How can you apply other business cases to your domain?
As a business analyst, you may often encounter situations where you need to justify a project, a change, or a solution based on its expected benefits, costs, and risks. This is where a business case comes in handy. A business case is a document that outlines the rationale, objectives, alternatives, and recommendations for a proposed initiative. It helps you communicate the value proposition, align stakeholders, and secure resources and approval.
However, not every business case is the same. Depending on your domain, industry, and context, you may need to adapt your business case format, content, and style to suit your specific needs and audience. How can you do that effectively? One way is to learn from other business cases that have been successfully applied in different domains. By analyzing and comparing how other business analysts have approached similar or related problems, you can gain insights and ideas that can help you improve your own business case development.