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4Sea Coalition

4Sea Coalition

Non-profit Organizations

Together for more nature + offshore wind in the Belgian part of the North Sea.

About us

Let climate and biodiversity go hand in hand. This is the motto of 4Sea. WWF-Belgium, Natuurpunt, Greenpeace Belgium and Bond Beter Leefmilieu have together formed the “4Sea” coalition in 2019. As 4Sea, we are working together for an integrated nature and energy policy in the Belgian part of the North Sea that can simultaneously assure us of renewable energy, rich marine biodiversity and even coastal protection. The protection, strengthening and restoration of biodiversity go hand in hand with the development of renewable energy infrastructure. That way we create a future-oriented and strategic approach for a healthy Belgian North Sea that contributes to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
2-10 employees


  • The new federal agreement comes with news on the future of the Belgian North Sea🦀: - 20% of Belgian marine zones will be protected by 2030. This is a big step in the right direction, as until now there haven’t been any active nature restoration efforts in the Belgian North Sea. - Belgium will also continue to develop offshore wind, yet nowhere in the agreement is nature inclusive design mentioned. However, to achieve a win-win story for nature and offshore wind, nature inclusive design needs to be implemented throughout the entire lifecycle of offshore wind farms. - A third marine spatial plan (2026-2034) will be implemented, which should create a balance between ecosystem protection and economic activities. 👉Our conclusion? The new federal agreement gives us hope that our policy makers realise the importance of a healthy North Sea, with thriving nature and offshore wind energy. Stronger wording and clear ambition will lead to solid implementation of necessary measures. We call on the government to turn words and promises into decisive action. Set clear goals and policies to effectively protect 20% of Belgian marine zones, make nature inclusive design the norm for offshore wind, and prioritise biodiversity restoration and protection in the marine spatial plan. 🔊Actively investing in climate adaptation and mitigation and in the protection and restoration of biodiversity means investing in a better, more fair future for everyone. #NorthSea #4Sea #natureinclusivedesign #marinebiodiversity

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    For offshore wind energy to be succesful, nature cannot be an afterthought.   "Success of offshore wind is not about success of wind alone, but about all systems that exist at sea, including biodiversity." - keynote speaker Huub den Rooijen CBE at the 'Strong Winds, Thriving Seas' conference, which I was happy to attend yesterday #ThrivingSeas2024.   Some key takeaways: - The story of nature inclusive offshore wind energy must be a positive one, where we must seize the many opportunities it provides us for biodiversity conservation and restoration. - Protecting and restoring marine ecosystems cannot come after optimising offshore wind. It must go hand in hand and be done at the same time. - To properly protect marine ecosystems and achieve our climate goals, we need to think beyond the borders of individual countries and start planning at a seabasin and regional level. - Sound marine spatial planning is a must. - There is an urgent need for more policy coherence. We need to demand our politicians to implement the biodiversity and climate promises and agreements they make.   Thank you Ariel Brunner for reminding us of what must be a priority: "Our sea is struggling - wind cannot become another pressure on an already suffering system. It needs to have a possitive effect."   Thank you Renewables Grid Initiative, WindEurope, and the Offshore Coalition for Energy and Nature (OCEaN) for organizing this very interesting event! #NorthSea #4Sea #natureinclusivedesign #offshorewind

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  • Nature inclusive design needs to be an integral part of offshore wind energy projects. Together with all stakeholders we can make this possible!

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    🏆 With our nature-inclusive design of the Princess Elisabeth Island Elia Transmission Belgium won the ‘Environmental Protection’ category of the 2024 Renewables Grid Initiative awards. These awards are aimed at recognising exceptional and innovative practices in grid development that facilitate the integration of renewables into electricity systems. 🏝️ As part of the island, our teams worked with experts to plan and embed 6 nature-inclusive design measures into the design of the island. These measures are aimed at boosting biodiversity and encouraging marine life to flourish around the island in the North Sea. 👩⚖️The panel of judges think it’s a hugely important practice that covers a large-scale project which is designed to serve as an energy island for the integration of offshore wind. This approache can serve as an example for other actors in offshore development. We hope that this will encourage others to also support biodiversity as they help to transform our seas into the power plants of the future 💪 👏We would like to thank all of our partners DEME Group, Jan De Nul Group, Org Manits, Marijn Rabaut FOD Volksgezondheid, Veiligheid van de Voedselketen en Leefmilieu, IMDC, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, VLIZ - Flanders Marine Institute, Natuurpunt, 4Sea Coalition, WWF-België, Universiteit Antwerpen, Instituut voor Landbouw, Visserij- en Voedingsonderzoek (ILVO), Universiteit Gent, De Blauwe Cluster vzw who were involved in shaping Elia’s nature inclusive design approach – and look forward to watching how the measures support biodiversity and help fauna and flora to flourish in the North Sea🌊. 👉Find out more about nature inclusive design and the Princess Elisabeth Island here: https://lnkd.in/ek4r76xQ #GuardiansOfTheGrid #PrincessElisabethIsland #NatureInclusiveDesign #OffshoreWind

