Les grands aviateurs utilisent systématiquement des listes de contrôle #Checklist #ToDoList avant, pendant et après les vols pour assurer des voyages sûrs et réussis. Aujourd’hui, les grands #PDG et tous les chefs d’entreprises qui souhaitent aider leur organisation à naviguer dans les turbulences et à voler plus haut peuvent faire de même. #Crisis #geopolitic #war #action #Entreprise #authenticity #honesty #TakeOff #Landing #Flight #CustomerCare #ClientsCare #TeamCare #CompanyCare #HrInnovation #Excellence #4W #gestiondecrises https://lnkd.in/g-iFK75B
Senior Partner, McKinsey & Co • New York Times Bestselling Author of 7 books • HBS lecturer • Traveled to all 193 U.N. Recognized Countries • Musician/Songwriter/Producer
Great aviators systematically utilize checklists before, during, and after flights to ensure safe, successful trips. Now great CEOs wanting to help their organizations navigate turbulence and fly higher can do the same. Thanks to everyone that has made our latest, "The CEO’s essential checklist: Questions every chief executive should be able to answer", the most read and most downloaded McKinsey article since it was published two weeks ago. Carolyn Dewar, Vik Malhotra, & Kurt Strovink it continues to be a joy to collaborate in this space! https://lnkd.in/g-iFK75B