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Fair Chance Business Alliance

Fair Chance Business Alliance

Non-profit Organizations

Employer-led Alliance & Charter to give people with convictions a fair chance to participate/progress in the UK economy.

About us

We're an alliance of employers of various sizes and sectors who share a common goal: to give people with criminal records a fair chance to participate and progress in the UK economy and contribute to society – and to make that a permanent culture shift. Why? Don't get us started! UK businesses are facing recruitment and productivity crises. We need every willing hand to the economic pump. Around 10 million people in the UK workforce have a criminal record - anything from a caution to a long prison sentence. Far too many keep their heads down, do work below their capabilities, lean on benefits or drift back into crime. It's a shocking waste of talent. All the evidence from pioneering employers who’ve given people with criminal records a fair chance is overwhelmingly positive. They work hard, stay in post for longer and do a good job. The British public generally approves, and it’s great for CSR and ESG metrics. And of course, hiring people with convictions reduces reoffending, stabilises families and makes communities safer. So now it’s time for a wholesale culture shift. That’s why we’re working with experienced employers and allies from the charity sector to create the first national quality standard for employing people with criminal records successfully, safely and sustainably. We’ll produce high quality resources to support employers of all sizes and sectors so they can wear their chartermark with pride and confidence. And we’ll bring employers and the third sector together to improve HR practices and open more routes from the community and custody into meaningful employment. Are you ready to explore giving people with criminal records a Fair Chance to show you what they can do in YOUR team? Click ‘Follow’ to keep up to date, join one of our conversations, or visit our website to get in touch. We can’t wait to hear from you. Fair Chance Business Alliance is a non-profit, purpose-led limited company Limited company: 14719584

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
2-10 employees

Employees at Fair Chance Business Alliance


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