After you have set your objectives, you need to plan your communication strategy. This includes deciding on the key messages, the communication channels, the frequency and timing, the roles and responsibilities, and the budget and resources. Your key messages should be clear, concise, and consistent across all channels and audiences. They should also highlight the benefits, the urgency, and the expectations of the change. Your communication channels should be appropriate, accessible, and engaging for your audience. They may include emails, newsletters, presentations, webinars, videos, podcasts, social media, intranet, or face-to-face meetings. Your frequency and timing should be aligned with the change milestones and the stakeholder readiness. You should communicate early and often, but not overwhelm or confuse your audience. Your roles and responsibilities should be clearly defined and communicated among the change team, the sponsors, the champions, and the communicators. You should also allocate sufficient budget and resources for your communication activities.