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  • 📢All parties must come together to find offshore solutions. Following last week's news about the increased cost estimate for the Princess Elisabeth Island, we are calling for an urgent dialogue on the future of offshore wind energy in the Belgian North Sea. Colleague Almut Bonhage, Bond Beter Leefmilieu energy policy expert: "There is no alternative but to proceed with a rapid expansion of the Princess Elisabeth offshore wind zone. The ambition to have wind energy from the second zone in the North Sea by 2030 is crucial for security of supply and affordability of electricity in Belgium. Given the urgency, further delay is unacceptable." Collague Sarah Tilkin, North Sea policy officer Natuurpunt: "However, the carrying capacity of North Sea nature remains important when expanding offshore electricity production. Offshore wind should go hand in hand with nature restoration. Nature-inclusive design of wind farms is part of the solution for this." Read our press release here (in Dutch): https://lnkd.in/eP6NEjTB #natureinclusivedesign #NorthSea #4Sea #offshorewind #naturerestoration

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    Minister van Energie

    Very proud to announce that from January 2025 on Belgium take over the rotating presidency of the North Seas Energy Cooperation (NSEC). It is an honour for Belgium to assume the Presidency of the North Sea Energy Cooperation in 2025, following the foundations laid by the Danish Presidency. We will continue to unlock the immense potential of the North Sea to provide green, sustainable energy for Europe. Our focus will be on strengthening multilateral cooperation, harmonising standards, promoting public participation and integrating non-price criteria into tendering processes, while protecting biodiversity.

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    View profile for Almut Bonhage

    advocating the energy transition to 100% renewables at Bond Beter Leefmilieu

    Zeven miljard euro. Dit cijfer circuleert als kostprijs voor het energie-eiland vandaag in de media. Het cijfer is niet bevestigd, maar het doet veel stof opwaaien. Lees zeker de iets gedetailleerder artikel door Wim Winckelmans over het onderwerp: https://lnkd.in/e3TNqQ98 En denk eens erover na hoe je de valkuilen van megaprojecten kan voorkomen - zoals Ruben Baetens het daarnet goed samenvatte: https://lnkd.in/ePZrJGij Hoe dan ook: Er is geen alternatief dan verder te gaan met een snelle uitbouw van de offshore windzone Prinses Elisabeth. De ambitie om tegen 2030 windenergie van de tweede zone in de Noordzee te hebben, is cruciaal voor de bevoorradingszekerheid en betaalbaarheid van elektriciteit in België. Gezien de urgentie is verdere vertraging onaanvaardbaar. 4Sea - WWF-Belgium, Natuurpunt, Greenpeace Belgium en Bond Beter Leefmilieu - dringt er bij CREG, ELIA en de federale regering op aan om constructief samen te werken aan haalbare oplossingen. Persbericht door 4Sea Coalition: https://lnkd.in/eP6NEjTB #energietransitie #offshorewind #PEZ #megaprojects

  • 4Sea Coalition reposted this

    Things are not going well with nature in the Belgian North Sea - and in the North Sea altogether. Yet we need offshore wind energy for our full transition to renewable energy by 2050.   Good news: Thriving nature and offshore wind energy can coexist!   Elia Group's latest publication, ‘Going Like the Wind’, shows how to maximise the renewable energy potential of Europe's seas. A highlight for the 4Sea Coalition? The importance of nature inclusive design was mentioned in the report. The industry recognising nature inclusive design as essential is a big, positive step toward a future with more nature and renewable energy in the North Sea. Shout-out to Steven Degraer and Piet Opstaele for highlighting the need for nature inclusive design in offshore projects! #4Sea #NorthSea #natureinclusivedesign #offshore #natureconservation

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    🌊 Wanna take a deep dive in our ‘Going Like the Wind’ viewpoint?   ✅ We’ve got you. 4 key points on the virtuous circle of offshore wind benefits in Europe were explained by our experts during an engaging live show. 1️⃣ From 2030 to 2050, international collaboration, the de-risking of investments and spatial planning in offshore wind development could lower the cost of the energy transition in Europe by more than 1,000 billion euros. 2️⃣ Adopting a coordinated approach to sea-basin-wide planning is required for Europe to tap into the most efficient offshore wind locations and harness almost 500 GW of offshore wind energy by 2050. 3️⃣ A joint framework to fund future offshore development will be crucial for unlocking the benefits of sea-basin-wide planning. 4️⃣ Scaling up the supply chain and securing raw material imports will offer up substantial growth opportunities along with the creation of 300,000 jobs across Europe.   Watch the whole event at home or read about our vision in our press release. 🎬 https://lnkd.in/eTR7qmia 👉 https://lnkd.in/enM5EcaA 🙏 A big thank you to everyone who contributed to our study. Catherine Vandenborre Frederic Dunon Marleen Vanhecke Stefan Kapferer Felix Jakob F. Maria H. Moritz Wienhold Helen Burgess (she/her/hers) Kirstin Hackemesser Giles Dickson (WindEurope) Thomas Egebo (Energinet) Manon van Beek (TenneT) Ben Wilson (National Grid) Philippe PIRON (GE Vernova) Dàmir Belltheus Avdic Carsten Rolle Tim Holt (Siemens Energy) Stefan Timm (German Offshore-Wind Initiative GOI) Antonella Battaglini (Renewables Grid Initiative) #GoingLikeTheWind #EliaGroup #GuardiansOfTheGrid #OffshoreWind

