Dedicated to Improving the Care of Older Adults

We invest in aging experts and practice innovations that transform how the care of older adults is delivered.

Since 1982, The John A. Hartford Foundation has awarded more than $724 million in grants to enhance the health and well-being of older people.


We Contribute to a Vital Aging Society

Every day 10,000 Americans turn 65 years of age. Today, we are experiencing the largest cohort of older adults in our country's history. This group is living and working longer, redefining later life and enriching our communities and society in new and vital ways.



To improve the care of older adults.

We believe that as a society we can and must improve care for older adults to better meet their needs and maintain their independence and dignity. If we succeed, society will benefit from the continuing contribution of older people and from overall reductions in health care spending.



A nation where all older adults receive high-value evidence-based health care, are treated with respect and dignity and have their goals and preferences honored.



Healthy aging, equity, kindness, integrity and respect.



It is necessary to carve from the whole vast spectrum of human needs one small band that the heart and mind together tell you is the area in which you can make your best contribution.

This has been the guiding philosophy of The John A. Hartford Foundation since its establishment in 1929 by John A. Hartford and his brother George L. Hartford, both former chief executives of the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company (the A&P grocery stores).

The John A. Hartford Foundation's Impact

New Evaluation Report of 30 Years of JAHF Funding

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