
2019 Refinement


5th Corrigenda to the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories


Section Page Beginning
Correction Required
3 6 11 3rd para. To correct <gammai > with <gammai,p > and <gammak > with <gammak,i,p > (here and everywhere)
3 6 24 1st para. In first paragraph under "Calculation of ai and aki using the default weighting factors gammai,p and gammak,i,p," insert "formed from gas i" between "fractions of gas i and by-products k" and "(based on mass)".
3 6 24 2nd para. In second paragraph under "Calculation of ai and aki using the default weighting factors gammai,p and gammak,i,p," insert "using the Tier 2a method (or the Tier 2b or Tier 3b method)" between "inventory compilers" and "should use Equations 6.10 and 6.11".
3 6 24 2nd para. Insert the following paragraph after the second paragraph under "Calculation of ai and aki using the default weighting factors gammai,p and gammak,i,p,": "In all of these equations (6.10, 6.11, 6.18, and 6.19),  the fraction of pre-control emissions that is exhausted to emissions control systems is approximated using the fraction of the total number of tools that exhaust to emissions control systems.[insert new footnote provided below that begins "If a facility"]  This approximation is expected to be reasonably good by itself if all the tools are running the same process type (e.g., chamber cleaning vs. etching). However, the approximation may be poor by itself if the tools are running different process types, because emissions per tool can vary greatly across different process types. In Equations 6.10 and 6.11, the fraction of emissions destroyed is estimated across different process types. Thus, in these equations, new default weighting factors (γi,p for input gases and γk,i,p for by-product gases, provided in Table 6.8) are applied to tools that run chamber cleaning processes to increase the accuracy of the estimate."
To avoid redundancy, delete the phrase "
based on the default weighting factors (gammai and gammak) provided in Table 6.8" from the end of the previous paragraph.
3 6 24 3rd para. Correct first and following sentences as follows:  "As discussed in Box 6.3, the gamma factors reflect the ratio of the uncontrolled emissions per tool of gas i or by-product k from tools running the weighted process type “p” chamber cleaning processes (in situ plasma (IPC) and/or in-situ thermal (ITC)) to the uncontrolled emissions per tool of gas i or by-product k from tools running the reference process type “q.” etch and/or wafer cleaning (EWC) processes.  When Equation 6.10 or 6.11 is used for the Tier 2a or Tier 2b method, p includes the in-situ plasma cleaning (IPC) and the in-situ thermal cleaning (ITC) process types, while q consists of the etching and wafer cleaning (EWC) process type. (These terms include additional process types for Tier 3b; see the definitions of the terms “p” and “q” in Equations 6.10 and 6.11.[insert new footnote provided below that begins "For the Tier 3b method"]) For Tiers 2a and 2b, taking gamma values into account is necessary"
3 6 24 3rd para. Correct last sentence as follows: "To calculate ai and ak,i, inventory compilers should use Equations 6.10 and 6.11 and the default gamma factors, as well as the total numbers of tools in the reporting facility using gas i or producing by-product k from gas i while running process type p or q (ni,p, mi,q, nk,i,p, mk,i,q), and the numbers of those tools equipped with suitable emissions control technology for gas i or by-product k while running process type p or q (ni,p,a, mi,q,a, nk,i,p,a, mk,i,q,a)"
3 6 24 4th para. Correct the paragraph as follows: "For each gas where a value for gammai,p or gammak,i,p exists, Table 6.8 provides gamma values relating per-tool emissions from the weighted process type p IPC processes (and, in some cases, per-tool emissions from ITC processes as well) to per-tool emissions from EWCthe reference process type q processes. The gamma value column selected by a facility depends on the gas(es) emitted by the facility and the chamber cleaning process(es) used by the facility.  The gamma value row depends on the Tier 2 method used (a or b) by the facility (Tier 2a, 2b, or 3b), whether the gas is emitted as an input gas or by-product, and (for Tier 2b and 3b), the wafer size. For example, a facility emitting CF4 from both IPC processes and ITC processes , or both would use a gamma value from the second column from the left in Table 6.8. If the facility were using the Tier 2a method to estimate emissions of CF4 as an input gas, it would use the gammai,p value in the row immediately below the “Tier 2a” title row in the table. The corresponding equipment tool counts ni,p would be the total numbers of pieces of equipment tools that emit CF4 as an input gas and that run either IPC andor ITC processes, respectively, and the corresponding equipment tool counts ni,p,a would be the total numbers of pieces of equipment tools that emit CF4 as an input gas, that run either IPC andor ITC processes, respectively, and that are abated .  (If the facility emits CF4 as an input gas from both IPC and ITC processes, ni and nai are the sum of the applicable equipment counts across the two process types.)  
3 6 24 footnote Delete the current footnote 6 that reads, "As tools running etch and/or wafer cleaning process often use multiple input gases that may each produce CF4 or C2F6 as a by-product, inventory compilers should be careful not to double count when totalling the number of etch tools that produce by-product k (mk) and the total number etch tools that produce by-product-k that are abated (mak). Values for mak and mk should not exceed the total number of tools that run etch and/or wafer cleaning processes in the fab."
3 6 24 new footnote Insert a new footnote that reads, "If a facility monitors input gas consumption by tool (e.g., using MFCs), this information rather than tool counts may be used to calculate ai,p and ak,i,p. Similarly, if a facility using the 3b method monitors or otherwise apportions gas consumption by process type, Equations 6.18 and 6.19 may be used to estimate ai,p and ak,i,p for all process types at the facility."
3 6 24 new footnote Insert a new footnote that reads, "For the Tier 3b method (stack testing), gamma values are also provided for remote plasma clean (RPC) for FCs and for thin-film deposition (TFD) for N2O. The Tier 2a and 2b methods require apportioning between TFD and “Other” N2O processes and between RPC and other FC processes and therefore do not need gamma values for TFD and RPC."
3 6 25 Box 6.3 Correct the first sentence to "To estimate the fraction of an FC abated when that FC is exhausted emitted from both chamber cleaning processes and EWC processes, the Tier 2a, Tier 2b, and Tier 3b methods apply default weighting factors i,p and γk,i,p) to the numbers of abated and unabated tools running chamber cleaning processes (see Equations 6.10 and 6.11). 
3 6 25 Box 6.3 After the first sentence, add the parenthetical statement: (As discussed above, the Tier 3b method also applies default weighting factors to the numbers of abated and unabated tools running N2O-using TFD processes.)
3 6 25 Box 6.3 In the current second sentence, correct "the Tier 2a and 2b methods" to "the Tier 2a, Tier 2b, and Tier 3b methods"
3 6 25 Box 6.3 Correct sentence beginning "These differences are reflected in the default gamma values," to "These differences are reflected in the default gamma values, which range from 1.4 to 26 for FC input gases, for example."
3 6 26 Equation 6.10
To correct Equation 6.10 as follows.

