Our Project Lead, Nicholas Goeser, and Partnerships Director, Katherine Staiger, attended the Sustainable Agriculture Summit last week in Minneapolis, MN. In addition to getting to connect with individuals and organizations across the supply chain, a common theme of many conference presentations was how central developing strong partnerships with farmers is in reaching sustainability goals. Partnering with farmers and providing the support they need to not only implement climate-smart practices on their land, but to develop farm resiliency and greater economic vitality, are core objectives of the Transforming the Farmer to Consumer Supply Chain Project. With the holiday this week, we are also mindful of how our celebrations would look entirely different without farmers. We are so thankful for farmers! #sustainableagsummit2024 #sustainableagsummit #farmers #partnerwithfarmers #regenerativeagriculture #transformf2c
Over the past two days, the 2024 Sustainable Agriculture Summit united farmers, suppliers, processors, brands, academia, conservation organizations, and the public sector. Together, we explored actionable insights from world-class experts, real-world perspectives from farmers and ranchers, interactive breakout sessions, and invaluable networking opportunities. With over 1,000 registrants (a record!) in Minneapolis, MN, Summit partners are grateful for your engagement in advancing these critical conversations. Enjoy highlights from day two, and mark your calendars for Anaheim, CA, November 19-20, 2025—we can’t wait to see you there! #sustainability #agriculture #events #minneapolismn #sustagsummit #sustainableagsummit #SustAg2024 #SustAg2025 #anaheimca