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Anjiro Initiative

Anjiro Initiative

Non-profit Organization Management

San Jose, California 324 followers

We support charitable and educational initiatives in economically disadvantaged communities in Madagascar

About us

Anjiro Initiative is a 501(c)(3) certified organization that supports charitable and educational programs in disadvantaged communities in Madagascar by providing grants to local schools and other community organizations. Since 2014, our community-driven organization has supported more than 600 students with opportunities to enroll in primary and secondary schools in Anjiro. 2022 is the ninth year of fundraising for our students in Anjiro. Our goal is to raise $20,000 for grants to local schools and support 120+ students in the 2022-2023 school year.

Non-profit Organization Management
Company size
2-10 employees
San Jose, California


Employees at Anjiro Initiative


  • Investing in Growth: Anjiro Initiative's Commitment to Leadership & Learning! At Anjiro Initiative, we believe that supporting vulnerable students goes beyond providing access to education. It also means investing in the people who make this mission possible. This week, Franka our Head of Programs and Toky our Chairman of the Program Advisory Committee attended a specialized training on the new Labor Code and Human Resources management, organized by “ACOR Formation et Associés”. This opportunity strengthened our ability to navigate labor laws while deepening our understanding of ethical recruitment, workplace policies, and employee rights—all essential for building a sustainable and impactful organization. By providing leadership and professional development opportunities, we ensure that our programs remain strong, our staff continue to grow, and our mission moves forward. Because when we grow, so does our impact! __ Fampandrosoana sy Fampivoarana: Fanoloran-tenan’ny Anjiro Initiative amin’ny Fitarihana sy Fiofanana! Ao amin’ny Anjiro Initiative, mino izahay fa ny fanohanana ireo ankizy marefo dia tsy voafetra amin’ny fanomezana fahafahana miditra am-pianarana fotsiny. Tafiditra ao anatin’izany ihany koa ny fampandrosoana ireo olona miasa hanatanteraka izany tanjona izany. Tamin’ity herinandro ity, Franka (Head of Programs) sy Toky (Chairman of the Program Advisory Committee) dia nanatrika fiofanana manokana momba ny Lalàn’ny Asa vaovao sy ny Fitantanana ny Olona (G.R.H), nokarakarain’ny “ACOR Formation et Associés”. Izany dia hahafahana nampitombo ny fahatakarana momba ny lalàna mifehy ny asa, ny politika amin’ny toeram-piasana, ary ny zon’ny mpiasa izany—zavadehibe amin’ny fananganana fikambanana matanjaka sy maharitra. Amin’ny alalan’ny fiofanana sy fampandrosoana matihanina, dia antoka ho anay fa hahomby hatrany ny fandaharanasantsika, hitombo ny fahaizan’ny ekipanay, ary hiroso hatrany ny vina sy tanjontsika. Raha mandroso isika, dia mandroso koa ny tetikasantsika!

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  • Tamin’ny 6 ka hatramin’ny 9 Febroary, dia nankany Fianarantsoa ny Ekipa Anjiro Initiative Madagasikara ary fifaliana ho azy ireo ny nihaona tamin’i Vatosoa, mpianatra mazoto sy mahay ao amin'ny programa oniversite anay, izay vao niditra ho taona voalohany amin'ny fianarana ho mpitsabo ao amin’ny Oniversiten'ny Fianarantsoa. Vatosoa dia natoron’ny Feedback Madagascar anay, ary izy ihany koa no nandresy tamin’ny fifaninanana "Ambassador for a Day" tamin’ny taona 2023, izay fandaharan’asa nataon’ny Masoivoho Britanika eto Madagasikara ho fampiroboroboana ny fahaiza-mitarika ho an’ny tovovavy sy vehivavy tanora eto Madagasikara. Nisy ihany koa ny fifanakalozan-kevitra teo amin'ny Ekipa Anjiro Initiative Madagasikara sy ny ekipan’ny Feedback Madagascar , mba hijerena fahafahana hiara-hiasa amin’ny hoavy, izay hanohanana mpianatra mamiratra toa an’i Vatosoa. Feedback Madagascar dia fikambanana Britanika izay miasa amin’ny fampiroboroboana ny seha-pampianarana ho an’ny rehetra eto Madagasikara, indrindra fa any amin’ny tontolo ambanivohitra lavitra. Anjiro Initiative dia mino fa ny fanabeazana no fanalahidy amin’ny hoavy tsaratsara kokoa. Isaorantsika lehibe ny Feedback Madagascar noho ny fiaraha-miasa ary mirary soa ho an’i Vatosoa amin’ny fianarany any amin’ny oniversite! #HoAn_nyMpianatraMalagasyRehetra Mianara misimisy kokoa: Manomeza:

