Center for Research on Disability

Center for Research on Disability


Durham, New Hampshire 165 followers

The Center is a trusted source for research and statistics on the community participation of people with disabilities.

About us

The Center for Research on Disability at the University of New Hampshire is a trusted source for research and statistics on the community participation of people with disabilities, examining key topics like employment, public programs, health, transportation, education, and more. The Center or StatsRRTC is designed to narrow and bridge a divide that exists between the producers and end users of disability data and statistics. StatsRRTC provides a comprehensive set of integrated research and knowledge translation projects annually through dissemination, training, technical assistance and collaboration. Dissemination - The Annual Disability Statistics Compendium, a comprehensive source for annually updated disability statistics, is the centerpiece of our integrated approach to research and knowledge translation. Several of the Center’s dissemination project stem directly from the Compendium and will be upgraded to further improve access to disability statistics. Training - The Center offers a self-guided, modular curriculum for learning how to access and analyze existing disability data. Technical Assistance - The Center provides information and referral technical assistance, follow-up assistance and customized estimates. Collaboration - The Center collaborates on research projects of mutual interest with relevant NIDILRR-funded projects that are identified though our NIDILRR project officer, our state-of-the- science conference, webinars, and the sharing of research activities.

Company size
2-10 employees
Durham, New Hampshire


Employees at Center for Research on Disability


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