How do you design a glass wall to be ... mist? What if architecture, landscape, and exhibitions were all thought of as one thing? What changes when you etch barbed wire into a handrail? How can the floor plan of an entire museum relate to a nautilus shell? What does “A.D.R.O.I.T.” stand for? Listen along as GWWO Architects’ Alan Reed, FAIA, LEED AP and Making the Museum host Jonathan Alger (C&G Partners) delve into how a building can tell a story. #gwwo #museumdesign #storybaseddesign
Co-founder, Managing Partner, Experience Designer | C&G Partners - Design for Culture | Host/Author, “Making the Museum”
Can a building tell a story? 🎙️🎙️ NEW PODCAST 🎙️🎙️ Story-Based Design, with Alan Reed How do you design a glass wall to be ... mist? What if architecture, landscape, and exhibitions were all thought of as one thing? What changes when you etch barbed wire into a handrail? How can the floor plan of an entire museum relate to a nautilus shell? What does “A.D.R.O.I.T.” stand for? We’re going to find out, so notebooks at the ready. ✏️ 📔 Alan Reed, FAIA, LEED AP (President and Design Principal of GWWO Architects Architects), joins MtM host Jonathan Alger (Managing Partner, C&G Partners) to discuss “Story-Based Design.” Along the way: dendrites, neurons, Seminole history, and a famous mathematical sequence that goes 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 … + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + HOW TO LISTEN: Search for “Making the Museum” at any podcast service, big or small (Apple, Spotify). Or start here, for episodes and links to everything: makingthemuseum [dot] com (Swap in a real dot. This avoids the external link penalty. Which is a thing.) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Talking Points: 1. What is Story-Based Design? 2. Do the Research 3. Define the Essence 4. One Experience: Architecture + Landscape + Exhibitions 5. Intuitive Wayfinding: A.D.R.O.I.T. 6. Materials Matter, Down to the Details About Making the Museum: Making the Museum is hosted (podcast) and written (newsletter) by Jonathan Alger. This podcast is a project of C&G Partners | Design for Culture. Learn about the firm's creative work at: cgpartnersllc [dot] com Discover Making the Museum, the Newsletter: Newsletter subscribers are the first to hear about new episodes of this podcast. Join hundreds of your peers with a one-minute read, three times a week. Invest in your career with a diverse, regular feed of planning and design insights, practical tips and tested strategies — including thought-provoking approaches to technology, experience design, audience, budgeting, content, and project management. Subscribe here: makingthemuseum [dot] com