In the title of the equation, replace "emitted" with "exhausted."

The original:

The resulting:

To correct definitions under Equation 6.10 as follows:

ai = estimate of the fraction of gas i exhausted from process tools equipped with suitable emissions control technologies, site-specific fraction
ni,p,a = number of tools that use gas i, that run process type p, and that are equipped with suitable emissions control technologies for gas i, site-specific

mi,q,a = number of tools that use gas i, that run process type q, and that are equipped with suitable emissions control technologies for gas i, site-specific
ni,p = total number of tools using gas i and running process type p, site-specific
mi,q  = total number of tools using gas i and running process type q, site-specific
[gamma]i,p = default factor reflecting the ratio of uncontrolled emissions per tool of input gas i from tools running process type p to uncontrolled emissions per tool of input gas i from process tools running process type q, fraction
i = input gas
p = weighted process type. When Equation 6.10 is being used for the Tier 2a or Tier 2b method, p includes IPC and/or ITC. When Equation 6.10 is being used for the Tier 3b method and gas i is an FC, p includes RPC, IPC, and/or ITC. When Equation 6.10 is being used for the Tier 3b method and gas i is N2O, p consists of thin-film deposition.
q = reference process type. When gas i is an FC, q consists of the combination of etching and/or wafer-cleaning processes. When gas i is N2O, q consists of the “Other” process type.
3 6 26 Equation 6.11
To correct Equation 6.11 as follows.

