Self-isolating woman finds genius way to get cigarettes up to her room coronavirustiktokwomanself-isolationcoronavirusJul 27, 2021
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Pictures of an empty London show the impact of social distancing coronavirussocial distancingself-isolationlondoncoronavirusMar 21, 2020
Landlord wants tenants to host a house viewing during self-isolation coronavirusself-isolationtenantsrentlandlordcoronavirusMar 19, 2020
Hilary Duff slams 'a**hole' millennials for 'killing old people' barsmillennialsself-isolationcoronavirushilary duffbarsMar 17, 2020
Kids put on cello performance for elderly neighbour in self-isolation celloperformanceself-isolationcoronaviruschildrencelloMar 17, 2020
Passenger receives unexpected love note from pilot on back of a napkin traveltiktokpilotflyingairportnotetravel21h1741276397
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German company offers to 'freeze' your body for $200,000 in hope of future revival sciencegermanycryopreservationtomorrow biosciencecryodeath49s
Emotional TikTok tributes flood in for the anglerfish and her last moments anglerfishtiktoktributestenerifeoceanfishtheoriestiktok trendanglerfishFeb 14, 2025
Cleopatra’s birth city is sinking and scientists have found out why egypthistoryoceansciencearchaeologyegypt6m
I was a nail-biter for 25 years - this is what stopped me for good beautynailsmanicurehealthmental healthbeautyJan 30, 2025