Celebrating 2024's big milestones for AI detection including: * 6.7 million+ users scanned more than 282 million documents for AI, plagiarism, and writing feedback! * We closed our $10M Series A led by Footwork VC with participation from Reach Capital, Uncork Capital, Neo, Alt Capital and more! * We launched 5 new features, were covered in dozens of news outlets, including partnering with the The New York Times, WIRED, and Forbes on three AI investigations. * We welcomed Nazar Shmatko, Edwin Thomas, Floyd Ding, Joe Zakielarz, Robert Nicolaides, Midhun D., Dhiren A. and Vivienne Chen to the team! 2025 is going to be even bigger. The need for transparency and clarity around AI-generated content is growing. Let's keep working together to preserve what's human. 💪
Technology, Information and Media
New York City, New York 3,444 followers
Building the safeguards for responsible AI adoption in education and our world.
About us
GPTZero is the world's leading AI-text identification platform. Our mission is to restore information quality and transparency on the internet. We give millions of users the ability to see the origin, reliability, and quality of information, and enable responsible adoption of AI.
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External link for GPTZero
- Industry
- Technology, Information and Media
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
- Headquarters
- New York City, New York
- Type
- Privately Held
- Specialties
- ML/AI, LLM, and ai detection
New York City, New York, US
Employees at GPTZero
GPTZero reposted this
Big things are happening at GPTZero! If you’re looking to work at the cutting edge of #AI detection and human originality, and shape the future of responsible AI adoption, this is your moment. The team is #hiring: • Engineers across specialties (full-stack, machine learning, infrastructure) • A founding growth marketer Why join this mission-driven team? • Real-world impact: GPTZero empowers educators, government agencies, and businesses with tools to identify AI-generated content and adopt AI responsibly • High standards: With a 99% accuracy rate when detecting AI versus human samples. • Recognized leadership: Featured in TechCrunch, EdScoop, and Forbes, GPTZero is the industry standard for AI detection for human authenticity with accuracy • Backed by a diverse set of investors: Including Footwork VC, Uncork, Neo, and the former CEOs of Reuters and the New York Times Check out the open roles below and join a fast-growing team driving innovation in AI detection and education: https://lnkd.in/eHbt6Uzf
GPTZero reposted this
Here is how I completed the largest item on my bucket list - ring the bell at TSX (I am the guy with the company hoodie at the back): 1. Join a company as an intern 2. Hope that they are doing something really right 3. Hope that they bring you when they are invited to ring the bell Jokes aside, thank you GPTZero for this opportunity. https://lnkd.in/gpdHyRQY
GPTZero reposted this
On Friday, our team at GPTZero was incredibly honoured to represent the Canadian startup ecosystem, and join Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland in closing the Toronto Stock Exchange. We want to thank Chrystia for her tireless efforts fighting for policies to support AI innovation in Canada, like the $26 billion in SR&ED reforms supporting startups and small businesses she announced before ringing the closing bell with our team. As one of our first investors Tom Glocer told us, Chrystia is a longtime journalist, with Reuters and the Financial Times, always standing with integrity. We join many in the AI and startup ecosystem in supporting your recent decision today, and continued fight for Canada’s economic place as a leader in technology and innovation. Thank you Chrystia 🇨🇦 https://lnkd.in/gmCAMBCv
GPTZero is one of TechCrunch's most disruptive startups of 2024! We're continuing our momentum and launching new products to help educators, writers, and technologists distinguish between AI-generated content and original human writing, from authorship verification to AI vocabulary tracking to our (upcoming) feature for source detection and citation. We've become indispensable not just to educational institutions but also to AI companies; we help large consumer sites with custom enterprise AI detection models, AI data labelers clean and ensure quality inputs for LLM training, and academic researchers make impactful insights into the changing landscape of the post-AI internet. Learn more in the links in the comments!
Meeting educators is our favorite thing! GPTZero founder Edward Tian gave the keynote at NJ AI Literacy Summit at Northern Valley Regional School District on the importance of responsible AI adoption in classrooms and the value in preserving human originality. Thank you to all the teachers, administrators, superintendents and Board of Education members who shared their stories with us and learned more about the innovations on AI detection. Pictured: GC Vaghasia (BOE), Marc Cipizzi (SBA), James Santana (Superintendent), Jennifer Mezzina, Ed.D. (Asst. Superintendent), and more!
Our mission is to track the growth of AI-generated content across the internet. We investigated 100 top Substack authors for detectable AI content and shared our findings with WIRED (link to coverage in the comments). Our goal isn't to shame anyone for using AI, but we do want to reward writers for their original, human content. We're launching a #CertifiedHuman by GPTZero badge you can request from us by scanning your work with our AI detector. More details below: https://lnkd.in/eGyf82r4
We're #hiring a new Senior Machine Learning Engineer in Toronto, Ontario. Apply today or share this post with your network.
We're #hiring a new Full Stack Engineer in Toronto, Ontario. Apply today or share this post with your network.
We're #hiring a new Senior Full Stack Engineer in Toronto, Ontario. Apply today or share this post with your network.