In the title of the equation, replace "emitted" with "exhausted."

The original:

The resulting:

To correct definitions under Equation 6.11 as follows:

ak,i = estimate of the fraction of by-product k formed from input gas i that is exhausted from process tools that are equipped with suitable emissions control technologies, site-specific fraction
nk,i,p,a = number of tools that exhaust by-product k formed from input gas i, that run process type p, and that are equipped with suitable emissions control technology for by-product k, site-specific
mk,i,q,a = number of tools that exhaust by-product k formed from input gas i, that run process type q, and that are equipped with suitable emissions control technology for by-product k, site-specific
nk,i,p = total number of tools exhausting by-product k formed from input gas i and running process type p, site-specific
mk,i,q = total number of tools exhausting by-product k formed from input gas i and running process type q, site-specific
[gamma]k,i,p = default factor reflecting the ratio of uncontrolled emissions per tool of by-product k from process tools using gas i and running process type p to uncontrolled emissions per tool of by-product k from process tools using gas i and running process type q, fraction
i = input gas
k = by-product gas
p = weighted process type. When Equation 6.11 is being used for the Tier 2a or Tier 2b method, p includes IPC and/or ITC. When Equation 6.11 is being used for the Tier 3b method and gas i is an FC, p includes RPC, IPC, and/or ITC. When Equation 6.11 is being used for the Tier 3b method and gas i is N2O, p consists of thin-film deposition.
q = reference process type. When gas i is an FC, q consists of the combination of etching and/or wafer-cleaning processes. When gas i is N2O, q consists of the “Other” process type.
3 6 48 Table 6.8 Correct Table 6.8 as presented in the Tab <Corrigenda_Table 6.8>
3 6 6.3.2 68 Table 6.22 Correct Table 6.22 as presented in the Tab <Corrigenda_Table 6.22>
3 6 11 3rd para. To correct <ak > with <ak,i > and <ak,p > with <ak,i,p > (here and everywhere)
3 6 11 4th para. Correct Dk to with Dki
3 6 29 Equation 6.14 Correct Equation 6.14 by adding subscript "i" after subscript "k" in variable "Dk,p"

In addition correct definitions of Equation 6.14:
1) In the definition of the term Bk,i,p, insert "use of" before "input gas i" and replace "for" with "in" before "process type p," resulting in the following revised definition: "Emission factor for by-product k generated from use of input gas i in process type p, kg of by-product k created per kg of  gas i consumed for process type p."
2) In addition to inserting subscript "i" in the term "Dk,p, resulting in "Dk,i,p," correct definition of "Dk,i,p" to "Overall reduction of mass of gas k by-product emissions from use of input gas i in for process type p, site-specific fraction calculated per Equation 6.17"
3 6 21, 23 Equations 6.5, 6.6 and 6.8 In definition of the term "i," add "or, for NF3, C3F8, and N2O, input gas and process type combination" after "Input gas."
3 6 21 Equation 6.6 Correct Dk term in equation to Dk,i.   Correct definition of term Dk with definition of term Dk,i = Overall reduction of mass of emissions of by-product gas k formed from input gas i by-product emissions, site-specific fraction, calculated per Equation 6.9. 
3 6 23 Equation 6.8 In the text above Equation 6.8 and EVERYWHERE, correct Dk,p to Dk,i, and correct ak,p to ak,i. In the text above Equation 6.8 and EVERYWHERE, replace "by-product k emitted from process tools equipped with suitable emissions control technologies" with "by-product k emitted exhausted from process tools equipped with suitable emissions control technologies
3 6 23 Equation 6.9
To correct Equation 6.9 by adding <i> subscript to <Dk> and <ak>:

