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  • Law Article of 2012

    Law Articles Written By Legal Experts During The Year 2012 On Various Legal Topics

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    Articles Published in 2011

    An Agent’s Right to be Indemnified: The law of agency is an area of commercial law dealing with a set of contractual, quasi-contractual and non-contractual relationships that involve a person, called the agent, that is authorized to act on behalf of another (called the principal) to create a legal relationship with a third party......Sunita Saran - Posted: 2012/12/24

    Appellate Jurisdiction of Supreme Court - Kailas and Ors. v/s State of Maharashtra and Taluka P.S: The appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court can be invoked by a certificate granted by the High Court concerned under Article 132(1), 133(1) or 134 of the Constitution......Sunita Saran - Posted: 2012/12/24

    Live-in- Relationship and Indian Judiciary: The institution of marriage being foundation of the society, interest of the society is well protected by keeping the foundation of institution of marriage strong. Since the matter relating to marriage falls within the purview of personal law, each religion in India......rajesh.hittanagi - Posted: 2012/12/24

    Compulsory Licensing To Generic Drugs - A Lifeline To A Patient: is a major intellectual property issue effecting international business today, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future......Rakhi Shekhawat - Posted: 2012/12/24

    Prevention of Cyber Crime: Computer and internet usage is on the rise due to lover costs of computer ownership and connectivity as well as faster and easier accessibility.............Nalini R - Posted: 2012/12/22

    Rule of Law in India: The rule of law is a common aspiration, proclaimed by international organizations and national governments as a pre- condition for acceptable modem governance, but in India..........Shivaraj S.Huchhanavar - Posted: 2012/12/22

    Time is the essence of the Contract: A common feature of construction contracts is a clause stating that time is of the essence. In some instances the clause will be inserted as boilerplate or from a precedent without..........Chandrashekhar Sharma - Posted: 2012/12/22

    Impact of Globalization And Its Effect on Society: Global interaction, rather than insulated isolation, has been the basis of economic progress in the world. Trade ..........Nalini R - Posted: 2012/12/22

    Plant Variety Protection In India: An Alternative To Patents: The rights of the breeders are protected by granting them a monopoly to use and sell the seeds and planting material of the new plant varieties involved by them through a system..........Bheemabai S.Mulage - Posted: 2012/12/22

    The Concept of Environment And Development In The Era of Globalisation: The ‘environment’ is where we live; and development is what we all do in attempting to improve our lot within that abode........Arundhati Kulkarni - Posted: 2012/12/22

    The Legal system in ancient India: The ancient Aryan rulers of India were confronted by political, economic, and social problems in many ways similar to those with which modern British statesmen..........Shivaraj S.Huchhanavar - Posted: 2012/12/14

    Decriminalization of Homosexuality In India: Homosexual is a term derived from the Greek word homos, which means ‘the same’. Homosexuality means sex drive oriented towards personal and sexual gratification..........Deepesh Kumar - Posted: 2012/12/13

    Role of Preamble Interpretation with Indian Constitution: No reading of any Constitution can be complete without reading Preamble from the beginning to the end. While the end may expand, or alter, the point of commencement can never change.........Chandrashekhar Sharma - Posted: 2012/12/09

    Women and housing rights in Human Rights: Housing is now recognised as a fundamental human right of all human beings in many international human rights instruments. The most significant instrument on right to housing is Article 11(1) of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR).........Nalini R - Posted: 2012/12/09

    Issue of Jurisdiction in Combating Cyber Crimes: Issues and Challenges Pornography and Indian Jurisdiction: Article deals with the problem of cyber pornography and its jurisdiction in India..........Mohit Mittal - Posted: 2012/12/02

    Conversion and Reservation: Christian Dalits and the obstacles to social mobility: Christian Dalits or the Dalit Christians? How a person is identified? There are many ways of identifying a person living in a society by name, age, class, caste or religion........Vasundhara Rastogi - Posted: 2012/12/02

    The role of NGO's in protecting the environment: The Consequences of the Environmental pollution are not hard to comprehend, whereas the solution to ending environmental pollution is not easy to come by this is an unending complex and intricate debate and may be single solution ........Nalini R - Posted: 2012/12/02

    The Ways of Mediation In Matrimonial Disputes: Mediation is the effective alternative remedy since it focuses on the non-coercive and consensual process. This method of dispute resolution not only save time.........P.Mallikarjuna - Posted: 2012/12/02

    Judicial review on arbital awards in India: With the explosive globalization of trade and investment, there has been a corresponding increase in commercial disputes between parties across national boundaries..........Nalini R - Posted: 2012/11/24

    White collar crime and its changing dimensions in India: crime committed by persons of respectability and high social status in course of their occupation.........Jyosna Dighe - Posted: 2012/11/24

    Cyber Crime: Default in success of conviction due to lack of jurisdiction: The era of modernization where the working without internet almost handicaps the core functioning at every level. Cyber space.........Juhi Mehul Talati - Posted: 2012/11/18

    Guidelines on Fair Practices Code For HFCs: Circular NHB (ND)/DRS/POL.16/2006 dated September 5, 2006 advised Housing Finance Companies (HFCs) to formulate suitable Fair Practices......Mini Gautam and Anshuman Chanda - Posted: 2012/11/18

    Director’s Remuneration: All the aspects of Director’s Remuneration ranging from the meaning, limit determination etc. To understand the practical facets of director’s remuneration relevant provisions like section 198,309,310 and 311 read with schedule XIII of the Companies Act,1965 ......Chitvan bakshi - Posted: 2012/11/18

    Enforceability of Guarantees issued by SWIFT or E-Mail: action shall be brought whereby to charge the Defendant upon any special promise to answer for the debt, default or miscarriage.......Dhruv Dhairyashil Desai - Posted: 2012/11/18

    Land Acquisition Bill, 2011-An Insight into Key Issues: The Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill, 2011 (Land Acquisition Bill, 2011), that seeks to replace the 118 year old colonial Land Acquisition.......Souvik Mukherjee - Posted: 2012/11/18

    Criminology: Rape is, forcible seizure, or the ravishment of a woman without her consent, by force fear or fraud. It involves coercive non consensual sexual intercourse with a woman......Gunjan Jhamb - Posted: 2012/11/18

    Universal Declaration of Human Rights: United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom

    Need on capital punishment in the context of rape: In India, these days, rape cases are found in daily news. We can see many cases like these in trains in Mumbai in front of everyone and no one coming for help instead...... Chandrashekhar Sharma - Posted: 2012/11/17

    Situational offender in the light of physical abuse of a child: Situational child molesters generally are socially inadequate, inhibited, and introverted individuals with low self-esteem. They frequently have a substance abuse problem and will deny any involvement in the molestation........Ruchit Thakkar - Posted: 2012/11/17