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  • On February 6-9, the Anjiro Initiative Madagascar Country Team traveled to Fianarantsoa, and had the privilege of meeting Vatosoa, a brilliant and determined Anjiro Initiative University Program student who has just started her freshman year in medicine at the University of Fianarantsoa and was referred by Feedback Madagascar. Vatosoa was also the 2023 “Ambassador for a Day” winner, an annual program launched by the UK in Madagascar to promote leadership to girls and young women in Madagascar. The Anjiro Initiative Madagascar Country Team also led discussions with the team from Feedback Madagascar exploring opportunities for future partnerships to support incredible students like Vatosoa. Feedback Madagascar is a UK-based NGO that works to provide education for all in Madagascar, particularly in the remote countryside where they work. Anjiro Initiative believes that education is the key to a better future. We extend a huge thank you to Feedback Madagascar for their collaboration and wish Vatosoa much success in her university studies! #ForAllMalagasyStudents Learn more: Donate:

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  • Lunch breaks just got a whole lot more mahafinaritra (wonderful)! Our Founder and President Cliff met up with some talented Malagasy students studying in San Francisco. Mahandry, Miangaly, and Sariaka are excelling in their Master's programs in Integrative Biology at San Francisco State University, thanks to a fellowship from the California Academy of Sciences! Faso, another Malagasy student studying in San Francisco, and Madagascar RPCV Steve joined in. Over sushi at Sushi Sheng, they shared stories about adapting to life in the US. We're delighted to engage with these students and help connect cultures!

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  • Tsy mahazo famatsiam-bola avy amin'ny governemanta federaly amerikanina ny Anjiro Initiative, fa mahazo fanohanana avy amin'ny vondrom-piarahamonina amin'ny alàlan'ny loharanom-bola isan-karazany. Noho ny fahalalahan-tanan'ireo mpanohana anay tsirairay sy ny fitantanana ara-bola mahomby ataon'ny Filankevi-pitantanana sy ny ekipa mpitantana anay, dia mijanona ho mahatohitra ny toe-draharaha politika ivelany, ny fandaharan'asanay. Noho ny fanaraha-maso anatiny hentitra sy ny fampitomboana ny orinasa ara-drariny sy voafehy tsara, dia nampitomboinay ny sandan'ny dolara rehetra azonay tamin'ireo mpamatsy vola malala-tanana tamin'ny taona 2024. Tamin'izany taona izany, dia nampiasa $31,134 izahay mba hanohanana mpianatra 2,122, ka 55% amin’izy ireo dia tovovavy sy vehivavy tanora, izany dia $15 isaky ny mpianatra, manerana an’i Madagasikara. Izahay ao amin’ny Anjiro Initiative, dia manome lanja ny mpianatra rehetra, na inona na inona fiaviny, maha-izy azy, na toetry ny fiainany ara-tsosialy sy ara-toekarena. Manolo-tena izahay hanome laharam-pahamehana ny fitoviana ho an’ireo mpianatra marefo indrindra eto Madagasikara, mba hahazoany fahafahana mianatra tsara sy torohevitra mahomby. Araka izay azo atao, dia hanohy hanokatra làlana ho amin’ny fahombiazana amin'ny fianarana izahay, hanampy ireo mpianatra hahatratra ny tena fahaizany manontolo. Feno fankasitrahana izahay noho izany filaminana izany, izay ahafahanay mifantoka hatrany amin’ny iraka ataonay sy mitondra fiovana lehibe eo amin’ny fiainan’ny mpianatra malagasy rehetra. Mianatra misimisy kokoa: Manao fanomezana: #HoAn_nyMpianatraMalagasyRehetra

