Andelyn Biosciences
Biotechnology Research
Columbus, Ohio 8,691 followers
Accelerating the development and manufacturing of innovative therapies to bring more treatments to more patients.
Andelyn Biosciences Leadership
Explore Careers at Andelyn
Andelyn is hiring passionate people who want to advance innovative cell and gene therapies and transform lives. If you want to do meaningful work at a fast-growing company with a great culture, we have an opportunity for you!
Browse Andelyn careersInspiration in Our Name
The name “Andelyn Biosciences” represents a hybrid of two gene therapy pioneers who participated in pivotal Phase I clinical trials at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Andrew Kilbarger was 8 years old when he received the nation’s first-in-human investigational gene therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy in 2006. Evelyn Villarreal was only 8 weeks old when she received experimental gene therapy for spinal muscular atrophy in 2015.
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