    Foreign Direct Investment in Retail - the implications of the new regime: Organised or modern retail consists of chain stores owned or franchised by a central entity, or a single store that is larger than some.....Adv.Varsha Aithala- Posted: 2012/11/17

    Higher Education and Research bill Implications on Legal Education: The Higher Education and Research Bill, 2011 aims to establish the National Commission for Higher Education and Research...... Chandrashekhar Sharma - Posted: 2012/11/17

    Oral Evidence can be the sole ground for conviction: Sometime Oral Evidence can be the sole ground for conviction or acquittal .We cannot deny the merit of oral evidence. In such types of cases..........Manjeet Kumar Sahu - Posted: 2012/11/12

    Statements Made Under Special Circumstances: With Specific Reference to Section 34: Two general classes of statements are dealt with in this portion of section 34 of evidence act, Entries in Books of Accounts, regularly kept in the course of business, Entries in Public Documents, Or in Document of a Public Character...........Siddharth Godha - Posted: 2012/11/12

    Theory of Unjust Enrichment: Unjust can be defined as something which is not in accordance with the accepted standards of fairness or justice and which is also unfair.......Saransh Kothari - Posted: 2012/11/12

    Victims, victimization and victimology: Victims means persons who, individually or collectively, have suffered harm, including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering, economic loss or substantial impairment of their fundamental rights, through acts or omissions that are in violation of criminal laws...........Akash Shah - Posted: 2012/11/12

    Registration of shape of goods as Design: Design under the new Act has been widened. Under the previous law, the Design registration was granted only for the visual appearance of an article which included shape, configuration pattern, and ornamentation whether in two or three dimensions........Akash Shah - Posted: 2012/10/18

    K.M.Nanavati V. State of Maharashtra: was a 1959 Indian court case where Kawas Manekshaw Nanavati, a Naval Commander, was tried for the murder of Prem Ahuja, his wife's lover........Akash Shah - Posted: 2012/10/18

    Winding Up of Banking Company: Banking company is playing major role in the society for their day to day work. Now a days people has are so much depended on the banking sector and most........Akash Shah - Posted: 2012/10/18

    Carry Forward and Set off of Losses: basic idea of carryforward and set off of loss, It is possible for an individual to have income under more than one head. The Income Tax Act has prescribed rules to set-off loss arising from one head against other heads of income........Akash Shah - Posted: 2012/10/18

    Scope of Imposing Joint Liability under Indian Penal Code: what happens to the person who is present at the site of the offence, Imposing Joint Liability under Indian Penal Code..........Saransh Kothari - Posted: 2012/10/18

    Pros and Cons of Linking Trade and Labor Standards: Until about ten years ago, international discussions of national economic policies were compartmentalized. International trade policies were the province of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)........Siddhanth Pandey - Posted: 2012/10/18

    Res Judicata in Arbitration: Alternative Dispute Resolution is an attempt to devise machinery which should be capable of providing an alternative to the conventional methods of resolving disputes............Siddhanth Pandey - Posted: 2012/10/18

    Common Intention And Common Object Under The Indian Penal Code 1860: According to Section 34, when a criminal act is done by several persons in furtherance of common intention of all, each ........Rajib Hassan - Posted: 2012/10/18

    Meeting of Creditors: There are legal provisions for the meeting of the creditors on winding up (voluntary). When the meeting of creditor is not called on such voluntary winding up.........Akash Shah - Posted: 2012/10/18

    Ingredients of Decree and related judicial cases: Decree means the formal expression of an adjudication which, so far as regards the court expressing it, conclusively determines the rights of the parties ........Akash Shah - Posted: 2012/10/18

    Effect of not Duly Stamped Instrument: penalty imposed on not duly stamped instrument. Their various provision in the Indian stamp Act regarding the penalty. The penalty is imposed by the collector........Akash Shah - Posted: 2012/10/16

    Secondary Evidence: Secondary evidence is evidence that has been reproduced from an original document or substituted for an original item. For example, a photocopy of a document or photograph would........Akash Shah - Posted: 2012/10/16

    The Scope of Bio-Fuels as a clean Energy Resource (Sweet Sorghum): Biofuel is a type of fuel whose energy is derived from biological carbon fixation. Biofuels include fuels derived from biomass conversion ........Akash Shah - Posted: 2012/10/16

    Critical Analysis on Reservation Policy in India: The provisions available in the Constitution of India, based on which orders relating to reservations in services for Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs) ........Akash Shah - Posted: 2012/10/15

    Successes and failures of the World Trade Organisation: The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the most powerful legislative and judicial body in the world. By promoting the free trade agenda........Tripti Malhotra - Posted: 2012/10/15

    Winding Up of a Company: Winding up of a company is defined as a process by which the life of a company is brought to an end and its property administered for the benefit of its members and creditors........Tripti Malhotra - Posted: 2012/10/15

    Procedure to Investigate suits by or against Government: Section 79 to 82 and Order XXVII of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908 deal with procedure for investigation of suits by or against the government and public officers.........Tripti Malhotra - Posted: 2012/10/15

    Advertisement and Freedom of Speech and Expression: The essence of free speech is the ability to think and speak freely and to obtain information from others through publications and public discourse......Tripti Malhotra - Posted: 2012/10/14

    Theories of Press: Mass media does not operate in a vacuum; the press always takes on the form and coloration of the social and political structures within which it operates.......Tripti Malhotra - Posted: 2012/10/14

    Victims' Rights in India: Victims have few legal rights to be informed, present and heard within the criminal justice system. Victims do not have to be notified of court proceedings or of the arrest or release of the defendant, they have no right to attend the trial or other proceedings....N - Posted: 2012/10/14

    Dynamics of Reservation Policy: Reservation and Inclusive Growth have been among the most intensely debated issues surrounding public policy in India. Women Reservation Bill or Reservation ....Resham Jain - Posted: 2012/10/14

    Legal Rights of Street Traders in India: Hawkers and Vendors have similar meaning and they are often swapped. Though Hawking is a street trade done by moving from one place to another while Vending is another street trade that is done by occupying a space on pavements i.e. temporary shelters.....Neethu Ravikmar - Posted: 2012/10/12

    Whether Indians In Pressing Need For Negative Voting: Analysis of The Concept And Feasibility In India: Politics is a master science quoted immortal Aristotle. Yes theoretically as well as practically speaking politics was and no-doubt at present is and in future as well it will maintain its status quo....Deeksha Chaudhary - Posted: 2012/10/12

    Negligence As A Tort: Meaning Essentials And Defences: The tort of negligence has been explained in a very lucid manner taking into consideration its meaning, essentials, denences and relevant case laws......Rajib Hassan - Posted: 2012/10/12

