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CNN debate criteria not backed by FEC regulation

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RFK Jr. raises possibility that January 6 wasn’t a ‘true insurrection’

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., seen here on March 16, raised the possibility that the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol was not a “true insurrection” and expressed concern about the “weaponization of government” against those charged with crimes in connection to the riot.

The Federal Election Commission has confirmed with Island News that the designation given by CNN to Presidents Biden and Trump to appear exclusively in a June televised debate is not officially recognized.

WASHINGTON D.C. (Island News) -- The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has confirmed with Island News that the designation given by CNN to Presidents Biden and Trump to appear exclusively in a June televised debate is not officially recognized. 

Island News asked the FEC if the designation "presumptive nominee," which CNN has cited to numerous press outlets to justify a direct pass for the former presidents, is used at all by the FEC.

Island News has learned the Federal Election Commission and the Commission on Presidential Debates both do not recognize the term “presumptive nominee” that CNN granted to exclusively qualify former president Donald Trump and President Joe Biden for the debate stage. Third-party candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. spoke about the apparent snub, and what his campaign plans to do going forward.

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