
Best core workouts: three ways to boost your all-round strength

Strong core = strong you. Take some simple steps to improve the godfather of all muscle groups 
Six pack best core workouts GQ

The unstoppable rise of superhero films has coincided with the re-emergence of people wanting to look like they've just stepped out of a comic book. You know the style: gargantuan arms, lethal traps, washboard abs of a demigod. If there is a symbol of fitness in modern culture, it's the six pack – same as it ever was. 

Looking great is all well and good, but when it comes to working out, there's a danger that aesthetic overrules function. You need only look at the body types of different professional athletes to see that having your cheesegrater stomach on show doesn't necessarily mean you have the strongest core underneath. Improving your core is more an exercise in holistic health than targeted aesthetic enhancement – basically, there's much more to a firm trunk than looking like a hunk. “A well-developed core will improve posture and increase strength output, as it is the body’s primary energy transfer system,” explains Arby Keheli, Director of Performance at PWR. “The core also protects the body from injury, due to its role in stabilisation and balance, as well as, from a structural point of view, protecting the organs.”

The best part? You don't need to step foot in the gym to get your core up to standard. With the right exercises, motivation and discipline, you'll be crunching your way to Thor's core before you can say “but didn't they all have incredibly expensive personal trainers paid for by the Walt Disney Company?”

To save you the hassle of auditioning and winning a part in any upcoming Hulk re-re-reboot, here are three workouts, specially curated for GQ by experts in their fields – from yoga to strength and conditioning – that will take your core game to the next level (deliberately tight white t-shirt sold separately). 

Once you've revolutionised your core and are ready to see how much it'll improve your other workouts, check out our guides to biceps, triceps, chest, shoulder, glutes, legs and forearms

Chris Magee, Head of Yoga at Psycle London

These four exercises work all sections of the trunk evenly for maximum effectiveness, stability and balance within your body.

Exercise one: low boat pose

  • Press your lower back firmly into the ground and pull your navel towards your spine.
  • Lift the legs, arms and shoulder blades from the floor. Stay as low as possible with good control over the lower back.
  • To simplify the movement, bring the knees towards the chest. To make it more challenging bring the biceps to the ears, reaching the arms behind your head (Feeling extra strong? Hold a weight or yoga block here).
  • Perform by holding or rocking for five sets of 60 seconds (or ten slow breaths) each.
  • This is great for the transverse and rectus abdominals and prepping your handstand.

Exercise two: arrowhead lunge

  • Starting in a standard lunge position with your arms reaching overhead, actively pull your navel in and begin to lean your torso and arms forward to a 45-degree angle hovering over your front thigh.
  • Hold the position for ten seconds, before slowly returning to the lunge.
  • The key here is keeping the neutrality of the spine. If you notice you are rounding forward, try to decrease the range and improve your control. Make life easier by bringing your arms alongside your body. Give yourself an extra challenge by holding a small weight/yoga block between your hands.
  • Perform three sets of five reps, with a ten-second hold in the end position on each leg.
  • This is great for torso stabilisation, transverse abdominals and lower-back strength.

Exercise three: arrowhead side-angle pose

  • Start at a side angle (warrior two legs), with the right forearm resting on the right thigh and the left arm reaching on a diagonal. Your bicep should be by your ear.
  • Spin your chest towards the ceiling and draw your navel in. Lift your right arm away from your leg and bring it parallel to the left.
  • Hold 30-60 seconds before repeating on the other side. Not only is this fantastic for the strength and integration of your side body, but has the added bonus of helping build isometric strength in the legs.
  • Perform four sets, holding for 30-60 seconds (or 5-10 slow breaths) on each side.

Exercise four: Superman plank crunches

  • Starting from a strong plank position, reach the right arm forward (bicep by the ear) and lift the left foot off the ground keeping the leg lengthened and engaged.
  • Maintaining the balance, use an exhale to bring the right elbow to touch the left knee (squeezing through the navel and side body) and an inhale to lengthen back out to the start, repeating 5 to 10 times before switching to the opposite arm and leg.
  • This is an amazing exercise requiring great concentration and control of both the body and the breath. It's great for the transverse, rectus, obliques, scapular strength, balance and coordination.
  • Perform three sets of 5-10 reps each on both sides.
  • To simplify, allow your big toe and fingertips of the lifted limbs to brush along the mat/floor. It takes away some of the balance element and could give you greater success when you first try it.