    Understanding The Indian Legal Regime Regulating IDRs: The past few decades have witnessed the increased internationalization of various firms through cross listings on international exchanges....Gaurav Sharma - Posted: 2012/10/1

    Cyber offences - A Technological Termite: he increased dependence on IT and communication technology for dynamic and fast business solutions has its own side effect. The effect of digital information.....Gaurav Sharma - Posted: 2012/10/1

    Organized Crime In India: The core organized crime activity is the supply of illegal goods and services to countless numbers of citizen customers. It is also deeply involved in legitimate business...........Jyosna Dighe - Posted: 2012/10/1

    laws related to rent control: Its about laws which are related to rent control and rent control act...........akansha gehlot - Posted: 2012/10/1

    The Public Interest Disclosure and Protection to Persons Making the Disclosures Bill, 2010: Country success is not only dependent on the economic progress; it should be coupled with effective governance and transparency in the administration of the government. Both Good governance and transparency are inseparable...........Gaurav Sharma - Posted: 2012/09/24

    Raising the Age of Consent - One step forward or Four steps back: On the 22nd May, 2012, the Lok Sabha succeeded the Rajya Sabha in passing the Protection of Children from Sexual offences Bill, 2012.........Udit Misra - Posted: 2012/09/22

    Compensation on Acquisition of Agricultural and Non- Agricultural Land: first enacted by the British government in the year 1824. Its application was throughout the whole of the Bengal provinces immediately subject to the Presidency of Fort William..........Siddharth Godha - Posted: 2012/09/24

    Ownership: The concept of is one of the fundamental juristic concepts common to all systems of law. This concept has been discussed by most of the writers before that of possession........Rishab Garg and Ritwik Sneha - Posted: 2012/09/24

    The Problems of Under trials: Criminal Law of India is a replica of colonial times. It is hostile to the poor and the weaker sections of society. The law still serves and protects the needs.........Rishab Garg and Ritwik Sneha - Posted: 2012/09/24

    Suits by indigent person: Order XXXIII relates to be filled by the indigent persons. An indigent person is defined in explanation one to Rule 1 according to which is a person is an indigent person..........Siddharth Godha - Posted: 2012/09/24

    Copyright Amendment Bill, 2010: Though the Copyright Amendment Bill is yet to see the light of the day, it effectively addresses the various concerns in the existing copyright law ..........Atin Kumar Das - Posted: 2012/09/24

    Trade Secrets and Competition Act: Normal competition law, applied under a rule of reason standard, should be carried out to distinguish between pro and anti competitive cases where the requisite market power ..........Atin Kumar Das - Posted: 2012/09/24

    How brands can save themselves from made in china? When someone has the option of choosing between a $1000 dark brown monogrammed Louis vuitton bag and a first copy for the $1000 bag which is probably..........Neha Sharma - Posted: 2012/09/24

    Realization of Human Rights and Role of NGO: Many organizations around the world dedicate their efforts to protecting human rights and ending human rights abuses. Public support and condemnation success.........Jyosna Dighe - Posted: 2012/09/24

    The Superficiality of Secularism in India: Secularism is a concept trapped in semantics like separation of church and state, and is often considered a Christian-European concept..........Udit Misra - Posted: 2012/09/22

    Raising the Age of Consent - One step forward, four steps back: This article deals with the Age of Consent debate with respect to the Sexual offences Bill, 2012........Udit Misra - Posted: 2012/09/22

    Domestic Violence A Curse In The Society - A Global Epidemic: Women is a unique creation of God understanding, hardworking, full of compassion holding high level of initiative and a trend setter.....Anushtha Saxena - Posted: 2012/09/22

    Malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance in Tort Law: The term tort is the French equivalent of the English word wrong and of the Roman law term delict.....Ankita Paul - Posted: 2012/09/10

    Secretary General, Supreme Court of India v. Subash Chandra Agarwal: The concept of Right to Information was expanded in the case of People’s Union for Civil Liabilities where it held that the RTI... Kushagra Srivastava- Posted: 2012/09/10

    Cyber Terrorism - Quick glance: denotes unlawful attacks and threats of attack against computers, networks and information stored therein to intimidate or coerce a government or its people for propagating hidden political or unlawful social and religious agendas....Lidia Mariam Benoji - Posted: 2012/09/03

    Corporate Breeder's and Farmer's right in India with respect to PPVFR Act, 2001: Farmer’s Rights are currently acknowledged as a global concern, yet consensus on how to implement.....Lidia Mariam Benoji - Posted: 2012/09/03

    Is It Law of Tort or Law of Torts: Through this article an attempt has been made to draw a workable conclusion by discussing both theories in a very lucid way.....Rajib Hassan - Posted: 2012/09/01

    China and USA: Conflict arises in the IPR Protection in consideration with India: It has been seen over the years that there has been constant dispute that has arise related to IPR between the most developed ....Vishal Vijayvargiya - Posted: 2012/09/01

    Passing off under trademark: Passing off is a common law tort, which can be used to enforce unregistered trademark rights. The law of passing off prevents one person from misrepresenting his goods or services as that of another.....Prerna Chopra - Posted: 2012/09/01

    Legal provisions regarding setting up foreign universities in India: Under the Constitution of India education falls under the concurrent list, with responsibilities lying with the Union and the states both. At the union level the main regulators of the higher education....Prerna Chopra - Posted: 2012/09/01

    Working of Patents in India: At the heart of a successful IP system, according to Indian legislators, lies the argument that patents are granted ‘not merely to enable patentees to enjoy a monopoly on a patented....Prerna Chopra - Posted: 2012/09/01

    ISDA Master Agreement - The Bible for Derivative Transactions: Exchange traded derivatives products are almost standardized products with very limited variations. An OTC transaction....Mini Gautam and Anshuman Chanda - Posted: 2012/09/01

    Understanding Derivatives: A derivative is, simply, a financial instrument the value of which is ‘derived’ from another financial instrument. A derivative is a contract for the exchange of cash....Mini Gautam and Anshuman Chanda - Posted: 2012/09/01

    The Rights protected by Copyright Law: Copyright law seeks to promote human creativity and confers several rights on the copyright owner. International agreements, among which the most important is the Berne Convention, 1886....Mini Gautam and Anshuman Chanda - Posted: 2012/09/01

    Condescension of Court: The society is the basic unit of the nature, wherein both the men and women live together in a social harmony. Hence, arises a need to regulate the society with the help of some law....Sujay Dixit - Posted: 2012/09/01

    International Law - Bird’s Eye View: The expression ‘International Law’ was coined for the first time by Jeremy Bentham in 1780. The term International Law is synonymous with the term law of nations....Rajib Hassan - Posted: 2012/08/24

