Be part of a collective effort to pray for Muslims around the world, that they may come to know Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life.
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(SWAH-zee) - In Eswatini, the child was sleeping on the bed, a sweet smile on her face, oblivious to the sickness and possible death around her, oblivious also to a possible future of poverty and unhappiness, a future that may take her down the road that so many Swazis travel, full of bad choices and desperate circumstances. Pray that this sleeping baby will one day be awakened to a new life, a new beginning, and a new sense of hope in the Lord Jesus Christ. "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope" (Romans 15:13 ESV). Pray that 2025 will be an encouraging year for the Swazi people.
Brothers in Christ who are working on the fish farming project in "Zarb Village" have been expanding their efforts to include a goat project, as well. This new project will, Lord willing, serve to expand the capacity of these brothers to continue engaging Muslims in that area intentionally with the gospel. As the goat project has recently been launched, pray for continued open doors into the community and for new doors to open both to the message of the gospel and to the brothers and sisters in Christ who are bringing that message. Pray that people who are receiving the benefits of these projects will come to receive the free gift of salvation that God has offered in Jesus, His Son.
"Join us in praying for Beth-Ann, a high school teacher in a rural community. She is teaching world religions for the first time this semester. As a committed Christian, Beth-Ann is using her Bible as a textbook to teach about God. She is encouraging her students who have their own Bibles to bring them to class. God has opened the door for her to share her own personal testimony on how God has worked in her life. She tells her students, 'If you have questions, I am available to meet them after class.' We are asking God to give the young people boldness and courage to talk with Beth-Ann and commit their lives to Christ."
"In March, our new team member will move to Panama to live and serve with our Panama Mobilization Team. Please pray for her as she transitions to a new country and culture and begins learning the language. Ask God to surround her with a strong, supportive community in which she can build meaningful relationships and thrive spiritually, emotionally, and relationally."
(NOO-bee-ans) - "And the eunuch said to Philip, 'About whom, I ask you, does the prophet say this, about himself or about someone else?' Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the good news about Jesus" (Acts 8:34-35 ESV). While studying Isaiah 53, the Ethiopian eunuch miraculously met the evangelist, Philip, who explained the truth of the gospel to him. This court official came from the same part of the world as the ancestors of today's Nubians. He encountered God's Word and a believer who could explain it to him. The Spirit used these miraculous encounters to bring him to faith. Pray for the Nubians today to be given God's Word. Pray for believers to meet them, answer their questions, and explain the Word to them. Pray for Nubians to believe and be baptized!
Several million Somalis are scattered across countries in the Horn of Africa and the Middle East. About 107,000 live in the United Arab Emirates. Many went seeking job opportunities and have been there for decades. Others left Somalia during the 1990s to escape the civil war. They work in various occupations, including shepherding and farming. Many dwell in urban areas. Some serve as middlemen between the Arab world and their nomadic brothers in the Horn, buying goods and exporting them back to Somalia. Cargo shipment operations between the U.A.E. and Somalia are strong, and Somalis contribute to the U.A.E.'s busy commercial corridors, with the geographic proximity of the two countries boosting trade. In the U.A.E., Somalis settle near other Somalis so they can help each other and continue their cultural traditions. There are many Somali shops and businesses where women and men stop to chat with friends. The "JESUS" film and Christian radio and television are available in the Somali language. Pray for the effectiveness of these resources. Ask the Lord to raise up believers to live among Somalis in the U.A.E. and share Christ's love with them. Pray for a disciple-making movement to begin there and spread to Somalia!
"We had some productive days up in a village, learning about the people group we are looking for and sharing the gospel with them!" missionary explorers Stephen and Lily Farrell shared. "Many of our connections came from a woman who is from a different people group that is known for being Christian and serving their community with schools and hospitals. We learned about how almost 200 years ago, a man from her tribe and his family were persecuted for their faith but decided to still follow Jesus. His whole family was martyred, but then revival broke out, and today this people group is known for their faith in Christ. Will you join us in prayer for this people group to catch a vision for the other groups around them who don't know Jesus? Pray that they will boldly share the gospel, even though they fear persecution. Pray that we will connect with more pastors and churches who can reach the people group we have been looking for, who are their neighbors and friends."
A group of believers recently had a retreat to kick off 2025. They are all excited about reaching the minority peoples around them this year! They are working through plans and goals, and they need God's wisdom (James 1:5). Please join them in praying that God will connect them with the people whom He wants them to serve. There is a women's group in its early stages, and they are wanting to support this group however God would have them to do so. Pray with them that His kingdom will come (Matthew 6:10) in the village of "Syello."
(HAHK-uh) - Every Thursday night, people from across Taiwan gather online to pray for a spiritual explosion among Taiwan's Hakka, one that would spread throughout Taiwan and across all of Asia. Will you join in prayer with the 300 people who pray in unity every week for the Holy Spirit to move in a mighty way? Ask God to answer these prayers and move mightily among Taiwan's more than 4.6 million Hakka, bringing light to their darkness and new life through an eternal relationship with God.
As Christians face the daily pressures of life, ask the Lord to give them the strength to fix their eyes on Jesus who is the author and perfecter of their faith. Pray that they can see how Christ endured the cross with the joy set before Him and that He is not only the author of their faith but also the perfecter of it. Ask that these brothers and sisters will find renewed strength in Jesus' suffering as they endure to receive the eternal reward for which we all long (Hebrews 12:2).