To correct definitions under Equation 6.9 as follows.
Dk,i = overall reduction of mass of emissions of by-product k formed from input gas i, site-specific fraction
ak,i = estimate of the fraction of by-product k that is formed from input gas i and that is exhausted from process tools equipped with suitable emissions control technologies, site-specific fraction, as determined in Equation 6.11 or Equation 6.19, as applicable
dk = Destruction Removal Efficiency (DRE) for by-product k, fraction
UT = average uptime factor of all emissions control systems, site-specific fraction, calculated per Equation 6.12
i = input gas, or, for NF3, C3F8, and N2O, input gas and process type combination
k = by-product gas
3 6 26 Equation 6.16 Change "emitted from" to "exhausted from" in t the definition of ai,p
3 6 30 Equation 6.17 In Equation 6.17, insert the subscript "i" between "k" and "p" in the variables "Dk,p" and "ak,p."
In the definition of Dk,i,p, insert "use of input gas i in" between "emitted from" and "process type p."
Correct the definition of ak,i,p to the following: "Estimate of the fraction of by-product k
emitted exhausted from process tools running using input gas i in process type p and equipped with suitable emissions control technologies, site-specific fraction calculated per Equation 6.19"
3 6 31 Equation 6.18 In the definition of ai,p and EVERYWHERE, change "fraction of gas i emitted from process tools . . . equipped with suitable emissions control technologies" to "fraction of gas i exhausted from process tools. . . equipped with suitable emissions control technologies." Above equation 6.18, correct ai,p,a to n i,p,a. 
3 6 31 1013 In the text above Equation 6.19, correct the first sentence to: "To estimate the site-specific ak,i,p value, inventory compilers may use Equation 6.19 to calculate the ratio of the number of tools that running process type p, emitting by-product k from use of input gas i, and) that are equipped with suitable emissions control technologies (nak,i,p,a) to the total number of  tools that running process type p and emitting by-products k from use of input gas i (nk,i,p) using Equation 6.19.
3 6 31 1015 In the text above Equation 6.19, delete the remainder of the paragraph after the first sentence, beginning with the sentence that begins "Note that by-product k"
3 6 31 2nd para. In text surrounding Equation 6.19, correct the variable name from "m" to "n"
3 6 31 Equation 6.19
To correct Equation 6.19 as follows.

To correct the title of equation 6.19 by replacing "emitted" with "exhausted" and by adding "use of input gas i in" between "emitted from" and "process p".

The original:

The resulting:

To correct definitions under Equation 6.19 as follows:

ak,i,p = estimate of the fraction of by-product k exhausted from process tools running process type p and equipped with suitable emissions control technologies, site-specific fraction
nk,i,p,a = number of process tools that run process type p, emit by-product k from use of input gas i, and are equipped with suitable emissions control technologies, site-specific
nk,i,p = total number of process tools running process type p and emitting by-product k from use of input gas i, site-specific
i = input gas
k = by-product gas
p = process type
3 6 40 Equation 6.26
To correct Equation 6.26 as follows.
The original:

The resulting:

To correct definitions under Equation 6.26 as follows:

