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Big things are happening at GPTZero! If you’re looking to work at the cutting edge of #AI detection and human originality, and shape the future of responsible AI adoption, this is your moment. The team is #hiring: • Engineers across specialties (full-stack, machine learning, infrastructure) • A founding growth marketer Why join this mission-driven team? • Real-world impact: GPTZero empowers educators, government agencies, and businesses with tools to identify AI-generated content and adopt AI responsibly • High standards: With a 99% accuracy rate when detecting AI versus human samples. • Recognized leadership: Featured in TechCrunch, EdScoop, and Forbes, GPTZero is the industry standard for AI detection for human authenticity with accuracy • Backed by a diverse set of investors: Including Footwork VC, Uncork, Neo, and the former CEOs of Reuters and the New York Times Check out the open roles below and join a fast-growing team driving innovation in AI detection and education: