IFI Snapshots: Critical Patent Metrics

On average patents are 60 pages long and can reach a length of 100 or 200 pages depending on the type of invention and the nature of a given patent. To summarize key elements of patents in one quick view, IFI created IFI Snapshots for users to garner critical insights into a patent document more efficiently.

Why IFI Snapshots?

You can now avoid sifting through complex data relationships and national regulations with IFI Snapshots. Streamline your research process with a comprehensive view of critical patent metrics related to publications, such as, whether a patent is granted or expired and current ownership details.

Snapshots Coverage

IFI currently offers Snapshots for 10 patenting authorities including the US, Japan, China, Great Britain, the European Patent Office, Spain, Germany, France, Canada and Australia.

Snapshot Elements Explained

Expiry Dates

Includes anticipated and adjusted expiration dates as to when patents are expected to expire. This element is critical in determining the lifetime of a given patent and when a patent will no longer be in force.

Ownership Details

Find which stage of the patent life cycle a technology is currently in with legal status information. Legal status will help you identify how to proceed with your research and decisions. Available status information includes expirations, grants, examinations, rejections, and more.

Publication Type, Patent Status & Claims Summary

  • Publication Type - Identify whether the patent is an Application or Grant.
  • Patent Status - Indicates whether the patent is still in force or, in the case of applications, identifies the document as pending, granted, or inactive.
  • Claims Summaries – A quick summary of total number of claims, including independent and dependent claims.

Snapshots Use Case: Applying Patent Intelligence to Financial Events

Leveraging IFI Names & Snapshots: A Use Case Using the Merger of Neenah Inc. & Schweitzer Mauduit International Inc.