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  • Anjiro Initiative does not receive funding from the United States federal government, and enjoys grassroots support from a diverse funding base. As a result of the generosity of our individual donors and the prudent fiscal management by our Board of Directors and staff, our programs remain resilient to external political factors. Due to our meticulous attention to internal control and responsible scaling of our business, we leveraged the value of every dollar we receive from generous donors in 2024 where we invested $31,134 to support 2,122 students, 55% to girls and young women, at $15/student across the island of Madagascar. At Anjiro Initiative, we value every student, regardless of their background, identity, or socioeconomic status. We're committed to prioritizing equity for Madagascar's most vulnerable students, ensuring they have access to quality education and mentorship. To the fullest extent possible, we'll continue building pathways to education success, helping students to reach their full potential. We're grateful for this stability, which enables us to stay focused on our mission and make a meaningful difference in the lives of all Malagasy students. Learn more: Donate: #ForAllMalagasyStudents

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  • Anjiro Initiative is delighted to announce its partnership with MC Ingredients, a Madagascar based Agri commodity trading company. MC Ingredients is integrating social responsibility programs into its business activities by financially supporting charitable and educational initiatives for economically disadvantaged students in Madagascar.   In the rural village of Antsirinala, efforts are underway to improve access to education. Thanks to the support of MC Ingredients, 340 students (including 209 girls, representing 61% of the total) in four local schools have benefitted from Anjiro Initiative’s scholarship program, enabling them to pursue education and achieve better futures.   Anjiro Initiative and MC Ingredients are dedicated to supporting education for Malagasy students. Together, we're partnering for the future of all Malagasy students!   ____   Mahafaly ny Anjiro Initiative ny manambara ny fiaraha-miasa amin'ny MC Ingredients, orinasa Malagasy mivarotra vokatra ara-pambolena. Mandray anjara amin’ny fandaharan’asa sosialy ny MC Ingredients amin’ny alàlan’ny fanohanana ara-bola ny asa soa sy ny fanabeazana ho an’ireo mpianatra manana fahasahiranana ara-bola eto Madagasikara.   Ao amin'ny fokontany ambanivohitra Antsirinala, misy ny hezaka natao mba hanamorana ny fahazoana fampianarana. Noho ny fanohanan'ny MC Ingredients, mpianatra 340 ( 209 vehivavy izay 61% ny mpisitraka ) ao amin'ny sekoly efatra eo an-toerana no nahazo tombontsoa tamin'ny fandaharan'asa vatsim-pianarana avy amin'ny Anjiro Initiative, izay ahafahan'izy ireo manoy ny fianarany sy hananan'izy ireo hoavy tsaratsara kokoa.   Ny Anjiro Initiative sy ny MC Ingredients dia manolo-tena hanohana ny fanabeazana ho an'ireo mpianatra Malagasy. Miara-miasa isika ho an'ny hoavin'ny mpianatra rehetra eto Madagasikara!

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  • Anjiro Initiative reposted this

    🌍 Improving Social and Economic Status through Education in Antsirinala 🎓 More than 370 students in the Antsirinala community have received scholarship donations for the 2024-2025 academic year, generously provided by MC Ingredients and Anjiro Initiative . These scholarships are distributed across 4 schools: - 2 public schools: EPP and CEG - 2 private schools: FJKM and Don Bosco This initiative marks the successful completion of our first collaborative goal with the Anjiro Initiative Program, strengthening the educational status and social well-being of the community. Together we are helping these students from low income families to alleviate the burden of school fees and ensuring access to education for this school year. A special thank you to all those involved in making this initiative a reality. #Education #Scholarships #SocialImpact #AnjiroInitiative #MCIngredients #Antsirinala #PartnershipForChange #Growwithus

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