and Engineering

This course will provide students with an excellent opportunity to expand their photography-based art practice, extend their portfolio and develop focused contextual projects. The MA also will prepare students for a diverse range of careers within the creative and photographic industries, from commercial organisations to photojournalism and the arts. Completing the course will also enhance your employability, offering you a broad range of skills form writing funding applications, to managing projects and creating personal and promotional strategies.

Many of our graduates have found opportunities to work as visual artists in an international context, with others pursuing art and photography-based roles in related fields such as, community arts, curation, advertising, teaching, freelancing, arts criticism and review, arts journalism, arts administration, video and web site production and documentary film making. With strong links to art and design employers in Spain and abroad we support the individual ambitions of every one of our students while they are studying with us and after graduation.

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  • Lo que más me ha gustado es que te dan herramientas para desarrollar realmente trabajos y gestión de clientes. Sales verdaderamente preparado para la industria.
  • El máster me ha servido para dar un paso más y entrar definitivamente al mundo laboral. He podido conocer a grandes profesionales y empaparme de sus experiencias, algo que, sin duda, me será de gran utilidad de ahora en adelante.

Valoración del curso

Lo recomiendan

Valoración del Centro

Orlando Marty

Lo mejor: Lo que más me ha gustado es que te dan herramientas para desarrollar realmente trabajos y gestión de clientes. Sales verdaderamente preparado para la industria.
A mejorar: Nada.
¿Recomendarías este curso?:

Paula Gallardo

Lo mejor: El máster me ha servido para dar un paso más y entrar definitivamente al mundo laboral. He podido conocer a grandes profesionales y empaparme de sus experiencias, algo que, sin duda, me será de gran utilidad de ahora en adelante.
A mejorar: Nada.
¿Recomendarías este curso?:
*Todas las opiniones recogidas por Emagister & iAgora han sido verificadas

Logros de este Centro


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Más de 50 opiniones en los últimos 12 meses

Este centro lleva 23 años en Emagister.


  • Project management
  • Management
  • Multimedia
  • Fotografía
  • Fotografía y diseño
  • Visual perception
  • Evaluation
  • Photography
  • Image
  • Fundamentals oh photography
  • Visual narrative
  • Photographic edition
  • Digital photography
  • Digital equipment
  • Exhibition
  • Public presentation
  • Final project
  • Tutorials
  • Seminars
  • Project analysis


Pedro Vicente

Pedro Vicente


Máster en Teoría del Arte Contemporáneo por el Goldsmiths College del Reino Unido y licenciado en Fotografía por la UCCA del Reino Unido. Profesor de fotografía en las universidades de UCA y LSBU del Reino Unido. Editor de la revista académica Philosophy of Photography. Comisario y colaborador de numerosas revistas de fotografía internacionales. Profesor de ELISAVA.

Pep Benlloch

Pep Benlloch


Profesor titular de fotografía de la Facultad de Bellas Artes de Valencia. Doctor en Bellas Artes por la UPV. Director del programa de doctorado Fotografía y Nuevos Medios Audiovisuales: de lo Analógico a lo Digital. Director del Máster en Fotografía de la UPV. Director de la Galería Visor desde 1982 y comisario de exposiciones. Profesor de ELISAVA.


Fundamentals of Photography
  • Principles of photography composition
  • Image and visual perception
  • Visual narrative
  • Photographic sequence
  • Narrative and text
  • Photographic edition
Digital photography
  • Digital equipment
  • Colour management
  • Digital zone photometry
  • Building light with a flash
  • Editing software
  • Photo-manipulating
  • Advanced retouching
Photography equipment
  • Image processing by area
  • Camera and lenses
  • Extreme processing
  • Printing
  • Interior lighting
  • Lighting and exteriors
  • Lighting and the environment
Photographic context and processa. Visual thought
  • Image and text
  • Image and aesthetics
  • Image and context
  • Phtography and culture
  • Photography and identity
b. Uses of photography
  • Non-conventional tools and contexts
  • Multimedia environments
  • Photographic technique as an aesthetic resource
  • Advertising and communication
c. Edition
  • Editing a story
  • Digital editing, tools
  • Representation of space
  • Multidisciplinary approach to photography
Digital Design
  • Photography for design
  • Design for photography
  • Web portfolio
  • On-page design
  • Printed photography
  • Magazine design and editing
  • Retouching and management
  • Image archiving
  • Publishing world
Uses of photography
  • The professional photography market
  • Photography in the art market
  • Uses and trends in contemporary photography
  • Marketing for photographers
  • Statements for photographers
  • Multimedia for photographers
  • Photographic interventions
  • Photography exhibitions
Photography project
  • Project management and dynamics
  • Project analysis and evaluation
  • Tutorials and seminars
  • Public presentation and exhibition of the final project

Información adicional

Qualification: Master's Degree in Photography and Design, degree awarded by Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) and ELISAVA School of Design and Engineering of Barcelona.

ECTS Credits: 60

Language: English 

Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, from 5 pm to 9.15 pm 

9.800 Euros

Más información

¿Necesitas un coach de formación?

Te ayudará a comparar y elegir el mejor curso para ti y a financiar tu matrícula en cómodos plazos.

900 49 49 40

Llamada gratuita. Lunes a Viernes de 9h a 20h.

Master's Degree in Photography and Design

11.000 € IVA exento