We're excited to share that software development activities for the #DoorCE Toolbox are in full swing! Every week, our dedicated partners - Politechnika Warszawska (activity leader), Liguria Digitale, Gruppo FOS, and the City of Warsaw - gather to synchronize efforts and discuss progress. This collaborative spirit is driving the development of our innovative WP2 DoorCE Toolbox, with the first version ready for internal pilots in May this year. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey towards making open data more open!
About us
The "DoorCE - Data Opener Central Europe" Research Project is dedicated to improving access to public open data across Central Europe through the establishment of local open data hubs. Warsaw University of Technology (POL) is the main partner, cooperating with: ICT Linz Ltd. (Austria); City of Zadar (Croatia); Municipality of Velenje (Slovenia); Municipality of Sopot City (Poland); City of Warsaw (Poland); aconium GmbH (Germany); FOS Group (Italy); TREXIMA Bratislava, Ltd. (Slovakia); Liguria Digitale Ltd. (Italy). The DoorCE project aims to assist public and private institutions in Central Europe in making their data openly accessible and up-to-date. By establishing local open data hubs, the project enables partners to help institutions offer high-quality, dynamic data accessible to all citizens through innovative digital services. Additionally, the project supports innovators, smaller companies, and public authorities in efficiently utilizing and sharing data via newly developed, user-friendly tools for data digitalization and management.
- Website
External link for DoorCE
- Industry
- Computer and Network Security
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
- Type
- Nonprofit
Employees at DoorCE
The Austrian open data portal, Data.gv.at, has published a report highlighting the recent #DoorCE project meeting held in Linz on November 27 and 28. The news article introduces the DoorCE project, detailing its goals and activities. It includes a link to the DoorCE presentation at GovCamp Vienna on November 29, an event focused on digital government, open data and citizen-centric public services. The presentation allowed the DoorCE team to showcase their progress and engage with stakeholders.
#DoorCE | Consortium meeting in Linz On 27 and 28 November IKT Linz Ltd. hosted perfectly the Consortium meeting of DoorCE project. Great working atmosphere and productivity despite the low temperature outside. The meeting was important to give an overview of the current project status and planning next period for WP1 (Strategy) and WP2 (Toolbox). As the first reporting period is approaching, Warsaw University of Technology provided valuable information to all partners. Pilot Cases planning and finalization of the first Deliverable (D3.1.1) were also discussed. Collaboration and teamwork are increasing every day! Politechnika Warszawska | IKT Linz GmbH | Grad Zadar | City of Zadar | Mestna občina Velenje / Municipality of Velenje | Grow with Warsaw | aconium GmbH | Gruppo FOS | Trexima Bratislava | Liguria Digitale
#DoorCE | Technical meeting in Genoa On 17th and 18th September teams from the Warsaw University of Technology, City of Warsaw, Liguria Digitale and FOS Spa participated in a meeting to discuss technical documents, especially the strategy using the input from the survey and the Toolbox requirements. Hosted by Liguria Digitale headquarters, participants reached the meeting goals with a great working atmosphere!
DoorCE reposted this
💡 Wystartował projekt DoorCE, którego celem jest zbudowanie ekosystemu dla Publicznych Danych Otwartych dostosowanego do warunków Europy Środkowej i dostępnego dla wszystkich, nawet najmniejszych, jednostek administracji publicznej. 🎯 Celem projektu DoorCE jest zwiększenie i wyrównanie możliwości rozwoju usług cyfrowych wykorzystujących Publiczne Dane Otwarte (Public Open Data - POD). Zostanie to osiągnięte dzięki nowym strategiom i narzędziom obniżającym bariery wejścia dla bezpiecznego udostępniania POD w czasie rzeczywistym. 👨🏫👩🏫 Projekt, którego liderem jest Politechnika Warszawska, będzie realizowany przez 10 partnerów z 7 krajów pod kierownictwem prof. Michał Śmiałek i Krzysztof Marek z Wydział Elektryczny Politechniki Warszawskiej. ⚙️ Prace w ramach projektu zakończą się 📅 w listopadzie 2026 roku. Budżet przeznaczony na jego realizację wynosi 2,34 mln euro, z czego 80% pochodzi ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego (European Regional Development Fund – ERDF). Więcej informacji na stronie projektu 👉 https://lnkd.in/dMZibAHZ
DoorCE – Politechnika Warszawska liderem międzynarodowego projektu
Two days of great cooperation on Interreg Central Europe DoorCE project Kick-off meeting in Warsaw University of Technology on 17th and 18th June. Great hosting, organisation and working environment set the basis for fruitful cooperation to tackle the current challenges related to Public Open Data (POD) in Central Europe. The first step was done within a great atmosphere and teamwork!