    Afcons infrastructure and Ors. v. Cherian Verkay Construction and Ors: this judgment has finally ended up the chapter of dynamism of the Alternate Dispute Resolution which is pro bono for the Indian Judicial System. Section 89 of CPC, 1908, its need and the revolutionary changes has brought in terms of ADR practices in India. ...Manjeet Kumar Sahu - Posted: 2012/08/24

    Infringement of trademark and what constitutes honest practice in relation to trade and business: A trademark is often defined as: a word, name, symbol or device that is used in trade with goods to indicate the source of the goods and to distinguish them from the goods of others. ...Rahul Pandey - Posted: 2012/08/18

    Possession: The general problem which has always exercised the minds of jurists is why possession is protected by the law when the possessor is also an owner. Kant, Rousseasu and the Masachussetts Bill of Rights ......By S - Posted: 2012/08/18

    A Review of International Refugee Law: Various refugee conventions deal with the rights of refugees and their protection thereof the primary obligation of states under......By Sofia Bhambri - Posted: 2012/08/12

    Patentability of Biotechnological in Indian Agriculture: Biotechnology is a popular term for the generic technology of the 21st century. Although it has been utilized for centuries in traditional.......By Rajasmitaa Das - Posted: 2012/08/11

    Project Finance: is an innovative and timely financing technique that has been used on many high profile corporate projects including Euro Disneyland and Eurotunnel.......By Abhishek Singh Rathore - Posted: 2012/08/11

    SP's note Lawyer's Bar Consultant: In a recent Meeting of Society of Indian Law Firms (SILF), they have decided to ask all the management and accounting firms including Big fours, to stop providing legal......By SP Singh Chawla - Posted: 2012/08/11

    Right to privacy under Article 21: The appellant is a doctor who completed his graduation in 1987 and joined Nagaland State Medical and Health Service as Assistant Surgeon Grade-I in 1991......By Noor Ameena - Posted: 2012/08/11

    Prosecution public servant on private complaint: A case study on prosecution of public servant on private complaint. Dr. Subramanian Swamy v. Dr. Manmohan Singh and Anr. is a case which triggered......By Noor Ameena - Posted: 2012/08/11

    Dynamics of a Production Sharing Contract: The first concept for the production sharing was used in Bolivia in the beginning of the ‘50s. But agreements on production sharing, in their current form are......By Karan balraj mehta - Posted: 2012/08/11

    Procedure for Establishment of a LLP: The concept of LLP is vast growing in India. With this article i present to you a simplified procedure for the establishment of a LLP in India......By Karan balraj mehta - Posted: 2012/08/11

    Violent Touch- Hidden Side of Women: No one has tried to find out what exists in reality and has followed blindly something which was rampant in the previous years. Though a feminist at heart......By Mahima Shankar - Posted: 2012/08/11

    The Elements and Stages of a Crime: Criminal law is a body of rules and statutes that defines conduct prohibited by the state because it threatens and harms public safety and welfare......By Rajib Hassan - Posted: 2012/08/11

    Safeguarding River Ganga through the doors of India and Bangladesh: Water is a kind of natural resource. The Himalayas are the source of three major Indian rivers namely the Indus......By Hitesh Agrawal - Posted: 2012/08/8

    Public Policy under Arbitration Law: The basic purpose of arbitration is to bring about cost-effective and expeditious resolution of disputes and further preventing multiplicity of litigation by giving finality.......By Hitesh Agrawal - Posted: 2012/07/31

    Interpretation of Statutes - The Purposive Approach: The purposive approach sometimes referred to as purposive construction, purposive interpretation, or the modern principle in construction......By Rajat Agarwal - Posted: 2012/07/31

    Pendency of cases in Juvenile Justice boards within the state of Bihar: More than sixteen thousand juvenile cases are pending in the various Juvenile Justice Boards in the different districts of Bihar state.......By Nawaz Ul Haque - Posted: 2012/07/30

    Force Majeure Clauses and Doctrine of Frustration of Contract: A force majeure clause relieves one or both parties from liability to perform contract obligations when performance is prevented by .......By Vandana Jaiswal - Posted: 2012/07/24

    Osama Bin Laden and Pakistan's Sovereignty: Was U.S.A 's action in osama Bin Laden an encroachment on Pakistan's sovereignty......By Satvika Gupta - Posted: 2012/07/13

    Why Must Human Rights Be Protected by the Rule of Law: Consider the case of Maher Arar. The Syrian-born Canadian citizen Arar was detained on 26 September 2002 by U.S........By Karishma Kumari - Posted: 2012/07/13

    Data Protection and Outsourcing: amendments were brought in the information Technology Act, 2000 to provide the measures for data protection in India which may assuage the fears.......By Kumar Mihir - Posted: 2012/07/5

    Article 21 - the omnibus article: Broadly speaking, the doctrine of separation of powers has not been expressly provided for in the Constitution of India, the Suprema Lex, but less to say it can be made out........By Shivam Goel - Posted: 2012/07/3

    The Double Tax Avoidance Agreement between India and Mauritius: The Double Tax Avoidance Agreement ( herein referred as DTAA) entered into between India and Mauritius....By R - Posted: 2012/07/3

    Electoral reform: An approach to effective democracy: Free and Fair elections constitute the foundation of Democracy which reflects the will of the people. The nature of any particular .....By Ritwik Sneha - Posted: 2012/07/2

    Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, 2009 US Law: The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, 2009 is a comprehensive piece of legislation on tobacco control in the US and its provisions can be studied to serve as a guiding light to frame tobacco control laws in other countries as well..........By Mini Gautam and Anshuman Chanda - Posted: 2012/07/2

    Packaged by Law - Existing Case Law on Packaged Commodities: The Standards of Weights and Measures (Packaged Commodities) Rules 1977 has been replaced in 2011 by the The Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011..........By Mini Gautam and Anshuman Chanda - Posted: 2012/07/2

    The Road to Becoming Parents - Law on Adoption in India: The Indian law on adoption is not well structured, specially for most communities other than Hindus. The Hindu law is also not........By Mini Gautam and Anshuman Chanda - Posted: 2012/07/2

    Commercial Surrogacy: This essay examines whether issues arising out of commercial surrogacy can be adequately addressed by contract law, the different and distinct questions posed by.....By Shriya Misra - Posted: 2012/07/2

    Whether Section 324 of IPC Is Bailable Or Non-Bailable: If you go through Section 42 sub-section (f)(iii) of Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act, 2005 (No. 25 of 2005) which.....By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/30

    The Deed of Mortgage: In India, section 55 of the Transfer of Property Act,1882 explains for the relevant convenants and under section sub section 2 of section 55 .....By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/30

    Succession Certificate: A succession certificate, strictly speaking, does not effect adjudication of title of the deceased far less than that of the holder as regards the debts and securities.....By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/30

