You're striving to engage marginalized stakeholders in urban revitalization. How can you earn their trust?
Urban revitalization projects often aim to transform areas for the better, but without the trust and engagement of marginalized stakeholders, these efforts can fall short of their potential. To earn their trust, you must approach the process with genuine intention, understanding, and a commitment to inclusive development. This means not only inviting participation but also ensuring that the voices of those historically overlooked are heard and valued. To engage marginalized stakeholders successfully, you'll need to build relationships based on respect, transparency, and mutual benefit.
Daniel POATY POATYGérant titulaire chez Cabinet Dan-Consulting
khalid EL HADRICHEF du Département des Études chez Agence Urbaine de Kénitra-Sidi Kacem-Sidi Slimane
John Zakian, CEcDFederal Grant and Long Term Disaster Recovery Subject Matter Expert Focused on Economic, Housing and Infrastructure…