EAk,f = annual emissions of FC by-product k from the stack systems that are tested for facility f, kg/year
EFk,f = emission factor for FC by-product gas k, emitted from facility f representing 100 percent emissions control system uptime, as calculated in Equation 6.24 of this section, kg emitted/kg of all FC input gases consumed
Ci,f = total consumption of FC input gas i for facility f for the reporting year, kg
UTf = the total uptime of all emissions control systems for facility f, during the reporting year as calculated using Equation 6.27 of this section, fraction
ak,i,f = estimate of the fraction of FC by-product gas k formed from input gas i that is exhausted from process tools equipped with suitable emissions control technologies, site-specific fraction as determined in Equation 6.11 for facility f
dk = Destruction Removal Efficiency (DRE) for FC by-product gas k, fraction
i = FC input gas
k = FC by-product gas
3 6 36 5th para. In the paragraph immediately under the heading "Testing Frequency," replace "In addition" with "On the other hand".
3 6 36 5th para. Correct the first sentence of the second bullet under the 5th paragraph to read, "Annual consumption of an FC that was not used during the emissions test andor that is not included in the facility-specific emission factors rises to 5% (expressed in CO2e) of the annual FC consumption of the fab. "
3 6 36 5th para. Add the following parenthetical statement to the second bullet: "(For FCs that were not used during the emissions test and whose consumption falls below 5% of annual fab consumption, Tier 2 or 3a methods should be used to estimate emissions to ensure completeness.)"
3 6 36 Last line Correct "substrate size manufactured" to "substrate size used"
3 6 37 1st para. Correct third bullet under the first paragraph to read "Emissions testing should be conducted during a period of 8 hours or longer per stack system while the facility is operating at a representative level with representative emissions control system uptime. (Representative uptime is particularly important for emission control systems that have not been certified not to form CF4 from F2 exhausted by the process.) Representative in this case means that normal process tools’ or emissions control systems’ maintenance is being performed during the stack emissions test and that processes running during the test are indicative of normal facility operations.
3 6 37 1st para. Correct the first sentence in the fourth bullet under first paragraph to read  "Measurements should be taken for N2O and all FC gases known to be used by the facility and any possible FC gas by-products. "
3 6 37 1st para. Correct the last bullet under the first paragraph as follows: "If consumption of an FC gas is too low to be accurately measured during the testing period, then in order to account for usage, either the testing period should be increased or consumption from pro-rated long-term consumption data may should be calculated for the testing period by pro-rating long-term consumption data." 
3 6 38 3rd para. In the last paragraph on the page, after "as applicable", delete the remainder of the sentence, insert a period and add the following sentences: "For FC gases, use Equations 6.23a and 6.23b or 6.23a and 6.23c of this section.  For N2O, always use Equation 6.23b, even if this results in an emission factor greater than 1."
insert a paragraph break and correct the remaining sentences (now a new paragraph) to read:  "Equation 6.23a calculates ESimax,f, the controlled emissions that would result during the sampling period if the utilization rate for the FC input gas i were equal to 0.2 (the minimum discussed above in “Adapting Tier 2 Methods to Account for Technological Changes”).  If ∑sESi,s  (the total measured emissions of the FC across all stack systems) falls below ESimax,f, then use Equation 6.23b to calculate EFi,f (the abated 1-U factor for the FC input gas i). If ∑sESi,s equals or exceeds ESimax,f, use Equation 6.23c to calculate EFi,f,  and treat the difference between ∑sESi,s and ESimax,f as a by-product of the other input gases, using Equation 6.24 of this section."
3 6 39 1st para. Correct second sentence in paragraph to read "When calculating the by-product emission factor for an FC input gas i for which ∑sESi,s equals or exceeds ESimax,f,emissions exceeded its consumption, inventory compilers should exclude the consumption of that input gas from the term ∑ Activityi,f. 
