10 years’ service from DSM
Full 2TB refresh in two days
Time-sliced export: 5 hours for 1 month of data
High quality SAP test data
The Greenery is owned by a Dutch cooperative and specialises in selling and distributing fresh fruit and vegetables. The business delivers a wide range of fresh produce daily to supermarkets, wholesalers, caterers and the food processing industry. In order to meet customers’ demands year-round, they collaborate closely with their growers and other partners. The Greenery has over 300 cooperative-affiliated growers.
The Greenery’s main business challenges are keeping products fresh and getting them to customers without interruption. They have few periods of reduced activity (just Saturday and Sunday night) and no periods of inactivity. Any system refreshes must allow business to continue as usual.
Previously, The Greenery had tried to implement SAP® TDMS but, after a full year, it lacked integrity and they failed to achieve a full copy:
The effort we were previously spending on refreshing is time we couldn’t spend elsewhere. With Data Sync Manager Client Sync, the weeks we save can be spent on other projects.
In 2012, The Greenery decided to implement EPI-USE Labs’ Data Sync Manager™ (DSM) Client Sync™ for their client copies. The main reason was that DSM Client Sync took only five days to implement. This fast progress was apparent immediately, giving the business and its users confidence and reassurance in DSM’s ability to deliver client copies without downtime in their Production system.
The implementation also successfully copied the Warehouse Management and Treasury data and undertook any customisation required. Ten years on, they are still using DSM Client Sync to refresh their non-production systems.
The barriers to using the tool are low: it is very logical, almost click-and-play.
Using DSM Client Sync, The Greenery can refresh twice a year, and ad hoc for specific projects. Following a project, test environments are often changed significantly, but they can now refresh these environments to provide a fresh, clean base for the next project. The client finds the process simple with many benefits:
I like the speed of refresh, the reduction in storage space and our independence from our technical hosting partner. These factors significantly reduce costs.
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