Your organization is undergoing a culture change. How can you regain trust after a breach?
After a breach of trust in your organization, regaining confidence is key. To mend the relationship:
- Communicate transparently about changes and acknowledge past mistakes.
- Demonstrate consistent behavior that aligns with new cultural values.
- Encourage feedback and actively listen to concerns to show commitment to improvement.
How do you rebuild trust within your team? Share your strategies.
Your organization is undergoing a culture change. How can you regain trust after a breach?
After a breach of trust in your organization, regaining confidence is key. To mend the relationship:
- Communicate transparently about changes and acknowledge past mistakes.
- Demonstrate consistent behavior that aligns with new cultural values.
- Encourage feedback and actively listen to concerns to show commitment to improvement.
How do you rebuild trust within your team? Share your strategies.
for the beginning, it’s essential to be transparent—acknowledge what went wrong, take accountability, and clearly communicate the steps being taken to address the issue. Openness builds a foundation for rebuilding trust. Second, establish two-way communication by actively listening to employees' concerns, feedback, & emotions. e.g., have employee meetings, townhall to share update,.. This demonstrates that their voices matter and helps foster a collaborative environment. Finally, show consistency in behavior—align your actions with the values you are promoting and ensure they are consistently upheld over time. Trust is rebuilt not by words alone, but by repeated, reliable actions that demonstrate genuine commitment to positive change."
Para recuperar la confianza perdida cuando estás promoviendo un cambio cultural propongo 2 acciones: 1. Esfuérzate en comunicar de forma abierta y honesta - Organiza reuniones transparentes donde se explique qué sucedió, sus causas y las acciones a desarrollar - Implementa canales de comunicación bidireccionales (encuestas o buzones anónimos) para que el personal exprese sus inquietudes y opiniones sin temor 2. Fortalece el sentido de pertenencia y participación - Crea equipos de trabajo que involucren a empleados en el diseño y ejecución de iniciativas relativas a la nueva cultura organizacional - Reconoce públicamente los esfuerzos y aportes de los empleados que promuevan los valores y comportamientos deseados
Here are the main actions & behaviors: - transparent communication - create space to the team to express their concerns - listen actively - act on feedback - realign around the purpose amd mission
Regaining trust after a breach during culture change starts with absolute candour. Leaders must acknowledge the breach openly, own their part in it, and apologise sincerely—no corporate jargon, no defensiveness. Next, demonstrate change through consistent, visible actions that align with your cultural standards. Trust isn’t rebuilt with words alone; it’s earned through repeated, trustworthy behaviour. Lastly, involve teams in identifying solutions, showing you value their perspective. Trust grows when people see leaders walking the talk, day in, day out.
Recuperar a confiança depois de uma quebra não é sobre desculpas vazias, mas sim sobre ações concretas. Começa admitindo os erros, ouvindo genuinamente quem foi afetado e agindo com transparência para reconstruir laços. É preciso coragem para encarar as vulnerabilidades, assumir responsabilidades e, aos poucos, provar que a cultura pode florescer em solo fértil de integridade e respeito.
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