    Disposal of Civil Cases: Perestroika: According to recent reports over three million cases are pending in India's 21 high courts, and an astounding 26.3 million cases are pending.....By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/30

    Framing of Issues: When one party affirms and other party denies a material proposition of fact or law, then only issues arise. If there is no specific denial, the question of framing issue does not.....By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/30

    Remand should not be made Mechanically: Article 22 (1) gives person arrested a twofold protection, viz. (1) that an arrested person shall not be detained in custody without being.....By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/30

    The Trial Judge: His Power: We all know that the trial judge is really on trial. there is, of course, no doubt that as a matter of law if the appraisal of the evidence by the trial court suffers from.....By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/30

    The Law Relating To Injunctions: The granting of perpetual Injunctions is regulated by the Specific Relief Act, while temporary or, as they are sometimes called, interlocutory Injunctions.....By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/30

    Right to Free Legal Aid: The preamble of the Indian constitution basically aims to secure to the people of India justice – socio economic and political. His Lordship Justice P.N. Bhagwati aptly.....By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/30

    Police and You: The word police has its origin in the Latin word politia, which means, civil administration. The word, politia too, is a derivative of a Greek word polis, interpreted as city in English.....By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/30

    Formation of New States In India: One of special features of the Union of India is that the union is indestructible but the power conferred on Parliament includes the power to form a new.....By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/30

    Basic Principles and Rules of Law of Evidence: Judge should decide a case only on accepted principles of law. The precepts of law is to live honorably, not to injure another. According.....By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/30

    Guidelines on Arrest of Women and Judicial officers: Chapter V of Criminal Procedure Code,1973 deals with Arrest of persons. To know about guidelines to be followed before arrest,.....By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/30

    Law And Social Change: The abstract idea of social change evinces dimension of some of the characteristics of a group of people. If any action which affects a group of people who shared.....By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/22

    Medical Negligence: An estimated 7.5 million unnecessary medical and surgical procedures are performed each year . Women are also habitually subjected to Caesarean operations .....By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/22

    Guiding Principles for Appointment of a Receiver: I deem that it is seminal aspect to reminisce about guiding principles for appointment of a receiver in the light of Krishnaswamy Chetty v. C. Thangavelu Chetty.....By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/22

    Ragging: My poignant thesis may well be set down in the beginning it self. Despite almost in all colleges ragging has been strictly banned, this ban has not been very effective inasmuch .....By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/22

    Whistleblower Protection In India: An analysis of the current form of Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Persons making disclosure Act, 2010, pending in Rajya Sabha....By Lipi Thapliyal- Posted: 2012/06/22

    Access To Justice Civil Law and Common Law: Here we have two legal systems, one tracing its roots to Roman law and another originating in England or we can say one codified and the other not codified....By Anant Gupta- Posted: 2012/06/22

    UTOPIA - A reality or a myth: If scheme of the Indian constitution is studied with open mindedness it points towards the dream of the constituent assembly,1949 of creating India an Utopian state, a country....By Shivam goel- Posted: 2012/06/17

    A Sense of Justice: natural justice: substantive and procedural law in consonance with natural justice, relation b/w natural justice and latin legal maxims and natural justice phenomena as creator ....By Shivam goel- Posted: 2012/06/17

    A.K Kraipak v. Union of India: It is generally accepted that there are three categories of governmental functions- (i) Legislative; (ii) executive; and (iii) judicial which are usually performed by three....By Shyama Nair- Posted: 2012/06/16

    Standard Form Contract: The Law of Standard Form Contracts rests on intuitions of the common mass. This research paper explores these intuitions and examines intended consumer.....By Shyama Nair- Posted: 2012/06/16

    Intimation of Combination: The Procedural Obligations: Competition Act, 2002 was enacted to check or prevent anti-competitive activities in Indian markets. One of the means to ensure this.....By Saumya Sharma - Posted: 2012/06/16

    The Code of Hammurabi: The spirit of criminal jurisprudence lies some of the most regal and timeless principles of presumption of innocence of the accused, placing of evidence to corroborate the facts.....By Shivam Goel- Posted: 2012/06/16

    Judicial Activism in the Area of Women Empowerment: Jurisprudence extended the power of judiciary to go beyond the statutory limit to give better and complicit justice. Arthur Schlesinger.....Sandip Balasaheb Bhosale- Posted: 2012/06/16

    Registration and filing of Copyrights in India: Copyright, is a bundle of rights, which grants protection to the unique expression of ideas. Ideas per se cannot be protected; it is the expression of ideas in.....By Lubna Yusuf- Posted: 2012/06/16

    Interpretation of Statutes: that justice is made available to all, the judicial system has been evolved in all nations. It is extremely important and infact necessary also that the Courts interpret the law......By Ananya Kapoor - Posted: 2012/06/16

    The Ambit of Public Policy as a ground for setting aside an arbitral award under Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996: he concept of Public Policy and its scope and ambit as a ground for setting aside an arbitral award under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996......By Ananya Kapoor - Posted: 2012/06/16

    The Image of Judiciary Should be Protected: Respect for the judiciary can not be blindly sought because it comes through the proper conduct. Judiciary is one of important pillars.....By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/16

    Reservations In India: The basis of providing reservation is giving proportionate opportunities to the people of Scheduled Castes, Schedule Tribes and other backward classes. The reservation is intended to aggrandize the social diversity in campuses and workplaces......By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/16

    The Deed of Gift: A voluntary transfer of personal property without consideration. A parting by owner with property without pecuniary consideration. A voluntary conveyance of land......By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/14

    Execution of A Will: The process by which a testator's Will is made legally valid is known as Execution of Will. A Will is a legal document, signed in compliance with the various formalities.........By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/14

    The Power of The Magistrate Under Section 156 (3) of Cr.P.C: The information under section 154 of Cr.P.C is generally known as F.I.R. It is pertinent to see that the word '' first'' is not used.....By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/14

    Illegal Arrest: It is solemn duty of the court to protect and uphold the basic human rights of the weaker section of the society. Arrest can be made on not only in Criminal cases but also.......By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/14

    You Are (Not) Under Arrest: Changes are always made for the betterment of its subjects, and they ought to be welcomed by people. Equally true is the thing that people for whom we are designing......By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/14

    What Deeds Are To Be Registered Compulsorily: The real purpose to register a deed is secure every person dealing with any property against fraud and to maintain a public register.......By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/14

    Judicial System Before 1947: The British ruled India for a period of almost about 190 years. Yet, the English set up a poor copy of the British judicial system as Indian judicial system......By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/14

    Dying Declaration: The maxim Nemo moriturus praesumitur mentire is basis for 'dying declaration, which means a man will not meet his maker with a lie in his mouth. A dying declaration.....By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/14

