🚨 September's newsletter is live! 🚨 Packed with real-world debugging stories,⚠️ Major Incidents at OpenAI, Anthropic, HubSpot, and Google, a hidden bug in kafka, and more...
📖 Real Problem Detection & Troubleshooting Stories - Sharpen your technical skills with these deep dives.
🛠️ eBPF – Learn how engineers are using it for linux introspection - and faster, more efficient problem detection across distributed applications.
⚠️ Major Incidents from OpenAI, Anthropic, HubSpot, and Google – These case studies shed light on what happens when things go wrong and the innovative approaches these teams are taking to ensure reliability and resilience.
💡 Whether you're dealing with distributed systems, observability, or incident management, this edition has something valuable you.
Link in the comments 👇
Shoutout to the following experts for being featured in this month's issue! Dan Slimmon Lorenzo Fontana Guillaume Mallet #srecon Bert Schiettecatte Swizec Teller Andrea Bergia Dominik Czarnota Denis Isaev Tomer Aberbach Rain, Rachel Kroll, Amnon Cohen, Alex Ewerlöf, Jade Rubick, John Allspaw Ben Linders Ajinkya Ghadge Uğur Erdem Seyfi Jean-Mark Wright Richard Artoul Katerina Petrova Ian Hoffman Michael Demmer Matheus Lichtnow Madan Thangavelu Steef-Jan Wiggers Catherine "Kyren" West Arthur O'Dwyer Tony Meehan
#sre #softwareengineering #engineering #observability #platformengineering #problemdetection #troubleshooting #reliability #scalability