Gurwin Jewish Nursing & Rehabilitation Center's nursing home residents and families are celebrating the holiday season in the place they call home. We are grateful to our dedicated staff who share special moments with them; it is critical we point out that Medicaid funding directly impacts staffing! Governor Kathy Hochul, please provide a 20% increase to Medicaid funding for nursing homes in your upcoming Executive Budget Proposal! #OlderAdultsMatter #Gurwin #Commack Gordon Tepper Abby Erwin Jerrel Harvey #GovernorHochul
Medicaid directly impacts staffing! Our long-term care residents are asking Governor Kathy Hochul to increase Medicaid funding by 20% to support the quality staff and quality care that they need! Right now, funding is terribly outdated and based on the costs of operating in 2007. Please fully fund nursing home care! #OlderAdultsMatter