7 signs that could tell you if your partner cheated on you recently

You’ve been warned!
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Relationships and infidelity are like two parallel tracks running along the same path - you hope they never collide but you can’t ever be sure they won’t!

In the minds of every single human being in a committed relationship, aside from all that love, happiness, and peace, there’s also a slight fear of their partner someday, somewhere cheating on them with someone else. When the going is good, that fear is forgotten and pushed back into the corner, as if it never existed. But it always exists and comes back stronger and fiercer the moment the going gets even a little bit rough.

In a world of social media and dating apps, can anyone ever be fully secure that their partner is not cheating on them?

If you’re wondering if your partner has been cheating on you or they cheated on you recently, watch out for these 7 signs to get the answer you need:

1. Their schedule isn’t the same

Sudden meetings, events and classes have popped up in their daily routine, and none of this was ever mentioned to you. A hobby they’ve picked up recently that they had never shown any interest in all this while? The odds are that it’s nothing but a cover for other, more nefarious activities instead.

2. Their libido levels have changed

They’re either wanting more physical intimacy than usual or barely any, as compared to their usual requirements. It’s like your appetite for food - you start feeling hungrier because your body is now used to more portions or you want to skip meals at home because you had a snack somewhere instead.

3. Their passwords have all been changed

Phone, bank account, laptop… It's a new password everywhere. And no, it’s not just for security purposes. If that were the case, you’d have known, and also you would have the new passwords already. Nothing says ‘guilty’ like a partner changing their password!

4. They’re being overly attentive to you

A partner who has suddenly decided to pay close attention to you and your needs usually does it for two reasons: you’ve complained about their lack of attention or they’re guilty of infidelity and are assuaging the same by giving you some extra TLC. If you haven’t made any such complaints recently, it’s a case of the former then, unfortunately.

5. They easily get defensive in any argument

Even the most insignificant of arguments has them in guards-up mode. A random comment you make is taken way too personally by them. Wondering what’s got into them? They’ve erred and fear getting caught so any minor gripe from your end is acting as a trigger.

6. You’ve noticed certain unexplained expenses

When all else fails, check out their credit card statements. Anything that doesn’t make sense, any purchase you never saw coming could lead you to places (and people) they’ve been in and wouldn’t have any concise reasoning to give you.

7. Their friends are a bit awkward around you

That’s because they’re aware of a certain indiscretion on the part of their friend and don’t know how to react or be around you. They don’t want to accidentally spill any sordid details, and would rather avoid too many conversations and interactions with you as the safer option.