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Polarized politics has changed the dynamics of legislation and policymaking at the state and local level. Political parties with supermajorities are increasingly in control in many states and cities. These stories explain what that means for legislators, governors and mayors and how politicians can navigate this new political landscape.

State lawmakers will likely place two bonds, one for climate change impacts and one for school repairs – each worth $10 billion – on the November ballot. The bonds will require a two-thirds approval from both chambers to reach the ballot.
A new poll found that roughly three-quarters of registered voters would like to see term limits enacted or shortened for county supervisors, district attorneys and sheriffs.
Last year’s contest for Allegheny County, Pa. executive drew $1 million in funds from secretive groups that skirted disclosure requirements.
Political independents — those who don’t vote consistently for one party or the other — have views that align with their lived experience. Democrats and Republicans? They just follow the party line.
The decision bars judicial hopefuls from declaring partisan affiliation but not positions. “To describe oneself as a ‘conservative’ does not signal bias, pro or con, toward anyone or on any issue,” the court found.
On Thursday, the Court sided with Sylvia Gonzalez, a former councilmember in a San Antonio suburb, who spent a night in jail after criticizing the city manager.
Reparations remains mostly unpopular with the public, but numerous states and localities continue to explore the idea of addressing both past and present harms affecting African Americans.
Kentucky’s Republican-controlled Legislature is sending hundreds of millions of dollars to Louisville this year. Local leaders hope strong cross-partisan relationships will help the city over the long term.
One resolution would eliminate most judicial re-elections, essentially giving judges lifetime appointments.
Republican Jeff Landry has gotten his way on issues including crime, education and the political operations of the state. His ultimate goal is rewriting the state constitution.
Gov. Kathy Hochul’s decision to pull the plug on a congestion pricing plan for New York City was seen as a move calculated for advantage in the November elections, but it hasn’t made her many new friends.
Mayor Brandon Johnson has struggled to accomplish big things, and his predecessor had an even harder time. History suggests some building blocks of mayoral success.
Attorney General Kris Mayes has opened an investigation regarding the payment Gov. Katie Hobbs received from a residential homes company after the state increased funding for the organization.
Friction within the South Carolina Republican Party has led to hordes of aggressive and accusatory campaign materials being sent out to voters. Candidates will now see if their tactics pay off as residents go to the polls for the June 11 primary.
During her two terms as mayor of Compton, Calif., Aja Brown focused on improving the lives of the underserved. Now she’s exploring the potential for technology to track how resources are aggregated and used.
Colorado has passed the nation’s most ambitious AI regulatory law. In other states, lawmakers are regulating fake likenesses involving porn, politics and celebrities.
Many positions on ballots across the nation for the 2023 General Election had one or fewer candidates. Of the nearly 28,000 unique positions up for election last year, over 17,000 were uncontested.
Attorneys general from Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, New Jersey, New York and Washington, D.C., are challenging a 2022 Ohio voting law, alleging it creates unnecessary obstacles to casting a ballot.
Following the deaths of state Sen. Dick Sears and former Sen. Dick Mazza, as well as the retirements of four other senators, the chamber will look decidedly different in January.
Auditors warn of financial consequences ahead of the June 4 primary election if Gregory, Haakon and Tripp counties ban the use of tabulator machines in future elections.
American Indians were not granted citizenship by Congress until 1924. A prominent attorney discusses civil rights progress since then.
After spending an estimated $1.5 million on a new and “improved” e-filing system just a few years ago, the executive secretary of the Georgia Ethics Commission is again requesting proposals for a new system.
Her prosecution of Trump has drawn controversy and legal challenges, but it hasn't hurt her at home. The speaker of the Texas House, however, faces serious challenges to his leadership.
They’re resolved through bizarre, often comical procedures, involving everything from coin tosses to cowboy hats to ping-pong balls. But nothing is as bewildering as the way a tied presidential election is decided — an exercise in nonsense.
Election skeptics haven’t taken their eyes off Georgia since the last presidential election. Officials there are working to make sure 2024 outcomes are as bulletproof as its 2020 results have proved to be.
Many industry analysts are confident that the electric vehicle revolution will continue even if Biden is ousted in November. But some — including automakers themselves — are worried about how politics could endanger the EV future.
The end of the college term means campus protests are done, at least for now. But Democrats are split over the war in ways that may hurt the party in the fall.
Despite the state’s population being half women, 68 percent of the seats in the Legislature are filled by men. Pennsylvania ranks 14th for women representation in state politics since 2019.
Bill author state Rep. Dodie Horton argued that the Ten Commandments are the “basis of all laws in Louisiana” and the legislation honors the country’s religious origins. The bill must be signed by the governor before it becomes law.
Redistricting used to happen every 10 years. Now, thanks to legal challenges and partisan competition, it's an ongoing battle throughout the decade.
In multiple states, voters will decide whether to reject justices who upheld abortion bans and restrictions. Separately, many prominent Republicans continue to oppose Trump, but that probably won't sway many voters.