How to Spark Breakthrough Ideas in 10 Minutes or Less Online
Looking for a simple way to spark big ideas without having to go to a meeting, training, conference, retreat, therapist, hypnotist, shaman, college, or brainstorming session? Here it is. Idea Champion's user-friendly, online FreeTheGenie app.
All you need is a question starting with the words "HOW CAN I?" or "HOW CAN WE?", an open mind, and 10 minutes. That's it. Knowing how time-crunched most people are these days, we've made our online Free the Genie tool super easy to use.
If you find it intriguing, feel free to sign up for a free, two-week subscription. Then, if you think it's worth it, you can get a year's subscription for $9.95. That's like... um.. let me do the math here... hmmm... 2.7 cents a day.
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The creator of Free the Genie
What you see when you google "ideas"
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