3 6 39 Equation 6.23 Above the current Equation 6.23, insert a new Eqation 6.23a (see tab titled "Added Equations 6.23a + 6.23c").
3 6 39 Equation 6.23 Redesignate current Equation 6.23 as Equation 6.23b
3 6 39 Equation 6.23 In the definition of UTf, correct equation reference from "6.30" to "6.27"
3 6 39 Equation 6.23 After the newly designated Equation 6.23b, insert a new Equation 6.23c. (See tab titled "Added Equations 6.23a + 6.23c")
3 6 58 Table 6.17 1) The C2F4 DRE default of 0.96 should be corrected to 0.98; 2) The C2F6 DRE default of 0.95 should be corrected to 0.98; 3) The CH2F2 DRE default of 0.98 should be corrected to 0.99; 4) The CH3F DRE default of 0.98 should be corrected to 0.99; 5) The C2HF5 DRE default of 0.95 should be corrected to 0.98; 6) The SF6 DRE default of 0.95 should be corrected to 0.96. 
3 6 47 Table 6.7 In Table 6.7, correct the input gas and selected by-product emission factor values for the input gases CF4, CHF3, C4F8, C4F6, CH3F, NF3 . 
3 6 47 Tables 6.7, 6.9, 6.10, 6.11, and 6.12 Clarify references to tables 6.7, 6.9, 6.10, 6.11, 6.12. Add phrase after "Data collected under the U.S. EPA Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule (GHGRP, 40 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 98; Subpart I)".  Phrase to add:  "Subsets of the data available at https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=EPA-HQ-OAR-2011-0028" 
3 6 49 Table 6.9 In Table 6.9, for the 200-mm wafer size, correct the input gas and selected by-product emission factor values for the input gases CF4 and C4F6 for etching and wafer cleaning processes. In addition, correct the by-product emission factor value for C5F8 formed from c-C4F8 and for C2F6 formed from SF6. For the 300-mm wafer size, correct the input gas and selected by-product emission factor values for the input gases CHF3 and C4F8 for etching and wafer cleaning processes.  
3 6 50 Table 6.10 In Table 6.10, correct the input gas and selected by-product emission factor values for the input gases CF4 and C4F6 for etching and wafer cleaning processes. 
3 6 51 Table 6.11 In Table 6.11, correct the input gas and selected by-product emission factor values for the input gases CHF3 and C4F8 for etching and wafer cleaning processes. One value for CH3F was corrected due to transcription error.  
3 6   3 Table of Contents, Table of Equations, Table of Figures, and Table of Tables Correct Table of Contents, Table of Equations, Table of Figures, and Table of Tables to reflect all corrections
3 6 6.1.1 7 Second and third full paragraphs Add subheading for section "Compounds used and emitted" above second full paragraph. Add subheading for section "Processes leading to emissions" above third full paragraph. In third full paragraph, after the third sentence, insert the sentence "In this chapter, input gases are generally designated with the subscript "i."" Also in the third full paragraph, after the sixth full sentence, insert the sentence, "In this chapter, by-product gases are generally designated with the subscript “k” (or “k,i” where a particular input gas “i” reacts to form the by-product “k”)." 
3 6 6.1.1 8 First line on page Remove parenthetical "(TFD)" after "thin film deposition "
3 6 6.1.2 9 2nd para. In the second and third paragraphs, replace "by process types" with "by process type." (Three occurrences.)
3 6 6.1.2 9 Table 6.2 In the heading for the second set of columns from the left, capitalize "Compounds"
3 6 6.1.2 9 Table 6.2 In the first footnote to Table 6.2, to correct <updates the default emission factors for the 2006 Guidelines Tier 2b method> to <now includes a default factor for N2O TFD>. The full footnote will now read, <For display, the Tier 2c method now includes a default factor for N2O TFD but is otherwise similar to the former 2b method. The Tier 2c method does not distinguish by substrate size for display.>
3 6        11 3th para. Insert a footnote after "exhausted": <In this chapter, the fraction of gas or quantity of gas “exhausted” from process tools refers to the fraction or quantity of that gas that emerges from the tools before abatement is accounted for (i.e., the pre-control emissions). For example, if half of the tools that run etch processes with CHF3 are equipped with suitable emissions control technologies, then the fraction of CHF3 exhausted from etch process tools that are equipped with suitable emissions control technologies is 50 percent.>