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    Today, Seas At Risk, WWF, ClientEarth, BirdLife International, Oceana, and Surfrider Foundation Europe launched 'The Blue Manifesto: the roadmap to a healthy ocean in 2030' at the European Parliament. #EUOceanWeek   🌊Our ocean is one of our biggest allies in the fight against climate change. We simply cannot do without a healthy and thriving ocean.   Europe's seas are under severe pressure; they are deteriorating at an ever increasing rate. EU member states are yet to undertake sufficient actions for our ocean. Europe is already feeling and seeing the devastating impacts of climate change. It is simple: we need urgent and immediate action to protect, conserve, and restore the seas we depend on.   👉How do we do this? With The Blue Manifesto, a roadmap of 50 policy measures and actionable solutions has been laid out for EU member states to achieve healthy, thriving seas by 2030. Because time is of the essence.   During today's event, the biggest messages were straightforward: - Implementation: stop talking, and start implementing. We know what to do and why we should do it, the question is when and how it will happen. - Dedicated funding: redirect investments away from harmful subsidies, and towards actionable, ocean- and environement-centered policies. - Hollistic, integrated approach: ocean policy = climate policy = social policy. We cannot separate a healthy ocean from human well-being. - Commitment: EU member states should commit to a sustainable and equitable future for generations to come. Strong ocean policy implementation will get us closer to such a future. We have the solutions, let's get to work! #4Sea #NorthSea #Oceanprotection #Marineconservation

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    View profile for Almut Bonhage

    advocating the energy transition to 100% renewables at Bond Beter Leefmilieu

    Vind je de Belgische kust gewoon lelijk? Er is wel ruimte voor meer natuur. Kustconnectiviteit heet het toverwoord om de kust aan de natuur terug te geven. Kustconnectiviteit is de meest effectieve manier om een biodiverse kustlijn en kustbescherming te realiseren. Met 4Sea zetten we ons in om dit formeel te erkennen in het beleid. Volg het 4Sea profiel en we houden je van alles op de hoogte.

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    🌅Is there still room for nature in our Belgian coast? This is the question you may ask when you scan our coastline, as most of what you see are buildings. Could you imagine a Belgian coast where sandbanks, beaches, dunes, and polders are connected in one flowing landscape? A coast where nature gets its rightful spot next to the existing buildings, where you can enjoy all types of coastal vegetation, and most importantly a coast that protects us against the effects of the climate crisis. 🌊Coastal connectivity is a crucial ally in the fight against the climate crisis. Both offshore sandbanks, and beaches and dunes dampen wave energy, reducing the force with which waves crash on the coast. Dynamic dunes provide natural coastal protection against sea level rise and are our natural piggy bank for coastal sand supplies. By investing in coastal connectivity along the entire Belgian coast, we are also investing in restoring our natural coastal protection. 🌟4Sea asks coastal connectivity be formally recognized as the most effective way to achieve a climate-resilient, biodiverse coastline and coastal protection now and in the future. #coastalprotection #dunes #climatechange #4Sea #NorthSea Image: Gert Vanautgaerden

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  • 🌅Is there still room for nature in our Belgian coast? This is the question you may ask when you scan our coastline, as most of what you see are buildings. Could you imagine a Belgian coast where sandbanks, beaches, dunes, and polders are connected in one flowing landscape? A coast where nature gets its rightful spot next to the existing buildings, where you can enjoy all types of coastal vegetation, and most importantly a coast that protects us against the effects of the climate crisis. 🌊Coastal connectivity is a crucial ally in the fight against the climate crisis. Both offshore sandbanks, and beaches and dunes dampen wave energy, reducing the force with which waves crash on the coast. Dynamic dunes provide natural coastal protection against sea level rise and are our natural piggy bank for coastal sand supplies. By investing in coastal connectivity along the entire Belgian coast, we are also investing in restoring our natural coastal protection. 🌟4Sea asks coastal connectivity be formally recognized as the most effective way to achieve a climate-resilient, biodiverse coastline and coastal protection now and in the future. #coastalprotection #dunes #climatechange #4Sea #NorthSea Image: Gert Vanautgaerden

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