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International Symposium on Standards, Applications and Quality Assurance in Medical Radiation Dosimetry (IDOS 2019)

18–21 June 2019, Vienna, Austria

Medical Radiation Dosimetry Symposium (IDOS-2019)


The major goal of the symposium is to provide a forum at which advances in radiation dosimetry, radiation medicine, radiation protection and associated standards made over the last decade can be disseminated and scientific knowledge exchanged. It will cover all specialties in radiation medicine and radiation protection, with a specific focus on those areas where the standardization of dosimetry has improved in recent years (advanced radiotherapy, diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine and audits). It will also summarize the present status of, and outline future trends in, medical radiation dosimetry and identify possible areas for improvement. The conclusions and summaries from the symposium should lead to the formulation of recommendations for the scientific community.


The symposium will cover recent developments in the field of radiation dosimetry standards, applications and quality assurance. The IAEA welcomes both academic and practice based contributions on the following topics:

  • Radiation dosimetry measurement standards for imaging, therapy and radiation protection
  • Reference dosimetry and comparisons in brachytherapy, diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine
  • Clinical dosimetry in X ray imaging, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine
  • Independent dosimetry quality audits
  • Radiation protection dosimetry
  • Dosimetry for proton and light ion beams in radiotherapy
  • Detector technology and applications in dosimetry
  • Other related topics including microdosimetry, nanodosimetry, dosimetry of small animal irradiators and more


This symposium will be of interest to a broad spectrum of medical physicists and other scientists working in radiation dosimetry with responsibilities in the following fields: radiation metrology, external beam radiotherapy with photons, electrons and light ions, brachytherapy, radiology (including CT, mammography and interventional procedures), nuclear medicine (including radiopharmaceutical therapy) and radiation protection dosimetry.

The symposium will serve as an opportunity for scientists in medical institutions, research centres, universities and standards laboratories to meet for discussions covering the entire dosimetry chain.

The IAEA welcomes and encourages the participation of women, early career professionals and individuals from developing countries.


The symposium will consist of 16 sessions: four sessions per day of approximately 90 minutes each, including the opening session, educational courses, a series of topical sessions with oral and poster presentations, a session for poster highlights and three round-table discussion sessions.

The opening session will include welcoming addresses followed by two keynote presentations on the history of dosimetry and the main developments in dosimetry since the previous IAEA symposium on the topic (IDOS 2010), which was held in Vienna in November 2010.

A series of topical sessions (four plenary) will then cover selected areas of medical radiation dosimetry, from standards laboratories to the medical applications in radiotherapy, diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine. Each topical session will include one or two keynote invited presentations of 30 minutes followed by four to six oral presentations and related discussions.

Poster presentations for each topic will be an important component of the symposium, and their display will be maintained during the symposium. A plenary session will be dedicated to the highlights of the posters. The rapporteurs will summarize each of the sessions and prepare recommendations.

On days 1 to 3, a plenary session will be dedicated to a round-table discussion.

The symposium will include a plenary session to highlight fifty years of IAEA/World Health Organization (WHO) dosimetry audits.

Key Deadlines

  • No deadline: Form A for registration only (no paper submission, no grant request)
  • 15 December 2018: Submission of synopses through INDICO (including submission of Forms A and B through a competent national authority)
  • 15 December 2018: Submission of grant application (Forms A and C through a competent national authority)
  • End of February 2019: Notification of acceptance of synopses


A limited amount of space will be available for commercial vendors’ displays/exhibits during the symposium. Interested parties should contact the Scientific Secretariat by email before 16 November 2018.


To demonstrate its commitment to sustainability, the IAEA will organize this conference as a 'green meeting' according to the guidelines of the Austrian Ecolabel.

There will be a focus on the areas of paper smart documentation, waste reduction and recycling, and environmentally friendly catering.

Conference app

The IAEA Conferences and Meetings App provides a one-stop access to information on the Conference, exhibitions and scheduled side events. The app also allows users to put together their own personalized schedule of events. Via this app participants will be able to view contributed papers and the latest conference programme, message other participants, and view PowerPoint presentations released after the event. Participants will receive an email inviting them to register for the app approximately one week before the conference.

For iPhone or iPad users, get your free download through the Apple iTunes Store; those with Android devices can visit the Google Play Store.

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