The 30 Second Summer Blog for People on the Go
78% of all people who log onto the Idea Champions website spend less than 30 seconds there. It's probably the same for this blog. Short and sweet is the name of the game these days.
And so... for the rest of the summer, all our blog postings will take you less than 30 seconds to read. The one you're reading now has taken you about 23 seconds so far. Which means I have another 7 seconds or so to say something meaningful.
To be continued...
Time's up! But you *almost* got there; a little more work on shortening up those intro's, and you might be able to squeeze in 5-10 seconds of meaningfulness. In this day and age, that's Huge!
; - )
Posted by: Bill Ross at July 11, 2008 11:12 AM
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