    The Power of Attorney: Inasmuch as human being becomes busier, it becomes more necessary for him to depend on others for getting his things done. Owing to this reason, the power......By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/06/14

    The Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel: The Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel is an equitable doctrine. This principle is commonly invoked in common law in case of breach of contract or against.....By Shreya Dave - Posted: 2012/05/31

    Cyber Torts: Cyber torts are the latest and perhaps the most complicated problem in the cyber world. Cyber torts may be said to be those species, of which, genus is the conventional torts....By Shreya Dave - Posted: 2012/05/31

    TRAI - A Legal Analysis: This legislative comment makes an humble attempt to study the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India as a regulating body, with the help of the rules and regulations laid down....By Shreya Dave - Posted: 2012/05/31

    The Outlook of Land Acquisition Bill: and acquisition refers to the process by which government forcibly acquires private property for public purpose. The Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (1894 Act) governs....By V.G.Ranganath - Posted: 2012/05/31

    Arbitration clause v. Contingent Contract: As per Sec. 31 of the Indian Contract Act, a contingent contract is a contract to do or not to something, if some event, collateral to such contract, does or does not happen.....By Devesh Ratan - Posted: 2012/05/31

    FIR: The basic purpose of filing FIR is to set the criminal law into motion and not to state all the minute details therein. The information under section 154 of Cr.P.C......By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/05/31

    Docket Explosion: In 1987, The Law Commission of India recommended 50 judges per million of population instead of 10.5. The recommendation remained buried in the Report follow-up...By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/05/31

    Common Intention: Common Intention is known as a prearranged plan and acting in concert pursuant to the plan. It must be proved that the Criminal act was done in concert pursuant...By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/05/30

    Speed Break To Section 304-A of IPC: Accident is an unforeseen incident. Yet, it must not be a ground to let off the offender. If a person, who is sole bread winner of his family,.....By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/05/30

    Framing of Charge In Criminal Cases: There is some criticism in some trial courts that the important task of framing charge is being entrusted to stenos by the trial judges. A fortiori, inasmuch.....By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/05/30

    Poor Accused Weeps In Silence: Denial of speedy trial may with or without proof of something more lead to an unavoidable inference of prejudice and denial of justice......By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/05/30

    Examination of Witness By The Court In The Absence of Prosecutor: If the Public Prosecutor was absent and if the witnesses were not kept present and if the applications for witness......By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/05/30

    The Period of Limitation In Seeds Cases: The period of limitation in seeds cases is very important aspect. the seed inspector must not forget the procedure contemplated......By Y. Srinivasa Rao Junior Civil Judge- Posted: 2012/05/30

    Law on Parking Spaces: In a 2010 judgment, Nahalchand Laloochand Pvt. Ltd. v. Panchali Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. [AIR 2010 SC 3607], the Hon’ble Supreme Court rejected the argument...By Devesh Ratan Srivastava - Posted: 2012/05/30

    Doctrine of Necessity: no one should be made a judge in his own cause. It is popularly known as the rule against bias. It is the minimal requirement of the natural justice that the authority giving decision....By Shreya Dave - Posted: 2012/05/17

    Ramana Dayaram Shetty v. The International Airport Authority of India and ors: his case was delivered on 4th may, 1979 of citation 1979 AIR 1628 by bench headed by Bhagwati J....By Sanjucta Kabasi - Posted: 2012/05/12

    Competition law and Consumerism: In the pursuit of globalization, India has responded to opening up its economy, removing controls and resorting to liberalization. The natural corollary....By Rohit Bafna - Posted: 2012/05/2

    Relation Between Part III And Part IV of Constitution of India: An individual to lead a life requires some rights. Rights have been described as those claims of an individual that are necessary for the development.....By jagadish - Posted: 2012/05/2

    Compliance of Trips in Indian Patent Law: The Patents Act 1970 sought to ensure that patents were not exploited contrary to the national interest. It provided for a shortened patent term.....By Rajdeep Goswami - Posted: 2012/05/2

    Custom Valuation and Transfer Pricing: transfer pricing, a term generally used in the Income Tax parlance, is a mechanism adopted by Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) for valuing the goods....By Rajdeep Goswami - Posted: 2012/05/2

    Online Copyright Infringement and ISP Liability: Internet service provider’s liability for infringement of copyright in works disseminated over the Internet without authorization has been a most vexed issue.....By Ruchi Aggarwal - Posted: 2012/05/2

    Company: Meaning and Interpretation under the Land Acquisition Act, 1894: Section 3 (e) of the Land Acquisition Act defines ‘company’ as meaning a company registered under the Indian Companies Act ....By Utsav Gandhi - Posted: 2012/05/2

    Indian Medical Association V V.P. Shantha: Consumer Protection Act was enacted in 1986 as to protect consumer. The Consumer Protection Bill, 1986 seeks to provide for better protection of the interests ....By Yash Vardhan Singh - Posted: 2012/05/2

    Intellectual Property : Valuation and Securitisation: Intellectual Property is an intangible asset. We have heard people keeping their tangible assets like land, house and gold as security for the debts....By Gagan Krishnadas - Posted: 2012/05/2

    Non Performing Assets in PSB's: Non performing assets in public sector banks in India, recommendations to reduce NPA in PSB's in India, optimism with respect to NPA problem......By rohit bafna - Posted: 2012/04/26

    Road Traffic Injury and Accidents: Being involved in a road traffic accident can leave you with anything from whiplash and bruising to serious head and spinal injuries.......By Hassan Mohsen Elhais - Posted: 2012/04/19

    Labour Law in the UAE: The following essay discusses briefly the important aspects of Labour Law in the UAE, Labour cases in the UAE are governed by Federal Law No. 8 of 1980 Regulating.......By Hassan Mohsen Elhais - Posted: 2012/04/19

    Marriage Dissolution: Compensation: The United Arab Emirates is made up of Seven Emirates, of which Dubai is one. The UAE has a unified Federal court system which applies to five of the....By Hassan Mohsen Elhais - Posted: 2012/04/19

    Drugs and the Law in Dubai: Know your Rights, 5 laws that expats should know about Drugs Laws in Dubai........By Hassan Mohsen Elhais - Posted: 2012/04/19

    Alcohol and Licensing in Dubai: now your Rights: 5 laws that expats should know about Alcohol and Licensing in Dubai......By Hassan Mohsen Elhais - Posted: 2012/04/19

    Traffic offences in Dubai: It is a criminal offence to leave the scene of an accident, however minor. The criminal sanctions for leaving the scene of an accident in which a person was injured......By Hassan Mohsen Elhais - Posted: 2012/04/19

    Paving the Way - Judging Workplace Sexual Harassment: I am often asked what difference, if any, have the Supreme Court directions in Vishaka made to workplace sexual harassment...By Naina Kapur - Posted: 2012/04/16

