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📢 Audience voting for the Mother and Child Startup Challenge is still open The #MotherAndChildStartupChallenge is an initiative that by Instytut Matki i Dziecka that brings together the most interesting medical innovations focused on women's and children's health in one place. Now the public has a chance to shape the future of medicine! Your votes will determine the People's Choice Award winner, to be announced at the gala in late November. As a partner we want to hear your opinions on what the medical market needs most, and honor the startup that best meets these needs. Here is the list of top 20 participants, that could win with your help: ✅ – automated medical note transcription ✅ Aptamedica – real-time drug monitoring ✅ Baserow – an open platform to create scalable databases without code ✅ ChroniSync – chronic care coordination platform ✅ Connect4Kids – AI-driven child health monitoring ✅ Davitex Neo – smart clothing for preemies ✅ EFM – automated non-invasive diagnostics ✅ - Design House – remote pediatric monitoring ✅ FUNKBIOTICS – antiseptic wound dressing ✅ Glucomama – gestational diabetes management app ✅ GrowWithMe – myoelectric prosthesis for children ✅ MedVoice AI – AI medical assistant ✅ SynDiag – ovarian cancer virtual biopsy ✅ UES Ultra Echo Scan – congenital heart defect detection ✅ Uhura Bionics – real-time voice amplifier ✅ – diabetes management app ✅ Nanocarbon Group – nano-ECG T-shirts for monitoring ✅ neendu by neenCare – SIDS prevention system ✅ Omnidermal Biomedics (ITALY, GCC, SAARC) – AI wound assessment device ✅ Semi Robotics Sp. z o.o. – "Fidi" feeding robot 📅 Voting lasts until the 30th of August. Link for voting and project descriptions in the comment. #medical #healthcare #healthcareinnovation #medicalinnovation