3 6 11 4th para. To remove the following text <and to the sets of tools within each process type that are either abated or unabated> after <Apportioning is required to track gas consumption to process types>.
3 6 11 4th para. The word <pre-control> is missing. To insert <pre-control> before <emissions of each gas from each process type.> to read < and (2) in the case of emissions control calculations, the per-tool pre-control emissions of each gas from each process type>
3 6 14 Table 6.3 Correct Table 6.3 to reflect other changes in the chapter (detailed above). See tab for table 6.3 in this workbook.
3 6 18 Equation 6.1 In Equation 6.1, (1) add "for semiconductors and MEMS, g for display and PV" to the end of the definition of {Ei}n, and (2) delete "either" and add "MEMS" to the definition of delta. The resulting definitions will read "{Ei}n = emissions of fluorinated compound gas i (FCi) or N2O, kg for semiconductors and MEMS, g for display and PV" and "[delta] = 1 when Equation 6.1 is applied to PV industry and zero when Equation 6.1 is applied to either semiconductor, MEMS, or TFT-Display industries, dimensionless
3 6 18 Equation 6.1 In Equation 6.1, in the note under the definition of {Ei}n, replace "#" placeholders with actual numbers applicable to each product type. Corrected text will read: "the number of gases included in each set ({12} for semiconductors, {6} for display, {3} for MEMS, and {2} for PV, see Table 6.6)."
3 6 22 3rd para. Replace "l" with "c" for consistency with Equation 6.3
3 6 26 Equation 6.12 In the definitions of Td and TT, remove parentheses around "minutes per year" and correct spacing around preceding commas.   In the definition of "N," make the "n" lower case.
3 6 28 2nd para. Remove the "in" before "included"
3 6 28 2nd para. Correct the list of variable names to the following: "(Ci,p, Di,p, Dk,i,p, ai,p, ak,i,p, ni,p,a, ni,p, nk,i,p,a, nk,i,p, UTp, Tdn,p, TTn,p)"
3 6 29 3rd para. After the first three sentences in this paragraph, delete the remaining text, starting with the phrase, "Because site-specific factors should be accounted for. . ."
3 6 29 Equation 6.15 In the title of Equation 6.15, insert "hydrocarbon-fuelled" before "combustion emissions control equipment."
3 6 33 2nd para. Correct "allowing protection of the underlying confidential nature of the information" to "allowing protection of any underlying confidential information. "
3 6 39 Equation 6.24 In Equation 6.24 and the definition of the term ak,f, insert an "i" subscript in that term, resulting in the term ak,i,f.
3 6 39 Equation 6.24 In the definition of the term ak,i,f, insert "k formed from input gas i that is exhausted" between "fraction of by-product" and "from process tools equipped".
3 6 39 Equation 6.24 In the definition of the term UTf, correct the reference from "Equation 6.30" to "Equation 6.27"
3 6 40 Equation 6.25 In the definition of the variable EFi,f, replace "as calculated in Equation 6.26" with "as calculated in Equation 6.23B or 6.23C, as appropriate."
3 6 40 Between Equation 6.25 and 6.26 Immediately above Equation 6.26, correct "After calculating Ei,f" to "After calculating EAi,f"
3 6 41 Equation 6.27 In the definition of UTf, replace the variables "Tdpf,"  and "UTpf" with "Tdn,f," "TTn,f,"and "UTn,f" 
3 6 41 Equation 6.27 In the definition of TTnf, replace "Equations 6.25 and 6.26" with "Equations 6.23 and 6.24"
3 6 46 Table 6.6 In the second footnote, correct the references to "Table 6.6" and "Table 6.5" to "Table 6.7"
3 6 47 Tables 6.7, 6.9, 6.10, 6.11,  6.12, and 6.13. Add "(fraction)" after "Default Emission Factors" in the title of each table. 
3 6 55 2nd para. Replace "Unless the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or the electronic devices manufacturer can certify that the rate of conversion from F2 to CF4 or from NF3 to CF4 is <0.1 percent on a mass basis" with "Unless the emissions control system manufacturer (referred to below as the “original equipment manufacturer” or “OEM”) can certify that the rate of conversion from F2 to CF4 is <0.1 percent on a mass basis" 
3 6 55 4th para. Correct "verify emissions control technologies" to "verify that emissions control systems"