    Critical Appraisal on Yedurappa's Case on Anti-Defection Law: Our Indian Bureaucratic and Legislative system is running through our politicians, politicians comes from the word Politics. The word politics....By Akshay Goel - Posted: 2012/04/11

    Statutory transaction and contract of sale: Section 4 defines contract of sale as: A contract of sale of goods is a contract whereby the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer....By pratik saraswat - Posted: 2012/04/11

    Crime of Attempt to commit Suicide: The above section has been the subject of controversy in many cases, especially over the last two decades. Most notably, the subject was under scrutiny in the cases of ...By Neeraj Chhabra - Posted: 2012/04/11

    Foreign Venture Capital Investment In India: what is foreign venture capital investment, how is foreign investment in capital ventures made, taxation of FVCI, exit strategies of FVCI....By meenakshi agrawal - Posted: 2012/04/11

    Vulnerable Groups in India - Status, Schemes, Constitution of India: Vulnerable groups are the groups which would be vulnerable under any circumstances (e.g. where the adults are unable...By meenakshi agrawal - Posted: 2012/04/11

    Importance of hardship clauses in contract: The impact of the economic slowdown, witnessed all over the world, on the commercial contract, both international and domestic, had been enormous.....By Soura Subha Ghosh - Posted: 2012/03/27

    Section 25 Companies: rae non-profit companies granted license under the Companies Act; having limited laibility and intended for charitable purposes....By Saumya Sharma - Posted: 2012/03/27

    Scope of Part I of Arbitration and Conciliation Act Bhatia International Case: Section 2 (2) provides that Part I shall apply only when the place of arbitration is India. This statement was not.....By Shikhar Sinha - Posted: 2012/03/27

    Law of Contract and Contribution of Lord Denning : This article analysis the contribution of Lord Denning in the field of contract law through various cases....By swati shanker - Posted: 2012/03/27

    Concept of Trespass To Person: Trespass to person is a tort which is frequently committed in everyday life. It is basically unreasonable interference with body of a person which can be committed....By swati shanker - Posted: 2012/03/27

    Renovating the Bridge: The significant increase in the role of international trade in the economic development of nations over the last few decades has been accompanied....By Mrinalini Singh - Posted: 2012/03/27

    Dissolution of partnership firm: this article deals with how a partnership firm can be dissolved according to partnership act, 1932 and what are its consequences.......By Shiksha Singh - Posted: 2012/03/27

    Reasonable Classification under article 14: Article 14 of the constitution guarantee the right to equality to every citizen of India . It embodies the general principles of equality before law and prohibits.....By Shiksha Singh - Posted: 2012/03/27

    Dumping and Anti Dumping Measures: New era of international trade has begun with the concept of globalization. Government of India has to adopt the New Economic Policy 1991....By Prof. U. S. Dive - Posted: 2012/03/27

    Judicial Interpretation of Medical Negligence under Consumer Protection: Medical profession is one of the most oldest professions of the world and is the most humanitarian one....By Maujhuri sahoo - Posted: 2012/03/20

    Scope of Section 8 (1)(j) of The RTI act: Section 8 is the most important part of the act and it is very simple for officialdoms to reject the request for information if it falls under any of these long, general.....By Pratik Saraswat - Posted: 2012/03/20

    The Inherent Powers of the High Court: The essential object of criminal law is to protect society against criminals and law- breakers. For this purpose, the law holds out threats of punishments.......By Raabia Abuzer Shams - Posted: 2012/03/20

    Concept of unfair labour practice and the procedure for its redressal under M.R.T and P.U.L.P Act: We are always must reluctant to put any interpretation upon labour legislation is likely to prejudice the....By Rachna.R.Tehra - Posted: 2012/03/20

    Ambit of Right to Freedom of Religion: Constitutions of many countries guarantee freedom of religion and the laws of most of these countries also circumscribe the scope of the exercise of such right.......By Kirandeep Kaur - Posted: 2012/03/20

    Articles of Association and Alteration of Articles: To obtain the registration of a company an application has to be filed with the Registrar of Companies. Articles of Association is one of the important document.....By Kaushik Dhar - Posted: 2012/03/3

    Independence of Independent Directors in India: A major wave of economic reforms was initiated in India in the year 1991. A thrust towards economic liberalization162 led to a new era in......By Akeli vakil - Posted: 2012/03/3

    Land Acquisition for SEZ: A Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is an especially demarcated area of land, owned and operated by a company, which is deemed to be foreign territory for the purpose of.....By Amitabh Tewari - Posted: 2012/02/25

    Tax privileges for import of energy-saving equipment into Ukraine: Ukrainian businesses that import energy-saving products such as energy-saving materials, equipment and components into....By Igor Dykunskyy - Posted: 2012/02/25

    Juvenile Justice System and its Delinquency in India: The problem of juvenile delinquency is not new. It occurs in all societies simple as well as complex, that is, wherever and whenever a relationship.......By Nawaz Ul Haque - Posted: 2012/02/25

    Tribal Laws in India and Tribal Conventions on Rights of Indigenous People Worldwide: India’s population includes nearly one hundred million tribal people. These numbers are matched only by the.....By Akanksha Mishra - Posted: 2012/02/25

    Consumer the King: Consumers are often mislead sometimes because of confusing name, shape, size and description and sometimes due to their own negligence.....By Mrinalini Singh - Posted: 2012/02/25

    Who can be a trustee and beneficiary of a trust: Indian Trusts Act 1882 deals with all the matters related to trusts, trustee and beneficiaries .According to section 10 of Indian Trusts Act 1882 states.....By Sujay Dixit - Posted: 2012/02/16

    Role of Central Government in Mergers and Amalgamations: Mergers, acquisitions and takeovers have been a part of the business world for centuries. In today's dynamic economic environment, companies....By Sujay Dixit - Posted: 2012/02/16

    Liberalisation of Indian Banking and Regulation: Banking is an ancient business in India with some of oldest references in the writings of Manu. Bankers played an important role during the Mogul period......By Sujay Dixit - Posted: 2012/02/16

    Mergers and Acquisitions for firms: Mergers and acquisitions in its basic terminology means that merger is a combination of two companies to form a new company, while an acquisition (or takeover) is the.......By Ayush Yadav - Posted: 2012/02/07

    Globalization and its impact on Indian Economy: Globalization (or globalization) describes a process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through......By Ayush Yadav - Posted: 2012/02/07

    Foreign Direct Investment: FDI, can be said to be a measure of foreign ownership of domestic productive assets such as factories, land and organizations.......By Kaushik Dhar - Posted: 2012/02/07

    Theoretical Perspective of Communalism and Secularism: India is a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic as system of government. Indian constitution stressed.......By Ishita chatterjee - Posted: 2012/02/05

