Computer Science ›› 2015, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (10): 45-49.

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Meta-model of PaaS-based Cloud Application’s Deployment Environment

LIU Huan-huan, MA Zhi-yi and CHEN Hong-jie   

  • Online:2018-11-14 Published:2018-11-14

Abstract: PaaS is one of the service paradigms of cloud computing,which is used to provide the application container service.Calling API and editing configuration files are the main way of cloud application deployment in PaaS,which needs a lot of learning costs and are error-prone.API and configuration files of different PaaS have different syntax,as a result,application migration on PaaS is very difficult and cross-platform or multi-platform deployment is scarcely possible.This article proposed the meta-model of PaaS-based cloud application’s deployment environment,which can lower the learning costs,make the deployment process more automated,simplify application migration,and make cross-platform or multi-platform deployment possible.

Key words: PaaS,Deployment,Meta-model,Modeling,Model-driven

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