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Episode 8: COVID Continued: What the world will look like in 2022


Listen: While 2021 brought incredible breakthroughs in science and billions of COVID-19 vaccine doses were delivered globally, the pandemic seems far from over as the new year approaches. Add in an urgent need for climate action, uneven economic recovery and supply chain disruption, plus growing tensions between the world’s two biggest economies—the US and China—and you basically want to pull the covers over your head. But still, there are reasons to be hopeful about 2022.

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Episode 7: Why biodiversity loss matters to governments and investors


Listen: Are global leaders finally taking needed action on environmental issues? Coming out of the COP26 meeting in Glasgow, we've seen governments agree to a certain set of policies to fight climate change. But that isn't the only urgent environmental issue we face. The twin problem of climate change AND biodiversity loss are a serious threat to not just governments, but also investors.

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Episode 6: Common prosperity, coal, and competitiveness: The US and China (part II)


Listen: The relationship between the US and China is rapidly evolving. Economic and political decisions made today will impact power dynamics in both the near and long term. We'll examine the Chinese government's plans to shape industries, continue its domestic growth, and deliver on commitments made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Plus, we'll explain what those decisions may mean for Chinese and US investors in the near future.

The latest episode of Living Beyond Borders, a special podcast series from GZERO and Citi Private Bank, is the second in a two-part series on the relationship between the US and China. Moderated by Caitlin Dean, Head of the Geostrategy Practice at Eurasia Group, this episode features David Bailin, Chief Investment Officer and Global Head of Investments for Citi Global Wealth, Steven Lo, Co-Head of Citi Global Wealth for Asia Pacific, and Ian Bremmer, President at Eurasia Group and GZERO Media.

Listen to part 1 of this conversation.

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Episode 5: Tariffs, tutors, and tension: The US and China (part I)


Listen: Tensions have been building between the US and China for some time, and the Biden administration and President Xi's leadership team have not found much new common ground. We'll look at how Xi Jinping's latest actions to focus on "Common Prosperity" have changed China's priorities, what the crackdown on certain industries means for markets, and how the U.S. is responding to these policy shifts for better or for worse.

The latest episode of Living Beyond Borders, a special podcast series from GZERO and Citi Private Bank, is the first in a two-part series on the relationship between the US and China. Moderated by Caitlin Dean, Head of the Geostrategy Practice at Eurasia Group, this episode features David Bailin, Chief Investment Officer and Global Head of Investments for Citi Global Wealth, Steven Lo, Co-Head of Citi Global Wealth for Asia Pacific, and Ian Bremmer, President at Eurasia Group and GZERO Media.

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Episode 4: Shifting balance, shifting priorities: Where work goes next


Listen: The nature of work had already been changing long before the global pandemic accelerated trends around flexible work, remote work technology, and the gig economy. While some industries and workers have benefitted from these changes, others have been left behind - including many women who dropped out of the workforce due to family concerns, or service-industry professionals whose jobs evaporated.

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Episode 3: How the pandemic could change healthcare forever


Listen: For all the flaws of many healthcare systems around the world, we've seen unprecedented coordination among researchers, healthcare providers, manufacturers, and governments which led to the rapid development of effective COVID-19 vaccines. In this episode, we'll look at the lessons learned during the pandemic - from telemedicine to vaccine breakthroughs - and how they can continue to improve the healthcare industry in the coming years.

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Episode 2: Inflation, interest rates, and economic recovery


Listen: When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in full force in the US, the government had to act quickly to keep the economy afloat. One major thing that the Federal Reserve did was lower interest rates to zero. That helped money keep flowing and borrowing rates low on things like mortgages, cars, and other things Americans needed. The danger in juicing the economy this way, however, is that inflation could go up, and higher consumer prices could end up hurting our wallets. How does the government strike the right balance? In this episode, we'll hear more about the US recovery, the international picture, and what could come next.

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Episode 10: Can private companies lead the way on climate action?


Listen: With bold commitments coming from both political and business leaders around the globe, 2021 could be a critical year in the fight against climate change. As sustainable investing moves from being a nice idea to a necessary move, what does it mean for your bottom line?

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