    Emerging Concept of Live-in-Relationships: This article is on the emerging issue of live-in-relationship. The concept of ‘Mitru Sambandh’ is nothing but a concept of the ‘Live-in-relationship’ .......By Shahista Musa Pathan - Posted: 2012/02/05

    Environmental Justice - Right To Water: Justice is a term which is different from Law. Even though both the words are used in general sense they are not identical to define. Law is specific but......By Laasya Priya Ponnada - Posted: 2012/02/05

    Ganesh Idol Immersion and Water Pollution in the State of Maharashtra: Water is the most essential necessity of life. It surpasses any other single commodity in general use by the mankind........By Yuvraj Dilip Patil - Posted: 2012/02/05

    The killing of Osama bin Laden was unlawful: In mentioning the above three articles of the UDHR, I am alluding to the universal fact that every individual has a right to life and liberty.......By Karan Balraj Mehta - Posted: 2012/02/05

    Succession to the property of a Hindu Male: The Hindu Succession Act, 1956, is a law that was passed by the Parliament of India. The preamble of the Act signifies that an Act to amend and codify.......By Shahista Musa Pathan - Posted: 2012/02/05

    Right to marry: Marriage is one of the universal social institution. It is established by the human society to control and regulate the life of man. It is a corner stone of a society.....By Mrs. Anisa Shaikh Asst. Prof - Posted: 2012/02/05

    Need of Special legislation on live-in-relationship: The court said even Lord Krishna and Radha lived together according to mythology. The apex court said there was no law which prohibits live-in......By Mrs. Anisa Shaikh Asst. Prof - Posted: 2012/02/05

    Corporate social responsibility: The much debated clause in Company bill 2009 in India aimed at making Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives mandatory on the corporate sector, the companies.......By Akrita Sinha - Posted: 2012/02/05

    The Dehradun Valley Litigation: Despite recent efforts to increase forest cover to reforestation, India’s forest are in a devastated condition, with less than 18% of India under the forest cover in 1997.......By Suchismita pati - Posted: 2012/02/05

    Consumer Protection Act, An analysis of Branch office: This Article deals with the meaning of Branch office as given in Section 11 and Section 17 of the Consumer Protection Act........By Prateek Handa - Posted: 2012/02/05

    Decision of Apex Court on Ecology and Air Pollution: The Supreme Court of India has made immense contribution to environmental jurisprudence of our country. It has entertained quite a lot of......By Rachna.R.Tehra - Posted: 2012/02/05

    The Irony of Taxing the Environment to Protect It: There has been a lot of hue and cry all over the world in the recent years relating to environmental taxes........By Mini Gautam - Posted: 2012/02/05

    Cyber Forensics and Electronic Evidences: Challenges In Enforcement and Their Admissibility: Proliferation of Information technology has brought with itself a chequered scenario in society.......By Samarth Agrawal - Posted: 2012/02/05

    Will Inadequate Environmental Legislation and Judicial Slumber Allow Future Union Carbides To Get Away With Murder: Even a lioness protects her cubs from danger, a tiny sparrow spreads her wings.......By Sneha Keshav Karle - Posted: 2012/02/05

    Efficacy of alternative methods of administration of justice and accessibility to judicial system: One of the prime questions facing Indian judiciary today is, ‘Why is the faith in judiciary shaking?’ ‘is justice itself at trial.......By Sneha Keshav Karle - Posted: 2012/02/05

    Looking Back on Recession: Four years have passed away since Lehman Brothers did something which can be regarded as the financial equivalent of the 50 megaton Tsar Bomba........By Mini Gautam and Anshuman Chanda - Posted: 2012/02/05

    Originality Under Copyright Law: Originality in copyright works is the sine qua non of all the copyright regimes of the world. The common conception of the meaning of ‘original’ is something........By Mini Gautam and Anshuman Chanda - Posted: 2012/02/05

    Necessity of Publication in Copyright: The copyright act is silent with respect to requirement of publication in copyrighted work. In the article below is an attempt to show with the help of cases that .......By Mrinalini Singh - Posted: 2012/02/05

    Exercise of Legislative Powers by the Executive under Art.356: Article 356 of the Indian Constitution has acquired quite some notoriety due to its alleged misuse. The essence of the .......By Suyash.upes - Posted: 2012/01/23

    Cross Border Mergers: Implications under the Competition Act, 2002: The regulatory framework dealing with mergers in India is primarily governed by the Companies Act, 1956. However.......By Shalin Chaudhary - Posted: 2012/01/23

    Reinventing India's Image As An Arbitration Friendly Jurisdiction: reinventing India as an arbitration friendly nation is an arduous but not an impossible mission to aver. The Indian judiciary.......By Ankita Singh - Posted: 2012/01/23

    Judicial Accountability and Democracy: A considerable challenge for judicial administration is to ensure that contemporary expectations of accountability and efficiency remain consistent with.........By Shalin Chaudhary - Posted: 2012/01/23

    New Lease of Life to Corporate Entity-Mergers And Acquisitions: A business activity always carries inherent risk. It the risk of competition which affects the survival of the business........By Ms. Jayshri Khandare Asst. Prof - Posted: 2012/01/23

    Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement: The basic criterion on which the whole Listing Agreement based is Corporate Governance. Currently there are 54 Clauses in the Listing Agreement.......By Saarth Dhingra - Posted: 2012/01/23

    Product Liability: Who is liable: product liability arises when there is any fault or defect find in product and what are the rights available to consumer and who will be liable if there is any defect in product.......By Ashish Patel - Posted: 2012/01/16

    Women Education and Media: As per Article 26, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Everyone has the right to education’. ‘Education shall be directed to the full development of the humam......By Ishita chatterjee - Posted: 2012/01/16

    Contract- II: Bailment: Contracts of Bailment are a special class of contract. These are dealt within Chap. IX from S.148 to 181 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872.....By Nazneen Abdulsamad Fakir - Posted: 2012/01/16

    Anton Piller in protecting the IPR: Strong evidence is highly necessary to substantiate one’s claim and to get relief or remedy for any wrong committed by the defendants to the plaintiff.....By Mainan Ray - Posted: 2012/01/5

    Contract Labour: Law on paper and law in practice. How big is the gap? A small study on a very limited platform to showcase the actual picture of the state of activity on the name of Contract Labour.....By Raagya Priya Zadu - Posted: 2012/01/5

    Euthanasia-A modern term to provide moksha: Mercy killing is nothing but homicide, whatever the circumstances in which it is affected. Unless it is specifically accepted it cannot be offences.IPC.....By Akshay Goel - Posted: 2012/01/5

    Privy Council: If we overview the history of Indian Legal System, it clearly reveals that the Indian Legal System is more or less based on the English Legal System.....By priya s. dhanoka - Posted: 2012/01/5


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