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We announce that we officially kicked off our new project “CARBon-negative COMpression dominant structures for decarbonized and deconstructable CONcrete buildings” (CARBCOMN – EIC-Pathfinder-Challenge 2023, n. 101161535). CARBCOMN is all about decarbonised construction, implementing 3D printed carbon-negative concrete for compression dominant structures. It has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The consortium gathers the expertise of 5 research institutes (Universiteit Gent, Technische Universität Darmstadt, University of Patras, Block Research Group, ETH Zurich , Empa) and 6 companies (TESIS srl, Orbix (Belgium), incremental3d, Mario Cucinella Architects, re-fer AG, Zaha Hadid Architects) on #carbon curing concrete, #concrete #3Dprinting, #shape memory alloys, #structural geometries that are compression dominant, #digital AEC pipelines and #LCA. The EU-funded project CARBCOMN had its official kick-off meeting on October 8th & 9th with an event hosted by prof. Stijn Matthys at Universiteit Gent in Gent, Belgium. Have a look to our web site, stay tuned for our future announcements & connect with our social media!