3 6   55   Add footnote referencing Dr. Li paper after current footnotes 8 and 9: "Li, Shou-Nan, Jung-Nan Hsu, Hui-Ya Shih, Shu-Jen Lin and Jen-Liang Hong (2002). "FTIR spectrometers measure scrubber abatement efficiencies." Solid State Technology, 45: 157-165. "
3 6 6.2.3 59 1st para. Move footnote defining "fab" from this paragraph to the first occurrence of the word "fab" on page 12 in section
3 6 6.3.1 61 3rd para. Delete the following sentence: "However, for the Tier 2c method and for some gases, process types, and wafer size combinations, the relatively large number of experimental emission factors taken into account for some combinations (e.g. when more than 20-30 individual experimental factors are averaged to estimate a particular default Tier 2c factor) provides higher confidence that the default can accurately represent actual (facility-specific) emission factors."
3 6 6.3.1 61 5th para. Replace "substrate-to-substrate variability" with "wafer-to-wafer variability"
3 6 6.3.2 67 3rd para. Correct sentence as follows: "Another major source of uncertainty and potential errors in activity data is related to gas consumption apportioning, where consumption may need to be distinguished apportioned by wafer size (Tier 2b), apportioned toby specific process type (Tier 2c), and, to a limited extent, Tiers 2a and 2b), and/or by specific recipes or families of similar recipes (Tier 3a), or specific stacks (Tier 3b)". 
3 6 6.3.2 67 5th para. Insert "i" subscripts in the ak, Dk, and gamma factors in this paragraph. Also insert "p" subscripts in the gamma factors.
3 6 6.3.2 67 6th para. Remove "However" at the beginning of the sentence.
3 6 6.4.1 68 3rd para. Change "biases can exist" to "biases may exist". 
3 6 6.3.2 68 Table 6.23, column headers Correct Table 6.23 as follows.
- In the column headers: Insert "(Gaseous and Liquid FCs)" after "Tier 1" in the second column from the left. Correct "(Fluorinated Liquids)" to "(Liquid FCs)" after "Tier 2" in the third column from the left.
- In the 1st row: Insert a new row directly under the column header row listing "Emissions by FC and electronics subsector" in the "Data" column and including an "X" under Tier 1
- In the 3rd row: Insert a new row directly above the row whose entry begins "Inventories of input gases and heat transfer fluids." In the first column ("Data") of the new row, include the following entry: "For gaseous FCs, emissions by FC, electronics subsector, process type, wafer size (if relevant), and input gas vs. by-product. For liquid FCs, emissions by FC and electronics subsector. " Include X's under every column other than "Tier 1."
- In the 8th row on page 69: Correct "Apportioning factors and consumption data for all input gases as a function of wafer size, process types, or stacks as appropriate" to "Consumption data for all input gases (and, except for the Tier 3b method, apportioning factors) as a function of process type and/or wafer size as appropriate."
- In the 4th, 7th, and 8th rows on page 70: Correct all occurrences of "by process types or stacks" with "by process type or facility." Insert "as appropriate" at the end of the entry in the fourth row.
-  For consitency wuith text in the section, correct "by-products used in processes" to "by-products exhausted from tools
3 6 6.1.2 6.8 last para. Correct with a comma as follows: "The 2006 Tier 3 method, which was based on process-specific parameters, has evolved into a new 2019 Tier 3a method…"
3 6 6.13 last para. last paragraph correct "lists" to "list"
3 6 Table 6.4 6.17 Table 6.4 In the header, for consitency with table 6.3 add: "(calculated but no equation specified in this chapter)" to "modelled" and "using an equation in this chapter" to "claculated"
3 6 two
in text
1st and 4th para. Correct by adding "stack system" after "process type"
3 6 three
in text
1st,1st,last para. Correct "flown" with "flowed"
3 6 Equation
6.30 Equation 6.15  For consistency with Equation 6.7 correct in the title "equipment" to "systems"
3 6 6.31 1st para. For consistency, correct "emitted" to "exhausted" in the text before Equation 6.16 (New) 
3 6 6.46 2nd para. Correct "sub-sector (semiconductor, display, MEMS, PV)" "sub-sectors (semiconductor, display, MEMS, PV)"
3 6 6.62 2nd para. Correct "" to "" in the para on "By-Product Generation"





Head, Technical Support Unit

IPCC Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories

July 2023, as further amended in November 2023

© 2024 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