Jason Bone, Head of Strength at Flex Chelsea

Exercise one: starfish sit-up

  • Lie on your back with your arms spread wide and a decent distance between your feet (like a starfish).
  • Bring your entire upper body off the floor and kick one leg up. With the opposite hand you touch your toe.
  • Make sure you can keep the leg and arm straight and rotate the torso as much as possible.
  • Slowly control yourself back to the original position. For a slight regression leave the opposite elbow on the floor to lean on.
  • Alternate each time and aim for 20 reps in total.

Exercise two: windscreen wipers

  • Lie on your back with arms by your side. Raise both legs up above the hips then take across to one side.
  • Go as low as your core will allow then slowly bring feet back above your hips.
  • Lower the legs back down towards the floor without allowing your lower back to arch off the floor.
  • Bring the legs back up and take across to the other side.
  • Keep the legs straight throughout and the tempo slow. If you need to you can bend your knee to take the pressure off the core.
  • I would aim for 8 repetitions each side. Use a slow tempo for this one and feel the V lines popping.

Exercise three: butterfly sit-up

  • Lie on your back with the bottoms of your feet together and your knees out wide.
  • Tilt your pelvis up to make sure your back doesn’t arch.
  • Sit up all the way and reach as far forward as you can.
  • Try to control the essential phase by lowering yourself down slowly one vertebrae at a time.
  • Repeat 12-15 times. These will really help with flexibility in your back and can engage your abs better than most.

Exercise four: plank twist

  • Start in a standard plank position, on your front with your elbows under the shoulders, body straight but with your feet slightly wider than usual.
  • Twist your hip to one side with the aim to hit the floor with your hips.
  • Drive the hips back up and around to the opposite side.
  • Keep the pelvis tucked in, not allowing to the lower back to arch putting pressure on the vertebrae.
  • Maintain a strong, neutral head position without allowing the forehead to drop to the floor.
  • Look to perform this exercise for 30-40 seconds. If you need to you can drop to your knees.

Arby Keheli, Head of Performance, PWR
Nik Pate

Exercise one: hollow hold

  • Lying flat on the back, from here lift the feet and peel the upper back off the floor. To ensure the core is engaged make sure the lower back is on constant contact with the floor at all times. If the lower back starts to lift bring the knees into a flexed position to reduce the lever length.

Exercise two: Superman hold

  • Lie flat on the floor with the chest down and arms extended. Think about lengthening the body creating as much distance from the toes to fingertips.
  • Rotate the wrist so that the thumbs are pointing up to the ceiling. Lift the arms and feet off of the floor engaging the glutes.
  • Hold this position. If you are struggling bring the arms down to your side with your palms facing down towards the floor.

Exercise three: rotational plank

  • Start movement in a low-plank position with the chest pushed away from the floor (protraction through the shoulder blades), glutes engaged and weight shifted forward.
  • Lift the elbow off the floor and rotate the torso upward maintaining a bridge position in the trunk (keeping the ribs away from the floor).
  • Bring the elbow back down and the torso with it. From here, begin to thread the elbow behind the supporting arm.

Exercise four: tuck crunch

  • Load initially into a hollow-hold position with arms extended and the legs lifted. Ensure that the lower back is kept on the floor throughout.
  • Draw the knees into the body while simultaneously drawing the chest towards the knees compressing through the core.
  • Extend the legs and arms out again into a hollow position ensuring that the lower back stays grounded.

Exercise five: beast shoulder taps

  • Start in a table top/beast position. The shoulders, elbows and wrists are in line, the back is flat and the hips are stacked directly over the knees.
  • From this position lift one arm off the floor and touch the opposite shoulder. This movement should be done slowly and the beast position is maintained throughout.

Exercise six: bicycle crunch

  • Lie flat on your back with the shoulder blade peeled off the floor and the chin tucked into the chest. Draw the opposite elbow into the opposite knee keeping the tension through the core.
  • Ensure that the lower back remains in contact with the floor for the duration of the movement.

Exercise seven: lateral shoot-through

  • Start in a tabletop/beast position. The shoulders elbows and wrist are in line, the back is flat and the are hips stacked directly over the knees.
  • You will then extend the leg and draw the arm back like you are pulling back the string of a bow. Keep the hip close to the ground but lifted, hold for a second and then return to centre back into that beast position.
  • The lateral shoot-through should be performed slowly with a focus on movement quality.

How to build these into a workout

Do 30 seconds of each of the seven workouts in a row, with ten seconds off in between. Do five rounds of the seven exercises, with 30 seconds in between each round.