Transparency in supply chains

Ingersoll Rand is committed to operating its business with the highest standards of corporate responsibility. We operate within a framework of principles, guidelines and policies aligned with our ethical, social, and environmental responsibilities. Specifically, Ingersoll Rand is committed to monitoring and eradicating any form of slavery or human trafficking both within its business and our supply chains. Our policies reflect the steps that we have and will take to ensure that we act ethically and with integrity in all of our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chains. To that end, we have a Supplier Code of Conduct, that we provide to our suppliers and expect them to follow.


We expect suppliers to be committed to uphold workers' human rights and to treat them with dignity and respect. We specifically require that suppliers not use forced, bonded, or indentured labor, involuntary prison labor or child labor. Suppliers are required to ensure that their employees and all direct or indirect subcontractors and agents acknowledge and adhere to these principles. In the event suppliers do not adhere to the principles in our Supplier Code of Conduct, appropriate action may follow.

When choosing suppliers, we perform appropriate due diligence to verify that the supplier is reputable and qualified. When appropriate, the due diligence may include diligence for labor issues. We also audit our suppliers based on risk, and, when appropriate, audit for labor issues, including slavery and human trafficking. Our sourcing and supply chain management team performs these evaluations based on the Supplier Code of Conduct and other supplier audit frameworks without the help of third parties.


Our Supplier Code of Conduct is incorporated in the Ingersoll Rand Code of Conduct. The Ingersoll Rand Code of Conduct sets out the global standard of conduct expected of employee's’ within the business and acts to reinforce our efforts of countering slavery and human trafficking throughout the business. All Ingersoll Rand employees are required to read the Ingersoll Rand Code of Conduct and complete periodic certifications affirming that they will comply with the Code and Company policies. In addition, all employees are trained on the Code of Conduct. Violations of the Code or Company policies are taken seriously and can result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.


This statement is published in accordance with The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (SB 657) and the United Kingdom's Modern Slavery Act 2015 both of which are designed to address the issue of slavery and human trafficking.

This statement has been approved by Ingersoll Rand's board of directors.






